

4.6 /566條評論
When I retrieved it before, I thought that the ancient city wall of Shanghai refers to the foundation at the Renmin intersection of Luxiangyuan Road. Looking at the picture, I found that it was Dajingge. This section is indeed the last part of Shanghai's existing relatively complete city wall, from the bricks can see many traces of repair in the late Qing Dynasty. Shanghai's ancient city wall was 9 miles long, but because it was built by the people, it is incomparable with that of Nanjing and Xi'an.


發佈日期:2018 年 11 月 8 日
1 人按讚
  • 霞光升起

    上海從前有座園林叫“露香園”,此園位於上海老城廂露香園路附近,它與豫園、日涉園合稱“明代上海三大名園”。據記載,露香園建園甚早,在明嘉靖時就有(早於豫園),是進士人家的大院,也是著名的明代顧綉發源地。但在短短不到200年的時間,卻從一邑勝景淪為荒煙蔓草之地,史籍中關於它的記載非常有限,但它卻留下了諸多傳奇。明代嘉靖中恭弘=叶 恭弘,有一位叫顧名儒的,在城北黑山橋處購得土地,共計九畝,興建私家園林,稱“萬竹山居”,這個地方也俗稱“九畝地”。其弟顧名世考中進士,也購進與其兄相鄰的土地興建花園,據說在挖地時,曾挖到一塊元代書法家趙孟頫所書之“露香池”碑,所以取名為露香園。顧名世建園時引進了北方優良桃樹種,在園內植桃、產桃,所產的“露香園水蜜桃”一時成為上海桃子上品。另外,他的孫媳韓希孟善於繪畫、刺繡,其綉法出自內宮,她將絲線劈為單股,再分別染色,所刺繡品與畫相近,故被稱作“畫綉”,因出自顧家,又被叫作“顧綉”。“顧綉”名揚天下,為當時全國具有特色的幾大刺繡之一。明朝末年,顧氏家族漸漸衰落,露香園也隨之“台榭漸傾,園林亦廢”。後來直到清道光年間,由上海知縣黃冕動員士紳們捐款,重修露香園。重修時把原來的“萬竹山居”也併入園中。鴉片戰爭期間,上海為加強海防而設立火藥局,火藥倉庫就建在露香園內,1842年4月18日,火藥倉庫突然爆炸,露香園被夷為平地,此園遂廢。1911年2月,在“萬竹山居”的舊址上蓋起了萬竹小學(1922年,蔣經國曾在此就讀過),也就是今天的實驗小學,這也是上海的第一所市立小學,1977年被確定為全國重點小學。露香園有着厚重的歷史積澱,這片充滿傳奇色彩的土地,幾經沉浮,最終融入老城廂的歷史靈光中。而今昔人已故,實物不復存焉。現在的露香園除了保留一處地名外,沒有任何痕迹留存。老城廂露香園路原來人口密度非常高,2002年底,露香園地塊拆遷工作正式啟動。今天的露香園路已經成為高端住宅區,建造了有點異國情調的新建築,並蓋起了一棟名字也叫“露香園”的豪宅,或許是告慰顧家,當年這裡是豪宅,今天依然也是豪宅吧。但街道上冷冷清清,原本擁擠、摻雜、喧鬧的市井煙火氣已經蕩然無存,只是在露香園路人民路口,還保留了一段幾十米的古城牆,也許通過近距離的觸摸古城牆,才能感受到露香園前世今生的歷史印記吧。

    發佈日期:2022 年 2 月 8 日
  • 龟龟0901

    Ancient city wall, an unexpected existence, read Mr. Chen Yu's microblog, only to know that there are many sections, I saw this section in the people's road, beside the ancient wall coffee. Ancient and modern times do not violate the feeling at all.

    發佈日期:2018 年 12 月 20 日
  • 京极町赵普


    發佈日期:2018 年 1 月 1 日
  • 玛雅使者

    Shanghai Minhang Baolong Emmy Hotel, 1. The receptionist's attitude is poor. He flies to Shanghai from Shenzhen at three o'clock in the evening. The waiter plays with himself without any guidance. When asked, it was as rigid as if I owed her millions. 2. To the room, a little taste, endure, too tired, quickly rest. 3. Get up the next morning, wash the dishes and find no slippers. Contact the front desk for help and send it to me. After I wash it, blow my hair, lie in bed and rest until I check out. Management problems, staff quality and communication efficiency can be seen. 4. Quickly change to another hotel and stay in so many big hotels, which makes me feel too bad. I'll comment everywhere to see if I can dispel my resentment.

    發佈日期:2018 年 1 月 29 日
  • 231***19

    The ancient city wall of Shanghai was built in Jiajing period of Ming Dynasty to defend against Japanese aggressors. In the area of Xiaobeimen Dajie Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai, you can see a ruined temple site and decadent remains of the city wall, which is a section of the ancient city wall of Shanghai that has been preserved. In retrospect, we can know the history of Shanghai "building a city" and "demolishing a city". The trench around the city is more than 150 feet long, 6 feet wide and 1 feet 7 feet deep. It runs through the Huangpu River outside, rivers and banks inside and across the lake tides. Since then, the Japanese invaders have repeatedly attacked the city, but they have never been able to invade the city. It can be seen that the walls of the Ming Dynasty maintained the safety of Shanghai, reflecting the wisdom and superb architectural skills of the ancient working people.

    發佈日期:2017 年 12 月 12 日
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