
4.1/5137 評價
4.4/5459 評價
4.3/5243 評價
4.1/555 評價
房間很普通。家具很醜。黑暗的浴室。而且馬桶座圈非常非常難看。還有黃色2。 段房價格昂貴。 工作人員友好而友善。 吹風機風很小。真的很糟糕。 對於高級客房,如果您想藉用吹風機,則需要支付頭期款。 dp沒問題。但房間內不提供吹風機。 房間相當寬敞。
3.8/574 評價
只有在節約了很多,才有必要在這間酒店預訂房間。在烏佈德有這麼多風景如畫的酒店... 我選擇了這個地方,因爲我在評論中讀到了關於一個很棒的互聯網。但是wifi信號卻是可怕的:不僅視頻電話不通,甚至連普通網站都幾乎都無法下載。完全失望。 優點: 中心位置和人人都很好.
4.5/544 評價
A very disappointing stay at this hotel. Issues started at check in and continued throughout our stay . Our family booked 5 rooms at the Alam KUL KUL and we all had issues with facilities and getting any action taken to address them . To start we visited the hotel in mid November 2023 to enquire about late checkout when we stayed in February 2024. The hotel reception were very pleasant in November and guaranteed that late checkout was easy and it was a great rate of 550.000 . The reception staff said that they had added the late checkout to our booking. When we arrived in February everything was different. First the reception staff questioned that we had visited in November and that we did not have late checkout added to our booking. They insisted that we name the hotel staff who we had spoken with in November. After much discussion we had the late checkout added but staff were less than friendly. Then they insisted we pay the extra money straight away. We said no problem but then my wife’s wise card wouldn’t work in their payment machine and staff kept insisting that the wrong pin was being entered. My wife had been using the card for the last 7 days in Bali with no issues. So I then gave them my wise card and was surprised when it wouldn’t work in their machine either. I also had been using my card daily in Bali with no issues. After much further discussion with hotel reception they said that we could pay at check out. We had already pre paid for all 5 rooms prior to this. On the day of checkout I received a request to contact reception as they had no records of us asking for late checkout. During several WhatsApp messages from reception they said that we had refused to pay for the late checkout and that we had stated that we would get it free. I was absolutely disappointed to receive these messages and we had never stated anything about free late checkout. The reception staff continued sending messages that were completely false statements. In reflection I think that the staff were trying to cover up the poor service lack of professionalism that they lacked. This were only a few of the small issues that arose during our stay . Our daughter and family had a mouse running around their room and it took staff 3 days to come and look at the room. There was never any offer to change rooms. Another family group had their air conditioning not working and it took 3 days for the hotel to address that issue . My wife ordered drinks during happy hour at the garden pool and when the bill came they wanted to charge full price and their staff stated that my wife had ordered room service! She was locked out of our room at the time because the electronic key kept failing. On 3 separate occasions I asked to speak with the hotel manager to see if we could get better communication and service. Unfortunately the manager was always unavailable, so can only assume that is where the problem starts . Too important or don’t care about hotel guests. Most of the hotels staff were extremely friendly and welcoming especially the restaurant staff. The Alam is a very old property in a very good location. The rooms have been renovated and beds are comfortable. After visiting Bali about 16 times and staying in many different hotels and villas this was our most disappointing stay in Bali. It’s a shame that the small issues kept coming and that the hotel were either trying to cover up or complacent about.
4.6/5268 評價
很好,乾淨衞生 服務:都還不錯,有洲際水平 環境:就在金巴蘭海灘的黃金地段,去大排檔的話就在隔壁,去四季吃飯走到頭即可。酒店自己有五個餐廳。就差日料和意大利餐廳沒有吃。另外三家中有兩家可以吃早飯,也可以中午單點 ,都不貴,洲際會員可以打八折。
皇家普爾納瑪豪華別墅 - 僅限成人入住
4.6/561 評價
酒店位置雖然有點偏,但對於我們這次出行後半程以玩酒店為主,這是無所謂的!仍舊訂購的是獨棟帶泳池的獨棟別墅,私密性相當高,早餐是點的,各式西式早餐非常符合我們的口味,第一晚的晚餐點了在房間裏吃,食物非常美味精緻,整整一桌,結賬時連所有費用加一起才5百多人民幣,第二天的晚餐在餐廳預訂了海鮮套餐,仍舊是美味而精緻的,吹着海風,聽着living music, 浪漫而温馨!廚師長還來到每一桌,介紹菜品,聽取意見,very nice!房間送了香檳🍾️,好喝!除了第一天送的歡迎水果,每天都有小點心送,很好吃😋!酒店獨有的黑沙灘,很特別,也很漂亮!總之,非常安靜非常私密,非常好!very like it!
4.4/5144 評價
4.7/553 評價
非常舒適的住宿,牀,枕頭,房間 - 一切都很棒!真可惜我們沒有使用巨大的浴缸 - 酒店甚至提供花浴服務。沿着寒冷的Sanur海灘區,位置優越,步行即可到達許多美食,購物和按摩場所。自助早餐很一般 - 我們沒有發現它那麼誘人。花了一段時間才把我們的咖啡和盤子清理乾淨,儘管工作人員很多。


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平均價格 (平日)NT$7,144
平均價格 (週末)NT$7,214