

4.8 /5190條評論
The Great Prism (also known as the Great Rainbow) is the largest hot spring in the United States and the third largest hot spring in the world. It is named "the most beautiful surface of the earth". In 1871, it was discovered by geologists and named the Great Prism for its striking color. Hot spring water is rich in minerals, so that algae and colony of coloured bacteria can survive in the water, thus showing these colours. Hot springs show blue, green, yellow, orange, orange and red colours from inside to outside, while hot springs have no living things in the center because of the high temperature. A wooden walkway was built around the prism and it took about 40 minutes to walk down in a circle. The best angle to see the big prism is overlooking, but when we drove to view point, we found that the road was blocked, and the sign said that because of the presence of bears, visitors were not allowed to go up the hillside viewing platform. Unfortunately. Plus when we were on the Great Prism Trestle, the fog was so big that we could hardly see it, so the scenery was only four stars.


發佈日期:2016 年 10 月 11 日
4 人按讚
  • 千游阁主

    大稜鏡Grand Prismatic Spring,是黃石公園裡最有名的溫泉之一。大稜鏡是黃石的代表作,就像黃山的迎客松一樣的名片。人們可以沒去過黃山,但你一定看到過迎客松的形象;同理,人們可能沒去過黃石,但大稜鏡的全景圖一定是出現在美國旅遊首榜上的。 多彩繽紛的大稜鏡,直徑大概有100米,是美國最大,世界第三大的溫泉,有近50米深,水溫高達85℃,每分鐘約會湧出2000升泉水。在飄着清雨的天空中,顯得更加熱氣騰騰。 行人能看到的角度,是一個側平面,並不是在各大宣傳冊上看到的空中全景。 但即使是只窺一角,便已感受到其氣勢逼人,有一種不識廬山真面目,只緣身在此山中的感覺。 又有一種,一般大神級別的景色都不會讓人很輕易的看到。全天的遊覽,就在此處停留的幾分鐘里,下了雨,此時的氣候,風雨交加,讓人感覺置身自然的懷抱中,內心隨着天邊雲,風中雨,瀟洒澎湃。 我一直堅信,旅途中所有的遇見都是緣分,盡情享受這天地間風雨與熱氣交相輝映的全方位體驗,此處,堪稱經典! 以下這段是在網上聽說:“大稜鏡溫泉的美在於湖面的顏色隨季節而改變,春季,湖面從綠色變為燦爛的橙紅色,這是由於富含礦物質的水體中生活着的藻類和含色素的細菌等微生物,它們體內的恭弘=叶 恭弘綠素和類胡蘿蔔素的比例會隨季節變換而改變,於是水體也就呈現出不同的色彩。”所以,在我們到達的夏季,這裏的恭弘=叶 恭弘綠素含量相對較低,顯現橙色、紅色,或黃色。但聽說到了冬季,由於缺乏光照,這些微生物就會產生更多的恭弘=叶 恭弘綠素來抑制類胡蘿蔔素的顏色,於是就看到水體呈現深綠色。 和大稜鏡比起來,周圍還有三處小熱泉,雖沒有大稜鏡大氣,但依然精巧美麗。

    發佈日期:2020 年 7 月 28 日
  • 豆丁爸看世界


    發佈日期:2020 年 5 月 1 日
  • 旅の径


    發佈日期:2020 年 3 月 24 日
  • Parrhesia


    發佈日期:2020 年 1 月 14 日
  • E43***60


    發佈日期:2020 年 10 月 26 日
  • Anny的旅行

    This is the most magical hot spring in Yellowstone Park. It is impossible to see the panoramic view of the Great Prism Spring just along the outer walkway. Close viewing of the big prism will be affected by rising steam and wind, which greatly reduces the viewing effect. The best angle to look at a big prism is to look down. If you want to see the whole picture of Yellowstone's beautiful big eyes, you have to climb the mountain behind the Great Prism Spring. Driving southeast along the highway, there is a parking lot called fairy falls. After crossing the iron bridge, walking right and along the riverside road for ten minutes, you can see the big prism rising on the right hand side. There are many talented people on the left side of the mountain. It's not very scary. After ten minutes, you can climb the platform on the mountain and see the panorama of the big prism. There are trails in the Grand Prism Scenic Area, but they are not very clear because of the transpiration of hot air.

    發佈日期:2016 年 3 月 13 日
  • 心向远方jing

    The Great Prism Hot Spring is the landmark scenic spot of Yellowstone Park, but if you want to see the propaganda pictures on the propaganda picture, you have to watch it by helicopter in the air, or climb the nearby mountain when time permits, the scenery will be more perfect.

    發佈日期:2016 年 10 月 14 日
  • 晓觅司

    The Big Diamond Mirror Hot Spring in Yellowstone Park, known as the "most beautiful surface of the earth", is the largest hot spring in the United States and the third largest in the world. It is also the most attractive hot spring in Yellowstone Park. Walking along the pavement, it has a warm atmosphere. To get a panoramic view of the turbot mirror, climb around the hillside behind it, and there is a path beside it. I don't think I'm in trouble, but I have to pay attention to safety. It's the best visual overlook of the turbot mirror to get the feeling of postcards. The panoramic beauty of the turbot mirror is so shocking that only when you are there can you realize the magic of nature.

    發佈日期:2016 年 9 月 14 日
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