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發佈日期:2020 年 1 月 25 日
  • yangnizi

    以色列東北部多是綿延的山地,雖不甚巍峨,卻林木蔥蘢。山腳下一泓湛藍的湖水,泛着粼粼波光映入人們的眼帘,那便是加利利湖。 加利利湖是通用的英語稱呼,阿拉伯人管它叫“太巴列湖”,因為湖的西側是著名的旅遊城市太巴列,猶太人則稱它為“肯納瑞特湖”,意為豎瑟,因湖形酷似豎瑟。加利利的旖旎風光一向為人稱道。這裏,晨昏晴雨不同,湖光山色各異,吸引着熙攘不絕的四方遊客流連忘返。

    發佈日期:2019 年 12 月 22 日
  • 小甜游世界

    The Sea of Galilee, the lake of life in Israel, is the lowest freshwater lake in the world. There are many stories about Jesus in his second homeland and Bible, where Christians from all over the world came to be baptized. Tilapia abounds in the name of St. Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus. It is named "St. Peter's Fish" after the outer Jiaolinen, which also meets the Kosher standard for Jewish food.

    發佈日期:2019 年 2 月 21 日
  • 欲飞的鸟

    Lake Galilee is the largest freshwater lake in Israel, with a total area of 166 square kilometers and a maximum depth of 48 meters. Because the lake surface is 213 meters below sea level, it is also the lowest freshwater lake on the earth and the second lowest Lake in the world (the lowest Lake in the world is the Dead Sea). The water source of Lake Galilee is from the Jordan River. It is called Ginnereth in the Old Testament and is named after it in the New Testament. Because of its good climate, flat terrain, abundant water resources and fertile land, Lake Galilee has been a breeding ground for all ethnic groups since ancient times. According to the excavated relics, Canaanites (Cuban Palestinians) lived here before 2000 A.D. Lake Galilee has a close relationship with Jesus - "Jesus preached here at the beginning, Jesus came back to the lake after his resurrection, and helped his loyal disciple Peter catch 153 fish in his net, so there are 153 kinds of fish in Lake Galilee. One of them is called " Peterfish " which is actually what we call "tilapia". Nowadays, boat sightseeing activities are popular among local residents. On the cruise ship, you can see the Golan Heights in the distance.

    發佈日期:2018 年 11 月 8 日
  • 狮子国女王

    Lake Galilee, the same lake as the Jordan River, is a long and slender lake. It is also called Lake Taibale locally. It has a clear blue lake. The lakeside scenery is very beautiful. This Lake produces a kind of fish, which is roasted locally, so it also forms a local specialty - "roast fish. Tourists here have to taste the roast fish. We were sailing up the lake. The captain raised the five-star red flag for us, which made us very proud.

    發佈日期:2016 年 11 月 14 日
  • 沪飘

    A boat tour of Lake Galilee in northeastern Israel has a lake covering 170 square kilometers, 21 kilometers long and 12 kilometers wide. It is known as the second home of Jesus. On the evening of July 30, 2016, I lived near Lake Galilee. At 6 o'clock, I went to swim in the lake. A natural swimming place. The local people took their families to soak in water. On the other side of the lake, the Golan Heights were the main battlefield of the Middle East War. The barren mountains and barren mountains were quiet and silent. I watched them silently. At 6:10 a.m. on Sunrise Golan Heights, the grey clouds first pressed on the Golan Heights, then the clouds turned red, and finally the red sun climbed up the Golan Heights in a round, reflecting itself into Lake Galilee. The quiet water of the lake was covered with a golden color. The Sun Bulletin told me - "No more gunfire, no more fighting, man, no more fighting. Boarding the lake at 10 o'clock, a wooden boat, 19 Chinese chartered for an hour. The owner of the shipping company led us to the boat, with a yellow advertisement and a picture of Lake Galilee behind it. I invited him to take a picture and take a picture of him in the back. The Israelis really know how to do business. They say there is a flag-raising ceremony to raise the Chinese flag before the ship starts. I was chosen as a flag bearer and gave me a captain's hat. In the national anthem, I slowly raised the five-star red flag with the flag rope in the bow, and the final flag was at the top. The whole group of donkey friends had a machine, took videos and took photos, and had a good time. A small idea, the ship did not add much cost, but let the guests really happy, value-added services, smart business marketing. There was no wind, no waves, no natural scenery. The crew performed the Biblical story of quot; Peter's fishing quot; the Bible records that the earliest sermon of Jesus was by Lake Galilee, and a fisherman was named Peter after he was accepted as a disciple. After his resurrection, Jesus appeared by Lake Galilee, fished with fishermen and had breakfast by the lake. For more than an hour, the crew also sang a Chinese song for us, taught us to hand in hand to dance Israeli customs. Before the end, I volunteered to sing a Suzhou ballet "Butterfly Love Flower" for the enthusiastic Israeli crew and new donkey friends.

    發佈日期:2016 年 8 月 23 日
  • nj荇菜


    發佈日期:2023 年 3 月 11 日
  • nj荇菜


    發佈日期:2022 年 6 月 16 日
  • 198581x


    發佈日期:2022 年 3 月 31 日
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