
4.8/55 評價
B&b davvero molto carino, le camere spaziose e dotate di ogni comfort! Il proprietario, Roberto, super gentile, ospitale e pronto a fornire ogni consiglio per un soggiorno perfetto! Comodo come posizione per chi viaggia in auto e vuole spostarsi per la zona Nord-Occidentale della Sardegna. Consigliato!
4/575 評價
A lovely little hotel on the quieter side of Alghero. About 8 minutes’ walk to a small sandy bay, no facilities though and about another 30 minutes to the main beach. Make sure you walk far enough so you don’t smell the rotting sea****, which is a shame because it is a fantastic wide white sandy beach. The hotel room was spacious but minimal and the balcony was lovely and big. Breakfast was the same every day, but everything was fresh. Lovely staff throughout, the waitresses were always on hand if you needed anymore coffee and the reception staff were very helpful if we needed more pillows or coat hangers. We were asked throughout our stay if everything was ok, which it was until we came to check out. We had heard that there wasn’t any where to leave our suitcases, but this wasn’t the case, has we were told we could leave them behind reception, which was fine by us. As we had a late flight, we did ask if we could sit on the roof top terrace but were polity told, that has we were no longer residents we were not allowed up there anymore. We have travelled around Europe and never encountered this policy before, so decided to walk to the beach with beds as we knew there wasn’t anywhere to shower if we were sandy when we came back. On our return we were told we could change in the toilets in the TV room, but when we asked to buy a coffee while we were waiting for our taxi, this was also refused us because we were no longer residents!!! There are no close bars or cafes round this hotel. All I can say is, this did spoil our holiday and our experience of this hotel. If you have a late flight, perhaps this hotel is not the right place for you.
4.1/553 評價
The rooms were clean and spacious enough for two people. We really liked the location as it was central and close to everything, including the bus station. The bathroom was well equipped and even had a bidet. The staff was very helpful and they always tried their best to answer any questions we had. They even helped find contact numbers for parks we wanted to visit, and explained where to go. Breakfast was quite nice and had a nice selection of different foods and desserts every morning. The room seemed to always be warm, sometimes a little too warm. The only way to cool it down was through a window, though cooking smells from the restaurant next door would waft in. We would have liked it better if we had control over the air-conditioning in the room. We would have liked to have a kettle in the room for tea, but it wasn't a big issue since the hotel is surrounded by great cafés. We also ate dinner at the hotel, and though the food was delicious, it was a little pricey compared to the many restaurants in the vicinity. You might want to explore the area for more selection and possibly better prices for food. Overall, we had a lovely time and we look forward to visiting again. It was great value for our money, and it's a good place to stay if you want quick access to most of the interesting sites in the area.
4.4/511 評價
Struttura affittacamere ben gestita, ristrutturata, profumata e corrispondente alla descrizione. La nostra camera piccola ma molto carina, moderna, luminosa, nuova, con ampio terrazzo allestito, che garantisce privacy e comfort, a disposizione stendino, frigobar, aria condizionata e wifi tutto ben funzionante. Posizione perfetta: - ottimale per scendere a fare una passeggita dopo una giornata di mare, a pochi passi dal centro storico di Alghero, nonchè dal lungomare; - comodissima per la vicinanza della fermata autobus urbani ed extraurbani per aeroporto e spiagge (capolinea antistante la villa).. si evita così il rischio di non poter salire su bus, che arrivano solitamente stracolmi alle fermete successive!; - supermercato Coop nelle immediate vicinanze, nonchè negozi di frutta e verdura, accessori vari ed in via XX Settembre la migliore pasticceria di Alghero, Pasticceria Tarragona, dove poter fare una colazione divina! Propietari Claudia e Franco seri, gentili, sempre pronti a rispondere alle chiamate e disponibilissimi a fornire indicazioni, nonchè stuoia/ombrellone per il mare. Consigliata!
3.8/54 評價
Tutto piu' che ottimo, pochi giorni di vacanza , la stanza con balcone vista mare, la pulizia, la colazione veramente ottima, la disponibilità e la gentilezza del personale alla reception. Siamo stati molto bene, torneremo presto !!
R & D 飯店
4.3/59 評價
Esperienza positiva e che ha rispettato le aspettative. Camere spaziose con bagno privato. Strada un po' rumorosa e trafficata ma buonissima posizione rispetto al mare e al Centro di Alghero. Proprietari onesti e disponibili verso le esigenze dei clienti.
3.9/516 評價
4.4/541 評價
4.2/529 評價
Siamo stati ad Alghero tante volte e in tante strutture e posso dire finalmente di aver trovato il nostro posto!! Bella l’idea del check-in in autonomia, non ti vincola con l’orario di arrivo. La struttura è meravigliosa, la camera era perfetta con l’idromassaggio che l’arricchiva ancora di più. Massima pulizia e attenzione al dettaglio. Ben riscaldata. Ampia, luminosa. Con un prezzo adeguato all’ offerta. Il personale gentilissimo, la donna delle pulizie con il passo felpato di un gatto aveva già iniziato a pulire le stanze e non ci siamo resi conto di niente ( altre volte siamo stati svegliati in malo modo da rumori molesti di mobili e letto spostati). La colazione al bar accanto buona e con personale allegro e disponibile. TORNEREMO PRESTO
4/520 評價


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平均價格 (週末)NT$8,519
平均價格 (平日)NT$8,308