

4.8 /55539條評論
The first stop in Los Angeles is to play Universal Studios, because it is the peak season, so I chose to avoid queuing tickets. It has proved too wise. We went to play on Monday, August 8, with a crowd of people. Looked at the strategy ahead of time, they all said some scattered, after entering, there is still some confusion, I do not know which direction to go. So I sorted out the route for reference. After entering the ticket gate, go straight ahead. The service center in front of you is a place where you can exchange star cards without queuing tickets. Only when you have star cards can you play smoothly. 1. Eat breakfast: before playing, solve the problem of eating. After entering the gate of the ticket-checking entrance, walk straight ahead to the service center. On the right side, there is a shop with scrambled eggs and shredded potatoes in the cake (see the picture below). It is very suitable for Chinese taste. If the amount of food is not large, two people will order one. 2. Play facilities location: 1. The Road next to this breakfast shop is the Water World. Water World has performance time. We can arrange time to watch it in the afternoon. The performance of Water World is super wonderful. Don't miss it! 2. Facing the customer service center, go to the left. The first is the zombie hall. It's scary. Don't go in without psychological endurance. Moving forward is 4D Xiaohuang. It's fun. 3. Go further along the road and you will find the elevator down the hill. There are very hot Transformers. The torrent is very funny. The splashing water is not so big. There is no need to save the bag. The Mummy Returns uninteresting and thrilling. There are only three items under the hill. 4. Walk along the road after going up the hill. There is an elevator on your left hand. You can visit the movie city by touring bus without queuing tickets. The first half is not very interesting. The second half is very exciting. It has the effect of flooding. It also opens a cave to experience the battlefield of guns. 5. Walking along the road, the other Simpson 4D is not bad. Shrek is a monster. The movie is not brilliant and has no characteristics. Both special effects and animal performances have performance time. These two times are very close. We abandoned animal performances and watched special effects performances at that time. It's quite good. It's not interesting to watch animal performances at the fence after the end of the show. 6. At last, when we saw the old castle, we arrived at Harry Potter. It was estimated that the opening time was not long. There were no other scenic spots in place. There was no channel guide at the entrance, and the staff did not remind us to deposit bags. After entering, we found that queue-free and ordinary tickets were different channels. Everyone began to change again, and soon arrived at the playground. The staff said no bags, many people only had to go in. Can give up. But it's very interesting. 360 spins don't feel dizzy. Like an amusement facility roller coaster, I dare not play, but I'm not afraid of the Universal Studio project. 3. Cold drinks: The street where Harry Potter goes out sells butter beer. It's very delicious. And all kinds of ice cream are delicious. After going out, there is a pedestrian mall on the left, so you can have dinner.


發佈日期:2016 年 8 月 22 日
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    打電話給所有的電影愛好者和尋求刺激的人!好萊塢環球影城是任何想要一個充滿好萊塢魔法的行動一天的必去之地。這個主題公園不僅僅是騎行–,它是一種沉浸式體驗,將令人興奮的景點與幕後觀看真正的工作電影工作室融合在一起。標誌性的Studio Tour是一個很棒的起點。您將登上電車,穿過後場,在那裏您將面對面地觀看電影集,體驗模擬洪水和地震等特殊效果,甚至遇到像香港或淘氣的小妞這樣的標誌性人物!準備在羅紀世界騎行中浸泡–是一場溼的野生冒險,保證讓你笑。對於腎上腺素癮君子,世界著名的可鄙的我迷你混亂和木乃伊的止痛復仇–騎行不是要錯過了。這些高科技的運動模擬器將讓你旋轉,飆升,躲避淘氣的小妞或討厭的疤痕。神奇日提示:提前在線購買門票,以節省時間和金錢。下載好萊塢環球影城應用程序,查看等待時間,顯示時間表,並計劃您的一天。好萊塢環球影城是一個夢幻般的主題公園體驗,爲每個人提供一些東西。無論您是死硬的電影迷,尋求刺激的人,還是隻是尋找有趣的家庭郊遊,這個地方都保證爲您留下持久的回憶。#好萊塢冒險 #環球影城好萊塢 #主題ParkFun #CaliVibes

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