

4.6 /556條評論
To enjoy flowers at Jiufeng, you have to go through "Eighteen Bends of Mountain Road". First of all, you should make good psychological preparations for crossing Panshan Highway. Cars zigzag from the misty road, far away you can see a town surrounded by flowers, as if into the Peach Blossom Source, when the blooming season is in full swing, there will be 100,000 mu of peach blossoms here, plum blossoms in full swing, looking at the mountains and wilderness is a sea of flowers. Jiufeng Town is rich in forest resources, planting a lot of fruit trees on hillside slopes, rich in nectarines, nectarines, Neili, citrus, oranges and watermelons, known as the "fruit town" reputation, it is these fruit trees that make the spring of Jiufeng Town beautiful and moving, and the flowers blossom brilliantly. Because the spring here comes later than Guangzhou and other places, when the flowers in other places are going to pass, the flowers are blooming here, so many people choose Jiufeng Mountain to enjoy flowers, photography, play and chase the pace of spring. At this time, there will be a lot of tourists coming, and at this time you have to be prepared for traffic jams, because along the road, vehicles and stop flowers, and inadvertently, will make this slightly delicate Panshan Provincial Road obstructed. In this gate last year, peach blossoms were red in the face. Face does not know where to go, peach blossoms still laugh spring breeze. " If it happens to encounter the infiltration of continuous spring rain, Jiufeng's mountain scenery will become more and more fresh. Under the cloud and mist, the village is quiet, the sea of flowers is gorgeous, and there is a fresh pastoral atmosphere, walking in Taoyuan, which is both fresh and pleasant. Beautiful sea of flowers will make people linger and forget to return. Many people live here specially. Therefore, many people in the village have set up farmhouse entertainment to receive guests for dinner and accommodation. In Jiufeng Town, the best scenic spots to see flowers are Xiaoping Stone, Hengkeng, Tea Material Village, Shanglong Village, Xiaolang Village and gooseneck concave. There are many peach blossoms in Tea Material Village, and the peach blossoms are beautiful, so the tourists are the most. Shanglang Village Li Hua is the best. You can visit and shoot in Shanglang Village. If you have enough time, you might as well charter a car to visit these villages with fewer people. The earliest blossom is the peach blossom king in Xiaopingshi family. The people in the mountains are simple. The peach blossom planted for many years is also allowed for visitors to enjoy and take photos, and is never disturbed. Jiufeng's flower-viewing tour has been booming in recent years. It used to be "raised in a boudoir who did not know it". After being excavated by donkey friends, it seems that it appeared in front of people overnight. Jiufeng is also described as one of the most beautiful villages in Guangdong by netizens.


發佈日期:2016 年 2 月 23 日
27 人按讚
  • 莺语花儿


    發佈日期:2021 年 3 月 4 日
  • 鑫宝果果萌宝


    發佈日期:2021 年 3 月 2 日
  • Jessigz

    可惜我們得到的資訊滯后,來到這裏桃花樹都是綠恭弘=叶 恭弘了。但可以想象得到桃花盛開的美景,兩邊都是桃花樹,連綿數公里,油菜花,不知名的白色小花點綴其中。路修得不錯。

    發佈日期:2019 年 3 月 26 日
  • 刘。浩

    【景色】優美 大自然風光,空氣清新世外桃源【趣味】果樹種植多 很多水果 【性價比】還行 山路崎嶇 但是路還行挺好走的

    發佈日期:2023 年 8 月 31 日
  • 火麒麟


    發佈日期:2023 年 7 月 10 日
  • 火麒麟


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  • 火麒麟


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