
5/549 評價
伊凡斯頓 I-80 舒適飯店
3.8/5101 評價
我們選擇這家康福客棧是因爲康福客棧的聲譽,免費WiFi和早餐,照明良好的停車場,而且因爲它離I-80很近。大堂很乾淨,GM Lorrie很熱情。如果我們住在不熟悉的酒店,我們通常在入住前要求查看房間,但我們有信心房間會和大堂一樣漂亮。打開房門時,我評論說房間的氣味很乾淨,但當我打開燈時,我首先看到的就是地毯上一個難看的污點,我嚇壞了。從門往對面牆看,整個地毯髒髒的,髒髒的。雖然房間看起來很乾淨,牀也不錯,但這毀了整個住宿。我不期望完美,但確實希望有一個我覺得舒服的房間。我們本應該要求換個房間,但我們在開車12個小時後感到疲憊,已經帶着行李安頓下來了。雖然聽起來很傻,我還是睡在襪子裏。第二天早上,當我和羅莉談起這件事時,她向我道歉,說地毯是今年冬天的更換計劃。我告訴她,如果我們在拖行李前知道地毯有多糟糕,我們就不會留下來了。如果有人給我們部分退款或善意的表示,我可能甚至不會離開這個評論。這不是對羅莉的批評,因爲我知道她只能做這麼多。故事的寓意:不要假設;要求看看你的房間。
2.6/5101 評價
傑克遜霍爾萬豪SpringHill Suites飯店
4.5/571 評價
3.7/5110 評價
3.6/5102 評價
4.1/5101 評價
4.2/5101 評價
4.1/5104 評價
夏延尼貝斯特韋斯特SureStay Plus飯店
4.1/5102 評價
I have been to this hotel before and had some issues, but nothing like a few months back where I had the most awful experience. . . or maybe I should say my lady friend who lives in Wyoming had the awful experience. She wanted to have me visit her and do something nice to me, so she reserved a room ahead of time with no issues. However, once she arrived ahead of me to check in and set the room up, the person at the front desk told her that she was on a blacklist and that they could not rent a room to her--- even though they had let her reserve it in the first place. She asked questions, but the person at the desk was quite rude to her and would tell her nothing. She is a Best Western member (and Sure Stay is covered under Best Western) and told them that. They simply indicated they did not care, and would tell her nothing about how she was on some black list, and more imporant, WHY she was on the list. They would give her no information. Obviously she was quite upset over this, but refused to let it ruin our weekend. Thankfully, the other Best Western in the town, when they heard what had happened, looked her up in their records and said she was NOT on any blacklist that they could see. They at the last minute were able to reserve her a room , as this all happened on the day I was travelling up to Cheyenne to meet her. She called me to divert me to the new hotel, and we met up there. To this day she has not been informed by anyone as to what she did to get on some blacklist, or if possibly I did something to have her on the list--- she always makes the reservation, but I tend to be the one who pays for the room. To me this is not only silly, but highly unprofessional as well to not let a customer who has been to the hotel more than once in the past know why they are no longer welcome. My lady friend appealed to the Best Western corporation as to what had happened, but was unable to find out why this wild situation occurred. She has since decided that she wants nothing to do with the Sure Stay hotel, and I fully concur with her decision. The hotel business is difficult enough without alienating your customers and not telling them what the problem was to begin with. As I go on Tripadvisor regularly, and get emails from them, though it has been last year that this happened to us, I have NOT forgotten it, and wanted to display my disappointment at Sure Stay for their behavior. Shame on them for their actions, and shame on them for almost ruining a celebration of one of their repeat customers!!


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平均價格 (週末)US$198
平均價格 (平日)US$189