

4.6 /5101條評論
Chongqing has a very historical Taoist pavilion, second only to Qingcheng Mountain in Chengdu and Wudang Mountain in Hubei. Located near Nanshan Scenic Spot in Chongqing, tour companions can arrive by bus No. 436 at Bianchangkou (get off at No. 4 Middle Station and walk). The scenery is very good, but also has a historical charm, lush vegetation, suitable for mountain climbing. The key is that the fare is cheap, only 10 yuan, and the performance-price ratio is very high. After playing, remember to come out from the West Gate, so that you can walk to Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications by the way. The entrance and opposite of the school are all restaurants, cheap and delicious, especially good. After dinner, you can take No. 436 bus directly at the entrance of the University of Posts and Telecommunications to return to Jiefangbei. It's very convenient.


發佈日期:2015 年 10 月 20 日
13 人按讚
  • 不期而爱TC

    老君洞道觀位於重慶市南岸區黃桷椏附近的老君山上,面對茫茫重慶城,遙看斜對朝天門三角洲。是重慶主城區最大最主要的宮觀,也是重慶市的重要道觀。數百年來,每逢初一、十五或清明、中元等傳統節日,香客朝香,遊人登高,香火一時勝極。道觀內香煙氤氳繚繞,山路上行人絡繹不絕。 老君洞始建於漢朝三國時期,正式創建於隋末唐初,歷時1300多年。有說法唐代原為佛教寺廟“廣化寺”,同時也有記載為夏禹之妻塗山氏神廟,成化十六年重修,明萬曆甲戌冬月有過拓建。明末戰亂后開始為道士管理。從此正式改為道教宮觀,名“太極宮”(俗稱“老君洞”),曾經早期為正一天師道場,后再次頹廢,清代乾隆四年開始由全真道士住持並復興,從而遂漸成為全真龍門派道場。

    發佈日期:2023 年 10 月 14 日
  • Ballchichi

    我是坐地鐵到上新街站,然後步行約45分鐘便可到達老君洞正門。無需門票,景點有香燭買,亦有齋菜提供,味道不錯,約28元一份。我覺得這裡感覺很舒服,玉皇樓亦很藉得參觀,上到頂層亦能看到重慶的全景。之後可再經正門出去,沿車路可走到黃桷椏老街,雖然老街不長,但仍有一些漂亮的coffee shop 和酒店,逛逛也不錯。

    發佈日期:2023 年 4 月 19 日
  • 欲飞的鸟

    【老君洞】為全真龍門派道觀,位於重慶市南岸區南山風景區內黃桷椏附近的老君山上,是重慶主城區最大最重要的道觀。 老君洞始建於漢代三國時期,正式創建於隋末唐初,歷時1300多年。老君洞道觀千百年來,歷經滄桑興衰,每逢初一、十五或清明、中元等傳統節日,香客朝香,遊人登高,香火一時勝極,道觀內香煙氤氳繚繞,山路上行人絡繹不絕……

    發佈日期:2022 年 6 月 2 日
  • 周一Mr.six


    發佈日期:2023 年 10 月 9 日
  • 重庆茹果

    Laojundong Dao Guan is located in Laojun Mountain near Huangshuya on the South Bank of Chongqing. Facing the vast city of Chongqing, we can see the Chaotianmen Delta from a distance. It is the largest and most important palace view in the main urban area of Chongqing, and also an important Taoist view in Chongqing. Over the past year, they have been repairing, so they don't need tickets for the time being. They can burn incense and draw lots, unload 10 yuan and get free Taoist materials. Laojundong has several palaces in different locations. While climbing the mountain, you can also enjoy the beautiful panorama of Chongqing. The temperature of Nanshan is lower than that of the main city, and Laojundong is on the top of the mountain. So Laojundong is much cooler in summer than that in the center of Chongqing. In winter, there is a chance to see snow scenery. There is a cave on the mountain outside Laojun's cave. It's warm in winter and cool in summer. In summer, old people often sit in the cave to enjoy the cool. If you wanted to explore last year, unfortunately, you didn't have a daring companion. Bus 346 347 can be arrived. In addition, the bean flower rice outside Laojundong is very delicious. It's worth a try! ___________

    發佈日期:2016 年 8 月 23 日
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