
3.4/536 評價
This is supposed to be a five star hotel? I honestly think they bribed the government to get the stars This hotel is not even 2 stars 1- : the weather was very hot and the AC was not working, we called several times and all response were someone will come and fix it till we checked out it wasn’t fixed 2- When we checked in we were told breakfast from 7-1:30 am we went down 10:00 and we were told we finished at 9:30!!! Because no one came to eat so we closed the buffet. 3- no toiletries in the hotel .. imagine you call the reception and she tells you go and buy one! 4- no tv channels in the tv 5- hotel is very outdated maybe like 20 years old or I think when Tunisia use to be part of the Moroccan kingdom 6- swimming pool was very dirty 7- 2 people had to share same towel in the room as they only provide ONE towel per room. If I will keep adding I won’t stop Finally advise: stay away and don’t book this hotel, the 2 star hotel downtown more cleaner and friendly than this one
2.5/521 評價
Bon emplacement tres calme loin de la ville, personnel attentionne au petit soins et bonne ambiance generale , belle chambre en troisieme etage avec vur sur piscine et mer. Hotel un peu vieux mais agreable.
Acqua Viva村
3.4/527 評價


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