

4.6 /569條評論
By far the best place in Rome to stay and live amongst the locals. The food options were the best in Rome and far less expensive than touristy areas if you can stumble your way through the translator. Very few people spoke much English, but they were very friendly and made us feel at home. Your best bet if you are not staying in Trastevere is to take a cab and then wander around looking for non-English menus and where the locals are eating.


發佈日期:2011 年 12 月 13 日
  • Ontour


    發佈日期:2023 年 12 月 6 日
  • _TS***4k

    如果您正在尋找一個在羅馬住宿的地方,請從古樸而充滿靈魂的Trastevere羅馬區看。這個具有偉大夜生活的大氣社區位於提伯河西岸,因此它的名字(tras =橫跨,tevere =提伯)。白天非常安靜,令人愉快地遠離人羣和城市的喧囂,但位置便利,步行即可到達歷史中心,梵蒂岡城和西班牙台階。電車8將帶您到威尼斯廣場,從那裏它只是跳到Capitoline Hill,羅馬論壇,鬥獸場等。雖然不再隱藏這個村莊 - 像社區真的是寶石。迷宮般的鵝卵石街道非常適合漫無目的的散步,拍照,只是沉浸在氛圍中。晚上,它的許多時尚雞尾酒酒吧,酒吧和餐館開門,遊客和當地人擠滿了街道和小的,親密的廣場。Trastevere 並不缺乏旅遊景點。最美麗和最古老的教堂之一位於 Trastevere 的中央廣場 - 聖瑪麗亞在 Trastevere。內部是一個相當壯觀的中殿,由21個古羅馬柱子持有,而黃金馬賽克可以追溯到12世紀的牆壁。另一個值得你花時間的教堂是Trastevere的Santa Cecilia,建在古老的房屋上,其中一個可能屬於聖人。Janiculum Hill非常適合日落漫步,並提供羅馬的美景。Trastevere的街道上排列着偉大的trattorias,其中一個是聖卡利斯托廣場的Cave Canem。美味的披薩和意大利麪價格實惠。晚飯後,步行一小段路到Tiramisu Trastevere,這是該市最好的地方之一,可以品嚐這個著名的意大利甜點。

    發佈日期:2019 年 9 月 15 日
  • 长空一残月🌙

    從羅馬市中心的鮮花廣場(Campo del Fiori)地區穿過一條河就到了。 狹窄的街道上有餐館、酒吧和商店。 有幾個特別的景點可以看,但主要是一次愉快的漫步。

    發佈日期:2023 年 8 月 3 日
  • 5/5極好

    I love this area of Rome but I wish we had more time to spend there! We went there for lunch before going to the Colosseum and not many places were open. Regardless, we had a wonderful time strolling through the streets. It was pretty quiet and so beautiful. I can see why this area is quickly becoming a more popular place for people to stay when they come to Rome. We didn’t get to eat there, but I’ve heard Dar Poeta is a great place for pizza!

    發佈日期:2018 年 5 月 25 日
  • 5/5極好

    A small charming neighborhood on the other side of Tiber River. It is popular for its small restaurants serving good local food. It's where locals go and some tourists in the know. Still, it is more local than touristy and you can find authentic Roman food at cheap rates. The winding narrow cobbled streets are always great for a stroll.

    發佈日期:2017 年 11 月 25 日
  • 5/5極好

    The medieval area of Rome, full of life, history, and nice restaurants. Trastever is small neighnourhood with narrow streets, hidden fountains and churches, small shops and great dining locations. Here you can get a real feel for actual not-so-touristy Rome

    發佈日期:2017 年 7 月 20 日
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