
4.4/5751 評價
非常好的選擇,這次免簽政策後2周內,在2023年聖誕節前到了馬來西亞Ipoh, Weil 酒店 1. 酒店位置很好,大樓直通Ipoh最大的Mall, Ipoh Parade. 走路8分鐘有美食街夜市(大排檔、冰沙). 到火車站、二奶街都是10馬幣以內的grab 費. 出門左拐走路5分鐘有另外一條街道餐館不少,有一家很好吃的冰沙店Decori. 2. 無邊泳池🏊,高層,無敵風景. 3. 早餐的現做湯河粉很好吃(有獨特的爆香的炸葱加料). 不過作為五星級酒店,自助早餐的海鮮類少. 瑕不掩瑜😄 4. 推薦在樓下的Ipoh Parade 商場看一場馬來西亞電影,體驗太棒了,國內1/2的價錢
4.4/5244 評價
4.6/5398 評價
綠中海度假村 - 全球奢華精品飯店
4.5/5110 評價
My husband and I chose to have our honeymoon at Pangkor Laut Resort two days after our wedding, and it was the best trip of our lives so far. We had a good first impression of the resort even before we reached the resort. We had arranged in advance for land transfer from Ipoh airport to Marina Island Pangkor, and we thought to have the driver pick us up at 10am even though our flight landed at 8.30am (just in case we faced delays with our flight or at immigration) but we were surprised when he was already waiting for us when we landed at 8.30am. After a 1.5h road trip from the airport to the office, we were welcomed with a refreshing drink and towel, and was then escorted to PLR on a speedboat with one other couple (which made us feel special, haha). Upon arrival at the resort, we were again welcomed with a little refreshment and had a staff attend to us immediately, helping us to plan our itinerary for the rest of the week that we were staying there. As we were still early and the rooms were not ready, we had lunch at the Feast Village and then rested in the library, which was very cosy with a good selection of books (only downside was there were so many house lizards, though I am not sure if anything could be done to prevent them from coming). Our room at the Garden Villa was wide and spacious, and we received a congratulatory drink from the resort to celebrate our wedding as well. (It was a nice gesture, but nothing could compare to the attentiveness of the different staff we met over the week, who, upon noticing the henna stains on our hands, congratulated us warmly in person). We also loved that the Garden Villa was so near to the Feast Village and Uncle Lim's Kitchen, which we kept going back to for breakfasts, lunches and dinners, as the food options across the two kitchens were varied and more importantly, delicious. The service at the kitchens were also amazing - Chef Liza was so friendly and approachable that she made us feel at home, and Masum and Nadim went out of their way to make each dining experience feel special for us (such as seating us at places where we would have unobstructed views of the beach, and offering to take photos of us without us even thinking of it). Other experiences we had at the resort were going for the jungle walk, swimming at Emerald Bay and having lunch at Chapman's Bar, and yoga. However, our favourite activity on the resort was going for the spa experience. It was so refreshing and phenomenal, and truly, no other spa can beat PLR's spa. We were pampered from head to toe, and the different bath experiences set the spa apart from other spas out there. The staff were also so knowledgeable and generous with sharing what they know, that both my husband and I learnt so much about the natural ingredients used in our sessions. Definitely made the experience more meaningful and personal for us, and after a hectic wedding weekend, the spa made us feel well rested and rejuvenated. We also got a free room upgrad
4.4/548 評價
位置離城鎮有點遠(20-30 分鐘),但如果您想遠離繁忙的城鎮,這是一個不錯的選擇,因為這裡有許多設施(健身房、游泳池、自行車、高爾夫球)。您甚至可以使用餐具室(提供微波爐、電爐、鍋、碗和餐具)。這是一個短暫度假的好地方 肯定會再呆在那裡。
4.8/563 評價
I booked this hotel despite its price and location because I want to experience something different. Indeed it didn’t fail to wow me the moment I stepped in. This resort is very exclusive. The room is huge and it has a private hot spring tub and a mini pool. Exploring the resort is like a mini excursion which you get to see a crystal cave , cave cafe and cave restaurant. There is a Dr fish pond and an outdoor hotspring pool. There are also natural saunas and a cold water pond. You get free access to the Lost World of Tambun Theme Park but avoid Tuesdays cos the park is closed. I would stay here again the next time I visit Ipoh. We also love the Ala carte breakfast buffet which serves international breakfast. The local cuisines were so yummy. Staff are very polite and helpful. Well done Sunway!


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最高價格MYR 5,962
最低價格MYR 383
平均價格 (週末)MYR 1,368
平均價格 (平日)MYR 1,277