
3.8/552 評價
Alexandria is down-at-heel, chaotic and dirty. The Cherry Maryski should be at oasis from that. However, Alex is rather wonderful, but unfortunately, the Cherry Maryski is not. The staff are unnecessarily process-driven (for example, ringing you up late every night, when you are asleep, to find out how your stay is) and slightly begrudging. Everything takes too long. Check-in was at least half an hour, for no apparent reason. The food is awful and overpriced. The carpets are threadbare. The walls are literally flaking off everywhere. The lifts smell of kerosene. The pool is sleazy. And the furnishings and rooms are very, very basic! It is not a four-star hotel. In fact, it is barely a two-star one. The only good thing I would say in its favour, is the view. It is in need of a complete refit and probably a change of ownership. Alex has great potential, as does the Cherry Maryski, but at the moment the hotel is not living up to it. At all…
3.6/598 評價
3.9/557 評價
My second visit, and I did not think it would be the last, in the most luxurious and wonderful restaurants in Alexandria, where the wonderful scenery overlooking the Mediterranean coast, the romantic sound of the violin, and the beautiful atmosphere of Alexandria I would like to sincerely thank all the restaurant staff for their cooperation and excellent service, especially Mr. Philip and Maryam for their good reception
4.3/5135 評價
4.3/557 評價
酒店地理位置非常優勢,位於市中心廣場,周邊吃飯、購物很方便;,離奎貝堡、亞力山大圖書館和龐貝柱、地下墓穴都很近,2公裏左;在交通方面,離MOHATTAT MISR火車站2公裏,樓下是WEST 長途汽車商的代理點。裝修古樸典雅,房間比較大。
3.8/542 評價


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