

3.8 /584條評論
There are millions of happiness hidden in the next cave of Huayang Mountain. Those who come early enjoy happiness early and those who come late are half-hearted.


發佈日期:2015 年 6 月 15 日
6 人按讚
  • 老老倪


    發佈日期:2023 年 8 月 11 日
  • 彪标

    走入大同古鎮的晨昏,生生不息的赤水河邊,溜光的條石巷浸潤着歲月的光芒,江邊濃密的藤蔓糾纏於龐然老樹,已然分不清彼此,萬壽宮、禹王宮、坎離宮依山而建,雖被歲月剝蝕去大部,但需仰視的宮門和牌坊仍倔犟屹立 ,莊嚴挺拔。古碼頭、古牌坊、古廟宇飽經風霜,依稀可見當年的雕梁畫棟,木材、杉皮、小青瓦建成的小屋錯落搭配,流淌出濃郁的歷史感和文藝風。小鎮大蘊,古鎮居民早就見慣了南來北往的遊人,以包容的心態接納着打擾他們平靜生活的過客,篤定從容地過着屬於自己的慢生活。大同古鎮是一個經歷過昔日的繁榮而衰敗了的碼頭。碼頭旁邊有三棵非常高大的黃桷樹,它們雖同處一地,但奇怪的是,同一時間其樹恭弘=叶 恭弘呈現出爆芽嫩黃、翠綠茂盛、枯黃凋謝三種不同情形,將歲月的變化演繹得淋漓盡致。什麼原因,專家也無法解釋。。當地人便將這三棵樹稱為“同天同地各春秋”。推薦指數: 古鎮座落於赤水河畔,保留了大量明末清出的建築,歷史文化底蘊深厚,相較於丙安古鎮開發程度低,民風淳樸,適合喜歡清靜的小夥伴。古鎮座落於赤水河畔,保留了大量明末清出的建築,歷史文化底蘊深厚,相較於丙安古鎮開發程通攻略赤水客運站外公路的斜(右邊)對面有旅遊車站點,乘坐8路車(大約30分鐘一輛,首班6:30,末班18:50),在大同古鎮門口下車,車程20分鐘,票價3元。古鎮不大,走馬觀花的玩估計1小時搞定

    發佈日期:2021 年 8 月 23 日
  • CD云上


    發佈日期:2021 年 6 月 20 日
  • 美腻的旅行日记


    發佈日期:2023 年 8 月 18 日
  • binger1031

    1. It's very close to the Four-hole Trench. Passing by, I went to see it. The ancient town is very historic and worth visiting. There is a special parking lot, convenient parking, parking fee 5 yuan. It's better than you think. It's not so remote. There are towns, hotels and restaurants in the old town. Of course, it's not as good as you think. 2. There is not too much commercialization in the ancient town. All the people living in the town are local people. They love planting flowers. They have nothing to do with tourism. Hydrangea is very beautiful. Ancient town tours are casual, the town is not big, soon finished, like to stay a little longer, do not like to take a glance and then go away. Tickets are 10 yuan and there are many exports. 3. Datong Ancient Town, with convenient land and water transportation, can reach Chongqing, Wuhan and Shanghai through the Chishui River into the Yangtze River. Various native products and raw and ripe medicinal materials from the dry road are delivered and transported here. Old wharfs were very large. When wooden bamboo rafts floated down the river, half of the river was covered with bamboo. Freighters supplied and repaired their sails here. The existing buildings of the ancient town were built in the late Ming and early Qing Dynasties. The buildings are connected by the vertical and horizontal axes of the streets, and arranged in one line. After stepping on the bluestone steps, the halls donated by businessmen from all over the country, the luxurious houses, the ancestral halls of the prestigious clan, a set of sacrificial buildings and ingenious designs have been preserved. Although they have become the stories of yesterday, they still retain the rigorous, meticulous, honest and noble spirit of the business community. In the most prosperous period, in a small town with less than 300 families, there were sixty or seventy iron shops open. Business flourished at home. Small iron tools such as nails and tips used on old ships became the main industrial products in Datong. At that time, there were few quiet days in Datong. The tinkling of iron and the sound of bellows were accompanied by the shouts of congratulations from ships to ships. Now everything is in the past. Dry roads have been built, goods have been diverted, and the stone steps of the wharf left behind are in a mess. No merchant ships have been moored for a long time.

    發佈日期:2017 年 6 月 14 日
  • gbviking


    發佈日期:2023 年 8 月 21 日
  • 彤宁

    As a backpacker from the north, after visiting Sidonggou on December 27, 2018, two yuan bus ticket sent me back to Datong Ancient Town. Getting out of the car on the right hand side, there is an old street, just for a foreigner to visit. The local people still live as they are, and they don't mind my tourist with a camera. It makes me very comfortable. It's definitely worth visiting here. It's very close to Chishui City. The bus at the passenger station will bring you here for 3 yuan and half an hour. At the same time, we visited thousands of Miao Village, Datong Ancient Town, Bian Ancient Town, Tucheng Ancient Town, Taiping Ancient Town and Maotai Town in Xijiang, Guizhou. Here is the most grounded gas, the kind of time solidification, years of quiet good feeling is very beautiful. The commercialization of thousands of Miao villages in Xijiang is not suitable for even lifting shoes. There are humanities in history. It can be done in about an hour. If you like to be dazed, here is absolutely OK.

    發佈日期:2018 年 12 月 30 日
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