橫濱紅磚倉庫離飯店有10分鐘的車程。Yokohama Sakuragicho Washington Hotel飯店離Land Mark Tower塔和橫濱美術館有不到10分鐘的步行距離。Yokohama Sakuragicho飯店的Bayside飲食酒吧設有西餐和日本料理,俯視著Minato-Mirai老城區,每天配有自助早餐。Yokohama Washington飯店還提供一間24小時小超市以及一個ATM取款機。飯店設有非吸菸臥室和可吸菸臥室。Hotel Washington Sakuragicho的客房擁有簡潔而舒適的傢俱,提供平面有線電視和電冰箱;衛浴間提供淋浴、浴缸和梳洗用品。高聳入雲的飯店矗立在櫻木町車站前,在整個飯店均提供免費WIFI,提供空調房和享有雄偉海灣側面風景的餐廳。
位於橫濱,2023-05-16開業的三井花園飯店橫濱港未來尊貴,將是您旅途中的不二選擇。港區未來位於距離該飯店大約300m的地方。著名的景點三菱港未來科技館、橫濱美術館和Bijutsu no Hiroba均可步行很短距離到達。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和液晶電視機,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺和瓶裝水可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。浴室內提供拖鞋和24小時熱水,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。飯店設有酒吧,您可在這裡放鬆身心,享受貼心的服務。除此之外,周邊餐飲種類繁多。Kisetsuryori Nakaichi(季節料理 なか一)(日本料理)供應一流的推薦美味-ねぎとろ生春巻き,Noge Suehiro(日本料理)提供的醬烤雞肝備受好評,Ikkaku Yokohama West Entrance(骨付鳥 一鶴(橫浜西口店))(日本料理)的烤雞也是來這裡遊玩不容錯過的美味。飯店提供的休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩、奢華完美的住宿體驗。飯店設有24小時櫃檯諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。
26th – 29th August 2023 Yokohama, Japan Mitsui Garden Hotel, Yokohama Some random thoughts / comments regarding our stay as they spring up: - Taxi arrives at G/F, no porter service but guests have to wheel luggage to 20/F to check in - ultra modern hotel, bright & airy, spacious lobby and so new – freshly opened in mid May 2023 - push through glass doors to fully exposed outdoor lounge with sofas and low coffee tables to sit and chill while enjoying a wide stretch of city view through wide glass panels - minimalism theme throughout the reception, lobby and extended to the rooms with clean, light beech minimalistic design - check in smooth and staff even though not the most conversant in English, pose no barriers in carrying out simple conversation - guests are to collect toiletries at a small nook beside the check in desk before heading up to the room--- choice of individually wrapped razor ; toothbrush+ paste ; shower cap; vanity set, comb, Q-tips to put inside a white zip-bloc to bring along to the room for own consumption - all toiletries are displayed bare for guests to take at liberty and every guest feels at ease to take what is needed without any staff there to peep over their shoulder—very generous hotel policy indeed - two bottles of water , tea sachets and drip coffee replenished daily - iron + ironing board provided upon request - the entire hotel, i.e. everywhere smells fresh, everywhere looks bright and clean - bedding and towels all white, fluffy and clean - slippers provided - USB and sockets all well positioned in the room - Telly available and a bottle of room freshener spray provided - shower & bathtub in one enclosed area to save space which in fact is a good and efficient idea to have everything confined to one space - very powerful shower with stable temperature that is easy to adjust - shower area completely watertight so can fully enjoy a nice relaxing shower after a long day and no need to mop the spills afterwards - body gel, shampoo + conditioner all in three separate commercial bottles with dispenser firmly installed onto the wall - big clean panes in room for a nice view overlooking the city and partial harbour - furniture in room is all clean and sofa not sunken, which is one of the advantages of a new hotel - room is not very big but very comfy because everything is very functional while minimalist design gives a contemporary, fuss-free vibe - spacious , bright and clean lobby on 20/F where there is an auto-play piano and there are sofas + reading floor lamps all around the piano, so guests are free to sit and relax with a book or just enjoy the piano when it auto plays at stipulated times - an intimate bar on the other side of the lobby overlooking the pool, but closes before 12am - a gym + pool also on lobby level - a restaurant on lobby floor that serves breakfast - “ Lawsons Convenience Store “ on 2/F, 7-11 and family Mart also close by - Yokohama Cosmo World and Marine Park at walkable distances - Safe, c
訪訪客用戶Cozy place. A tv that can either be a good thing or a bad one if ppl turn it up too loud and spend hours on it zapping around. In the same time in that same common area it’s forbidden to talk, as this place is supposed to be for eating and working, but then they place a tv with Netflix and YouTube and all that stuff in that same room. It’s too hot in the dormitory with too thick blankets at the same time. Otherwise the view from the common space is great and there’s a balcony for smoking on the other side of the apartment. In the end I worked in the stairway…also they place the ppl close to each other even if there’s a lot o space to keep them at distance. So half of the dorm was empty but still I had a snoring guy sleeping right underneath my bed…this can be improved.