
4.2/570 評價
問候,在入住酒店期間,我覺得有必要寫一些積極和消極的東西。(+)酒店離市中心步行即可到達。據說酒店會保證滿足感的接待。最近有一些困難的情況,以Mehmet Altin名義的紳士爲我們提供了必要的指示。感謝賓客關係的Elif小姐,所有問題都已解決,我們收到了禮物。我是個整潔的人,所以我喜歡房間的清潔。這絕對乾淨。他們生產美味而豐富的食物。酒吧服務員多根·德米爾漢知識淵博,員工優秀!娛樂團隊逗我們開心,我們玩得很開心。有一條通往大海的隧道 我們有需要的時候,人們會來幫我們,給我們他們的支持。土耳其人很棒!(-)大堂酒吧人員需要接受培訓才能與客人交談!酒店沒有很多小吃。沒有足夠的躺椅。水上樂園只有一張幻燈片新年見,感謝大家的辛勤工作和保證!
4.2/5128 評價
Swandor Hotels & Resorts - Topkapi Palace
4.3/5127 評價
孩子們喜歡兒童俱樂部、滑水道和冰淇淋。 餐廳的食物有很好的選擇。 對我來說這裡太擁擠而且有點太吵了。 碼頭仍在建設中,您可以在海灘附近聽到並聞到它的味道。
4.7/585 評價
酒店距離機場20分鐘車程,到達酒店後,前台簡單介紹,但並不是很清楚。 餐廳開的主要是zestful就在主樓負一層,還有sandal restaurant(好吃),在靠近海邊的地方。 主樓外很大面積,有室外游泳池、水上樂園(冬天不開)、大草坪、沙灘海濱,還有親子區域,有遊戲機、桌球和乒乓。很適合有娃的家庭來此度假。 一日三餐都有安排,非常方便。足不出酒店,就能獲得很好的體驗和休息。 我們還體驗了搓澡和精油按摩,90分鐘125歐,這是他們能給的最優價格了。 mini golf需要預約和租球桿。 安塔利亞也在不斷翻修新建築,這裏未來應該會是很多遊客休假的躺平之選。
4.7/5174 評價
Magnifique hôtel pour un séjour en famille, excellente nourriture variée chaque jour avec du choix. Personnel accueillant et aux petits soins et une qualité de service extraordinaire, le ´roller boy’ toujours là pour nous servir au bord de la piscine. L’animation (activités et soirées) par Yupi et son équipe, est varié, pour tous les goûts On ne se lasse pas de la vue de la chambre côté mer qui est superbe.
4.5/563 評價
4.1/5141 評價
安塔利亞温德姆華美達酒店有以下一些特點和優勢: 1. 位置與交通: • 位置優越:酒店的地理位置較好,出行相對便利。距離安塔利亞機場僅14.9公里,駕車約23分鐘,對於需要來回機場的旅客來説比較方便。並且靠近一些著名景點,比如距離老城區、哈得良門較近,步行10分鐘左右即可到達,方便遊客遊覽觀光。 2. 酒店設施: • 房間設施:房間寬敞、乾淨、設施齊全,佈置類似國內酒店風格,給人熟悉感。房間內配備有熨斗、簡易晾曬桿等,甚至連陽台都有躺椅,方便客人休息和晾曬衣物,能很好地滿足客人的日常需求。 • 餐飲設施:早餐豐富多樣,選擇較多,能夠滿足不同客人的口味需求。在餐廳就餐時還能欣賞到美麗的景色,比如可以看到地中海
4.1/569 評價
Really it was perfect as cleansing and view of room is perfect just service not perfect And after 12 every thing closed As location it is perfect have a nice plaje Design and decoration for the hotel is unbelivable more then beautiful.
萬豪德爾塔飯店安塔利亞 拉拉 限成人
4.3/556 評價
we checkin this hotel for only 1night. but i didn't loved here. 好吧,我們在這家酒店僅僅住了一晚。但是酒店的整體態度讓我感覺和今天的天氣一樣。本次入住一共三個團,連桌子號碼都能搞混,角落房間內居然有根大柱子!最讓人不能容忍的是酒店房間內衛生間的“乾淨程度!”第一張圖是馬桶圈上不明的污漬!第二張圖是被子上的破洞,第三張圖是掀開馬桶圈發現的不明捲曲的毛髮。後面幾張是我很生氣想打開冰箱喝飲料看到的驚喜!另外房間內沒有熱水壺,茶包這些的基礎設施。簡直是贊哦!我想我下次自由行絕對不會選這家來住!而且不會推薦朋友來住!另外特別提醒,此酒店禁止外帶食水!網絡還行只要連上不會輕易掉線。房間也並未提供飲用水。前台無雨傘可借!我從頭到尾沒有看到這家酒店和它的星級做出一點拼配的配套!也看不到前面好評的原因!或許因為我們只是團隊入住!
4.3/520 評價
If I could rate 0 stars i would, I was really looking forward to my stay at this hotel, expecting a luxury experience, but it was incredibly disappointing. For a hotel that claims to be 5-star, the service and amenities fell well below expectations. The staff was unresponsive and seemed uninterested in guest comfort. Requests for extra towels and toiletries took too long to fulfil. Not the kind of service you'd expect from a “premium hotel”. This poor service was especially highlighted after experiencing a very unfortunate leak which looked like to be contaminated water in our room next to our beds. This leak was all over our clothes and left a disgusting smell. After reporting this issue this took very long to be resolved, and my family and I felt this was completed “brushed under the rug”. After we told them one of our family members with a health condition was feeling unwell and had to lie down and two of us are asthmatic there was STILL no urgency in concern in moving us to a safe area and had to wait in lobby for a long time. After waiting 2 hours we were offered a new room however upon entering the room I noticed dust on the furniture, and even a stray hair on the counter. Housekeeping clearly did not do a thorough job, and it made the room feel far from luxurious, this was also another thing which took too long to resolve. I appreciate this leak was not the fault of the hotel however, the service, lack of empathy and compassion was appalling. Please note when considering staying at this hotel has a policy of “no food from outside” this is included as any food deliveries. This is something they have not explicitly advertised on their website, as if it was, we would not have stayed in Renex. I have experience in travelling in many countries and staying in different 5-star hotels and I have never come across a policy like this in a “5 -tar” hotel. Overall, my experience at this hotel was far from the luxury stay I anticipated. It's marketed as a 5-star establishment, but in reality it’s not worth the money. It is very clear this hotel is very unfinished I would not stay here again, and I would recommend looking elsewhere for a truly upscale experience.


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最高價格AED 15,769
最低價格AED 188
平均價格 (週末)AED 1,941
平均價格 (平日)AED 1,873