

4 /5125條評論
There are many visitors. If you look carefully, you can understand the history and culture of Yazhou and Hainan. The renovation of a new South Gate is the only relic of Yazhou ancient city that survived several disasters. The restored Nancheng Gate is arch-shaped, ochre-red, and the doorway stacks are all old-fashioned. The three characters of Menbei "Civilization Gate" are the grindstone inscriptions of the Qing Dynasty, and the handwriting is clear as before. After the restoration, a two-storey pavilion-style prism house, Civilization Building, was added to the South gate, which was integrated with the city gate to make it more magnificent and magnificent. Yacheng Xuegong, or Yacheng Confucian Temple, is said to have been built in the four years of Qingli in the Northern Song Dynasty (A.D. 1044). During the Song, Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties, it underwent more than a dozen migrations and renovations. Qingdaoguang relocated the site in 1832, which has a history of more than 960 years. Ancient Yazhou Confucian Temple, Xionglaizhou City, situated in the north and south, took Aoshan (Nanshan) as the arch direction, opened the "Civilization Gate" as the mountain gate, symmetrically arranged along the central axis, forming a palace-style building complex. It is the southernmost state-level Confucian temple in China that implements the national sacrificial ceremony system. After the Republic of China, the Confucian Temple no longer had the old function, the military disaster was recovered, the buildings were mostly abandoned, ritual and musical sacrificial instruments were scattered. By 2003, only the main building Dacheng Hall, Jiantai, East and West, Dacheng Gate remained. Centuries of disrepair, damage and denudation, incomplete, gradually lost its original appearance. Since 2003, the local government has made many repairs to Yacheng Xuegong, forming the present situation. Today, the school palace covers an area of 6798 square meters, with a building area of about 1530 square meters. The whole school palace is sitting in the north and facing the south, with symmetrical combination of palace-style buildings. Academic Palace takes the leading part of Aoshan Mountain as the arch, and the main buildings are arranged in a straight line from south to north along the axis of Confucian Temple "Temple" in order of Civilization Gate, Sutra Pavilion, Shaoshitu Archway, Wanji Palace Wall, Zhaobi Wall, Fengxing Gate, Xianchi, Panqiao, Dacheng Gate, Tianzitai, Dacheng Palace and Chongsheng Temple (Back Hall).


發佈日期:2019 年 2 月 13 日
2 人按讚
  • 妮娜北京


    發佈日期:2022 年 5 月 10 日
  • 妮娜北京


    發佈日期:2022 年 4 月 17 日
  • 妮娜北京

    崖州學宮位於崖州古城內, 始建於北宋慶曆四年(1044年)。歷經宋元明清若干次重修,道光三年(1823年)遷建於此。目前建築為2009年在原址上重修建。

    發佈日期:2022 年 4 月 11 日
  • WillSum

    最南面的古城 保留了一定的歷史痕迹 隨着環島高鐵西線的開通 拉近了距離

    發佈日期:2023 年 8 月 27 日
  • Aurora_Rice_Ball

    Unfortunately, in the renovation and maintenance of Yazhou ancient city gate, the viewing area of the ancient city is greatly discounted. At present, the most famous scenic spot open to the outside world is Yacheng Xuegong, which is a free scenic spot, located in Paifang Street. It is the highest University in ancient Yazhou, and also the southernmost Confucian temple in China. It can be called the "Tianya First Temple". The whole school palace is sitting in the north and facing the south, with symmetrical combination of palace-style buildings. In the temple, Dacheng Hall, Civilization Gate, Holy Temple and Sutra Pavilion are built. Weixing Gate, usually set up in front of Confucius Temple, symbolizes that Confucius can be compared with Tianzhenxing, which enlightens in the sky. The grandeur and solemnity of the gate is the only way for students to pass through, which makes people feel dignified instantly. Located in front of the gate, Panchi thought that "Pangong Pool" was the symbol of official learning. Dacheng Palace, the main building for sacrificing Confucius, is also the core building of the Academic Palace. After entering the palace, you can no longer take photos. There are some inscriptions and paintings left over from the Qing Dynasty on the eaves. Yazhou ancient city may also be unable to escape the fate of the fading, the ancient city has almost disappeared in modern architecture, the remaining old street is only 100 meters, the only few remaining walls, ancient dwellings are also swaying in the wind and rain, the city is not that city, and look at and cherish. Owing to the aging and weathering of the houses, the old street's arcade buildings have been severely peeled off and not repaired and decorated, which shows the vicissitudes of life.

    發佈日期:2016 年 4 月 28 日
  • 叮叮走天下

    崖州古城,是中國最南端的一個古城, 不需要門票,但是這裏的建築還是整體上還是保留了宋代的風格,這裏還有一條美食街,有甜品,抱羅粉,后安粉等很多好吃的。三亞市區過來有很多公交車抵達,建議早點來,這樣的話,你還有時間去南山文化旅遊區,一天之內可以搞定。

    發佈日期:2020 年 4 月 9 日
  • 萨沙71

    崖州古城,即現海南省三亞市崖城鎮,位於三亞市西40多公里處,自南北朝起建制崖州,宋朝以來歷代的州、郡、縣治均設在這裏。今天的崖城,以其悠久的歷史和繁多的名勝古迹而成為海南旅遊勝地。 海南建省辦大特區后,崖州城的城門已修繕一新,顯得雄偉壯觀,中外遊客川流不息。在崖城還有聞名海內外的風景區大小洞天,其形如巨鰲,枕海壁立,峰巒竟秀,林木重疊,山奇石怪,千姿百態,綠榕垂蔭,紅豆如星,泉清似醴。

    發佈日期:2023 年 4 月 20 日
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