
4.2/523 評價
Checked into this hotel (spent 4 nights here) after spending 4 days at a more humble and further out of town hotel. No sooner had I checked in and strolled to the river bank (all of 20 metres away) I found my first rhino feeding without a care in the world some 100 metres away. It really did surprise me how placid this large beast was. I really enjoyed my time here and would regard the hotel as rustic, yet comfortable with the customer service being a standout. Some staff excelled, especially to the man who worked tirelessly at the restaurant from sunrise to well after sunset. The location is second to none. I had a room on the top floor which had extensive views over the river and well into the National Park. You will find some mixed reviews of this hotel however please keep in mind this is Nepal, a developing country with people just wanting to help you and give you every chance to experience their culture and most wonderful country. I would certainly recommend this hotel as a large room with ensuite and breakfast is very reasonable and certainly value for money.
4.3/511 評價
4.8/512 評價
3.6/516 評價
酷熱的下午一到酒店就有冰凍果汁和毛巾送到麪前, 頓感暑氣頓消,好感立升。 酒店剛新建半年, 攜程上居然沒有評論, 冒險訂了, 看來不會讓人失望。 路上標識不明顯,很多人不知道, 實際就在河邊, 離鎮上餐館林立的主路就2到3百米, 穿過幾戶人家兩分鐘就到。 周圍環境很好, 我們去的時候蘆葦茂盛, 窗檯看出去無敵蘆葦盪。 管理稍欠經驗,不過酒店人員都很努力的想做的更好, 不斷問我們的感受如何, 看着那麼多人圍着我們幾個轉, 是促成我這個從來不評論的人也寫這麼多的原因。 值得一提的是在酒店的導遊LAMA, 沒有定旅行社那種遊玩住宿套餐,Lama幫我們安排了第二天全程活動, 騎大象找野生動物, 獨木舟看鱷魚, 下午的越野車叢林探奇, 非常好的體驗, 他全程陪同講解。 價格也不錯, 8個人平均每人60多美元三個項目全包。夕陽下回到酒店陪着孩子們再去河邊的游泳池蹦噠撒歡,喝着啤酒看着彩雲慢慢消失, 你說感覺如何?😀😀😀
4.5/520 評價
4.2/526 評價
Very nice hotel very close to the Chitwan national park. The rooms are spacious and well equipped. We did a canoe and jeep safari with a guide called Babu. He is very knowledgeable and points out so many birds and animals you would normally not spot yourself. Also he tells you a lot of facts about the park and it’s history which makes the exploration with him entertaining as well as most interesting. What I would recommend the hotel to do: Provide 2 bottles of water just once in the beginning of a stay and then have the guests fill their bottles themselves at a water dispenser. That would be good for the environment and it would save costs for the hotel.



最高價格AUD 181
最低價格AUD 12
平均價格 (週末)AUD 45
平均價格 (平日)AUD 45