

4.5 /538條評論
The scenery should feel ordinary to the children in mountain villages. They often see it, but for us from big cities, it's a surprise. We actually enter from Xiazhang village, which is an export. Xiazhang Village is the hermitage of Mo Yan's ancestors. Before he won the prize, Mo Yan came here to search for his ancestors, but the villagers were more simple and did not take it as a selling point. Xiazhang Village has a lot of farm music, you can eat here. To get tickets into the scenic spot, the administrator cares very much - ""Have you had lunch, have you taken an umbrella, and will be wet by the waterfall. " We all rushed into the scenic spot without doing it. Because it rained two days ago, Baiyun Waterfall is very big, no accident, was soaked, then understand the administrator's good reminder. It took two hours to get to the entrance of the scenic spot - "dolomite, and then take the time to return to the original road. So I asked the import administrator - "whether there is a car to take us to Xiazhangcun parking lot," The result was that one of the administrators drove a motorcycle to LG and refused to accept thanks. Thank.


發佈日期:2015 年 8 月 17 日
6 人按讚
  • Trish-Cat

    我們從古村一路走下來到白雲岩景觀,有玻璃橋和玻璃懸索橋以及滑梯,我們爲橋和懸索橋支付了149 p.p.我們喜歡玻璃橋。該網站還有2個瀑布,很棒!其餘的風景都還可以。

    發佈日期:2021 年 2 月 20 日
  • tiger-king


    因為下了幾天雨 景區的瀑布非常美麗 人也不多 一路走來都是純粹的大自然的聲音 非常好的一次經歷 景區不是很大 我是從白雲岩入口進 下樟古村出 然後一路沿車道回去的白雲岩入口 要是有擺渡車就完美了

    發佈日期:2019 年 6 月 3 日
  • M25***27


    發佈日期:2019 年 5 月 27 日
  • M22***40

    白雲岩景區在龍泉下樟古村邊,宋朝詩人管師復隱居的地方。恭弘=叶 恭弘紹翁故居也距此不遠。下樟村,因村口的千年古樟得名,村子云山環抱,有保存完好的明清古建築,村後為白雲岩,茂林修竹,奇石飛瀑,山高谷深,曲徑通幽。據說北宋宋徽宗曾在此避難。管師復曾向當時的仁宗皇帝描述這裏:“滿塢白雲耕不盡,一潭明月釣無痕”。從白雲岩的玻璃棧道俯瞰景區全景,宛若人間仙境一般。

    發佈日期:2022 年 12 月 7 日
  • Nono不减肥

    Dolomite is composed of 26 small stations, two waterfalls, three pools of living water and several pavilions, which are constructed with great care. I walked through Yandang Mountain, but I found that although dolomite is not famous for Yandang Mountain, it is more simple and spiritual than Yandang Mountain. There are no strange mountains and dangerous peaks, but it has dense forests, deep paths and long streams that clatter more than half way. It is very wonderful. Even in such a winter day, the green moss on the mountain road is lovely. In addition to several stations at the end of the mountain road are relatively high, crawling more tired, the rest are flat roads, intensity of one star, very relaxed. The end of the journey is Xiazhang Village, named after the thousand-year wild camphor tree at the entrance of the village. In Longquan dialect, Ye and Xia are homonyms, so the small village is named Xia Zhang Village. As soon as the village arrived in the depression, the sun was setting and smoke curled up. It was very beautiful. There are many houses in the small village. It is also worth staying here for a night and feeling the quiet countryside. The original look of the scenic spots that have not been trampled by tourists is really beautiful.

    發佈日期:2017 年 2 月 21 日
  • 300***06

    The origin of the name of dolomite, the connotation and charm of dolomite, when the poem from Mr. Moyan's ancestors "endless white clouds in the dock, no trace in a pool of bright moon fishing", the administrator reused Baiyun and bright moon to show his unwillingness to be bound and noble feelings, and the poem quot of Tao Hongjing, the prime minister in the mountains; what is in the mountains, there are many dolomites on the mountains. You can only be happy with yourself, but you can't send a gift to you. The scenic spot is very close to Longquan City. It can be reached by bicycle for 20 minutes, but it can give people a feeling of being away from the noise. In fact, the scenic spot is a small canyon, clear flow, emerald compelling. From Baiyun Waterfall to Xiazhang Village, a peach garden in the world, the village is small and not very old, but it can make you feel relaxed, as if you find your quiet heart.

    發佈日期:2016 年 7 月 7 日
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