

4.6 /5104條評論
In March, following the footsteps of spring, we went to a drunken feast thousands of miles away (3), "Qingming Bridge" which is the oldest, largest and most complete single-hole stone arch bridge on the Wuxi ancient canal. It was built in the Ming and Wanli years and has a history of more than 400 years. Historically, the emperors of Kangxi and Qianlong made many Southern tours through Qingming Bridge. A Bing, a famous folk artist, also played erhu skillfully at the bridge. Standing on the bridge, watching the ancient canal under Wuxi's foot, enjoying the unique life painting of Jiangnan Waterfront, savoring the cultural relics of the ancient canal for thousands of years. "Qingming Bridge" is a must-miss place to visit the ancient canal in Wuxi.


發佈日期:2018 年 4 月 12 日
2 人按讚
  • Oldmengshit


    發佈日期:2023 年 2 月 19 日
  • 元宝神游四海


    發佈日期:2022 年 12 月 14 日
  • 郭润龙浪迹天涯

    20220904晚上:1、“清名橋”位於4A景區“清名橋古運河”內,景區公交直達,開車也很好停,入園免費。景區北門“運河古邑”的高大牌坊高大莊嚴地矗立着。2、清名橋在古運河和伯瀆河交叉口。景區很簡單,運河兩側各有一條南北向步行街構成主體,夜景尤其迷人,而且彩燈顏色會定時變幻。各類商鋪應有盡有,其中賣花燈的商鋪顏值較高,五彩繽紛的閃亮花燈樣式,在我近期周遊全國各大夜市時未曾見過。在橫跨運河的“大公橋”和“清名橋”上能拍到兩岸燈火通明、群燈璀璨的繁榮景象,遊船像流星劃過河面。每條跨越景區的立交橋橋洞也不寂寞,有的塗有彩繪壁畫,是小資情調拍照點;有的是商鋪街,頭上車輪滾滾橋下熙熙攘攘,現代與古代的氣息交織,也是景區的一大亮點。3、人文景觀集中在運河南部分叉點位置,有幾個窯的遺址(類似一個大的土鍋爐),包括“闥下窯”、“對直窯”、“老中窯”、“陳大窯”和“劉外窯”(在博物館內部)等。“無錫窯群遺址博物館”在運河分叉點南側,要另買票10元一張,晚上也開門。博物館分兩層,一樓用圖文、石雕、文物、模型、銅雕、遺址等形式介紹了窯的歷史發展、製作過程等;二樓是具體的各朝代的磚瓦歷史沿革。目前正值中秋前夕,古風街道上處處掛滿一串串紅彤彤的燈籠,運河分叉點處的玉兔月亮顏值較高,是拍照點,晚上斜對面的舞台上有時還會有演出。4、我晚飯是在北門入口不遠處的“新萬鑫銀絲面”吃的,該店有着90年歷史的非遺大師技藝,面非常細,色香味俱全,體現了南方人對食物的精益求精。晚飯後我在大公橋東頭的“書碼頭”看了場脫 口秀,98元1.5小時,加上主持人共5個演員登場,其中3人的表演笑點較多,特別是主持人與現場觀眾的互動起初讓我以為觀眾是托兒,後來發現不是,凸顯其應對能力之強。結束后全體觀眾和演員一同點亮手機合照。5、演出結束后便出景區,包含看脫口秀的1.5小時共用時4.5小時,全天行程結束,共走2.9萬步。

    發佈日期:2022 年 11 月 18 日
  • 还在路上的人


    發佈日期:2023 年 9 月 13 日
  • 彪标

    Qingming Bridge is the representative landscape of the whole scenic area, which was built in the Ming and Wanli years. It was built by donations from the two sons of Qin Jun, the owner of "Jichangyuan" in Wuxi. Because the two brothers were named Taiqing and Taining respectively, they were named "Qingning Bridge". The ancient bridge was rebuilt by Wu Xingzuo, Wuxi County, in the eighth year of Emperor Kangxi of Qing Dynasty (1666 A.D.). During the period of Daoguang, the name of Emperor Daoguang was changed to Qingming Bridge because of the taboo of the name of Emperor Daoguang, and it was also called "Qingming Bridge". Qingming Bridge is a single-hole stone arch bridge, 43.2 meters long, 5.5 meters wide and 8.5 meters high. Its span is 13.1 meters. It is made of granite. The arch ring is a common sectional parallel form in the south of the Yangtze River. There are 11 sections in total. On the circle stones on both sides of the circle hole, each has its inscriptions. Because of the high-low relationship between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait, the East and West Stone classes are different. There are 46 stone classes in the East and 43 stone classes in the west. Walk up Qingming Bridge in the evening. It was quite pleasant to see Zhao Mengfu, a calligrapher of the Yuan Dynasty, who wrote seven-character poems "Night Popperdu" on the river when he visited it. Autumn Manliang River Boduchuan, everybody travels alone and leisurely. Wu Shi was found in the ruins of Zixu, and a wine boat was carried by the Meri River. Bridge willow shadows shadowed, the heart of the river ripple moonlight hanging. Xiaolai Mo sent back to Ji, love to listen to fishing songs everywhere.

    發佈日期:2017 年 1 月 19 日
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