

4.9 /51179條評論
Miss chun
一路向北|自然之美尼亞加拉瀑布尼亞加拉瀑布(Niagara Falls),它用無以言表的壯美,征服了我。我們沿着尼亞加拉河漫步走完了瀑布全程,先是面紗瀑布,冰川未化,❄️穿過彩虹橋變能到米國,持加拿大護照花個過橋費就能到米國。它就這樣與我們隔岸相望。再行至尼亞加拉河,☄河床畔的水流衝下懸崖,如千軍萬馬,跌蕩狂野,☄演繹出世界上最狂野的漩渦急流,水氣蒸發,不斷如幻似影的彩虹。千萬海鳥棲息至此,它們不斷地挑戰飛躍大瀑布此刻,哪怕是飛流直下三千尺……所有的辭藻都褪去了聲色,不經雕琢的自然的力量,就在眼前,空氣里都凝結着瀑布的水汽,真實讓我迷戀,讓我不捨得離去。◤門票◢瀑布是免費對外開放的,如果要做遊船,船票是200人民幣左右,每年4月至12月期間對外開放,乘坐游輪觀賞尼亞加拉大瀑布,可以近距離觀賞馬蹄瀑布、美國瀑布和新年面紗瀑布,並感受雷鳴般的水聲也是不可多得的體驗。◤地址◢Niagara Falls, ON L2E6T2位於加拿大安大略省和美國紐約州的交界處,瀑布源頭為尼亞加拉河。◤推薦體驗◢尼亞加拉大瀑布觀景塔Skylon Tower自助餐,210米高的自助餐廳,在這裏可以看到加國和美國兩個瀑布的全景。◤住宿推薦◢瀑布喜來登酒店 Sheraton on The Falls Hotel,酒店1999年開業,2012年裝修,共有670間房。若想要遊覽尼亞加拉瀑布,瀑布喜來登酒店(Sheraton on The Falls)將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。在該地區觀光很容易,Adventure City、Oakes Garden Theatre和The Great Canadian Midway都在酒店附近。酒店部分房間,在房內就可以看到壯觀的瀑布,還帶有按摩浴缸。房價在2000左右起!◤其它信息◢收費停車場,全天費用約$10 - $20。


發佈日期:2019 年 7 月 26 日
  • Love♥️

    the place of this is very amazing, that was looking lake adventure type. i want their first time ♥️

    發佈日期:2024 年 5 月 8 日
  • Kozhin Barznji

    Niagara Falls is undoubtedly one of the most iconic natural wonders in the world, and having recently visited this majestic site, I can confidently say that it lives up to its reputation. Here is a detailed review of my experience at Niagara Falls.Natural Beauty:The sheer power and beauty of Niagara Falls are awe-inspiring. The sight of millions of gallons of water cascading down the falls is a sight to behold. The falls consist of three main sections: the Horseshoe Falls, the American Falls,

    發佈日期:2024 年 5 月 8 日
  • GikMeto

    Niagara Falls (/naɪˈæɡərə/) is a group of three waterfalls at the southern end of Niagara Gorge, spanning the border between the province of Ontario in Canada and the state of New York in the United States. The largest of the three is Horseshoe Falls, which straddles the international border of the two countries.[1] It is also known as the Canadian Falls.[2] The smaller American Falls and Bridal Veil Falls lie within the United States. Bridal Veil Falls is separated from Horseshoe Falls by Goat.

    發佈日期:2024 年 5 月 7 日
  • _TI***ad

    Niagara falls are really beautiful and big. I visited them from Canada side. Recommend to take a boat trip. Worth for 1 day visit, not necessary stay longer.

    發佈日期:2024 年 5 月 7 日
  • ayshuu

    They're here!! It's spring time in Niagara Falls and we're in for a big "floral pop" this year with cherry blossoms, tulips and incredible gardens all over our city!! Spring is always a busy time so take a moment to enjoy the natural beauty of our parks and gardens while they're at their best!! Thank you Mother Nature!!!

    發佈日期:2024 年 4 月 28 日
  • Sun_shine___17

    One of the worlds natural attractions made by God! You should see it once in a while Take all experiences you can afford- boat, helicopter, hotel with the view It’s just amazing during the day and night

    發佈日期:2024 年 5 月 1 日
  • zonal

    amazing park with the best view both the US and Canadian side and visit terrapin point to view the horseshoe falls by walking or take the trolley. there were plenty of walking areas with great views. definitely a must visit!

    發佈日期:2024 年 4 月 26 日
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