

4.2 /539條評論
A temple in Phoenix Mountain Scenic Spot of Zhangjiagang is very fragrant, but the temples are newly built. There are no relics of ancient buildings. You can come and pay a visit to it as you pass by. You can see it at will. The surrounding environment is good.


發佈日期:2017 年 9 月 2 日
2 人按讚
  • 穿白衬衣的薄荷星

    家港全域旅遊中有一塊區域叫鳳凰鎮,在鎮上可以泡溫泉、逛古街、爬鳳凰山,更有河陽山歌文化和令人瞠目的佛教寺廟——永慶寺。沒想到永慶寺竟然是我在鳳凰鎮旅遊中印象最深刻的一處,真的,入內后剛開始是謹小慎微,到後面就只剩“哇”了!⛰【一本正經介紹景點】永慶寺初建於東吳赤烏年間,南朝梁大同二年御史司陸孝本舍宅擴建,距今1700多年。歷史上永慶寺為南朝四百八十寺之一,曾與杭州靈隱寺、鎮江金山寺和蘇州寒山寺等齊名。💗推薦理由:寺中羅漢堂內有16尊羅漢像,“三絕”千年古檜、肉身菩薩和自然石井。進入一個又一個佛殿後會發現佛像越來越精緻、越來越震撼,記憶中有一尊佛像後方是一整面數百個羅漢築成的高牆,另有三尊釋迦牟尼佛像在大雄寶殿,旁側還有高聳的三面觀音像、九鳳壁和無數彌勒佛金塑像。我去的這天風好大,結果沒有聽到有“河陽十景”之稱的“曉寺鐘聲”,但聽到了文昌閣飛檐下的銅鈴聲,就算走遠了也一直回蕩在耳邊,叮鈴鈴、叮鈴鈴的還挺好聽。💰門票:20元(目前網上暫無售票,只能現場購買)購買門票後會免費贈予3支香,可用於天王殿前。🕙開放時間:07:00-16:30📍詳細地址:蘇州市張家港市鳳凰鎮鳳凰山南麓🚗交通攻略:鳳凰山景區有免費大巴從恬庄古街-河陽山歌館-永慶寺,可以乘坐免費大巴,也可以坐公交車226、213、231在永慶寺或永慶寺西站下車。📌小Tips:永慶寺 最好不要拍殿內佛像,寺內會有僧人定時上課,不要打擾到他們。寺內的色彩艷麗,拍出的照片會很有特色。

    發佈日期:2021 年 8 月 28 日
  • 十安L

    "Yongqing Temple Travel Notes" Ancient Yun - "Southern Dynasty 480 Temple, how many buildings in the smoke and rain. " Yongqing Temple is one of them. Yongqing Temple is located at the south foot of Fenghuang Shanxi in Zhangjiagang City. It was built in the years of Chiwu in East Wu. So far, it has a history of more than 1500 years. Hangzhou Lingyin Temple and Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang were equally famous. In front of the temple, a vermilion gate filled with a sense of age came into view, exuding a strong sense of simplicity, and the tall yellow wall added some stability and mystery to the temple. Stepping into Yongqing Temple, a breeze wrapped in aromatic vegetation gently passed, relaxed and happy. In the courtyard, the pattern of layout is scattered in different directions. No matter from which direction you look, it can form a picture. The first is the Heavenly King Hall, the first palace in Buddhist monasteries. The statue of Maitreya is enshrined in the center of the palace, sitting in front of the hall with a kind face. The ancient Ginkgo biloba on the west side of the temple was moved from the old site of Yongqing Temple. It has been more than a thousand years since then. It silently witnesses the vicissitudes of Yongqing Temple's history. Now it is a dead wood, with several gilded Buddha statues sitting on the top, where believers seek money. Then there is the Jade Buddha Hall, which is full of incense, vivid sculpture with its own characteristics, neat and uniform, dignified, giving people a sacred and inviolable sense of vision. When we came to the Buddhist Cultural Garden, we could see the overall pattern at a glance. Several golden Buddha statues in the garden were shining brilliantly under the sunshine, as if they were exuding the unique cultural charm of Buddhism. The commanding point in the garden is a statue of Guanyin carved from white jade of Han Dynasty, standing on the hillside. On the back wall are frescoes of Buddhist statues, vivid, neat handwriting, and a taste of Buddhist culture. Daxiong Palace is the core building of the whole monastery. It has great momentum and is also the place where monks concentrate on practicing in the twilight. The Buddha statues of Sakyamuni Buddha, our master, are worshipped in the hall of Daxiong. They are extremely luxurious. The statues around them are as solemn as the stars holding the moon. If Yongqing Temple is compared to a drawing, then I think the final Wenchang Pavilion is the finishing touch. Wenchang Pavilion is a nine-cornered three-storey pagoda-shaped building with three-storey eaves, unequal sides and nine corners, with many arches in each storey, curved fights and low warping angles. Its architectural style has local characteristics. The emperor Wenchang in the palace is the God of honor and position of scholars respected by Chinese people and Taoism. According to legend, Shi Naian once lived in seclusion in Wenchang Cabinet of Yongqing Temple and wrote "Water Margin" with relics. During the reign of Tianbao in the Tang Dynasty, Master Jianzhen, an eminent monk, made his last eastward journey to Japan to attend the temple. The Buddha said a sentence that I quite agree with - "life is made by oneself, life is created by one's heart, everything in the world is transformed; heart is fixed, everything is fixed, heart is unchanged, everything is unchanged. Li Cui

    發佈日期:2018 年 5 月 4 日
  • wand02

    Very clean, no one, interestingly, merit boxes can be paid by sweeping code, no longer need to worry about the lack of money. Ha-ha! There are many pigeons and peacocks in the doorway. I don't know what the purpose is.

    發佈日期:2017 年 12 月 5 日
  • 陈皮美


    發佈日期:2023 年 5 月 4 日
  • 峰行天下第一


    發佈日期:2021 年 2 月 25 日
  • forestwolf

    Yongqing Temple is located in Fenghuangshan, Zhangjiagang City. It was built in the years of Chiwu in East Wu. It has a history of more than 1500 years, and is one of 480 temples in Southern Dynasty. In the second year of Liang Datong (537 AD), it was expanded by Lu Xiaoben's house, which became famous. The temple is built with the Temple of Heavenly King, Maitreya, Daxiong Palace, Guanyin Palace, Three Saints Palace, Dongyue Temple, Guansheng Palace, Wenchang Pavilion, Tibetan Sutra Tower, Luohan Hall and Jinxiantanyuan, which are holy places for Buddhist pilgrimages to attend school. There are 16 statues of Arhat in the temple hall, which is the relative sculpture of Yang Huizhi, a famous statue of Tang Dynasty (half of the second Hall in the south of the Yangtze River). There are dozens of scenic spots inside and outside the temple, as well as the thousand-year-old birches, Bodhisattvas and natural stone wells known as "Sanju". In the twelfth year of Tang Tianbao (754 A.D.), the monk Jianzhen made his last eastward journey to Japan. At the invitation of Changda, the abbot of Yongqing Temple, he went to the temple to attend rituals before boarding a boat to Japan from Huangsipu.

    發佈日期:2017 年 10 月 2 日
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