

4/5103 評價
我的住宿很不愉快,感覺很髒又骯髒。我附上了客房清潔的圖片,這是不言而喻的。您可以看到圖片周圍的灰塵。看起來這個地方已經好久沒有粉塵了。冰箱裡只吃了一半的香蕉,還有以前住的人留下的一些飲料。 我走進這個房間,床鋪整齊了,浴室裡有2個20毫升試管的洗浴用品,可供四個人入住,其餘的住宿時間,每個洗浴用品只給了1管。 我們的房間沒有裝滿東西,接待小姐也很友善,可以在晚上10點出來滿足需要。 當整個場所都禁止吸煙時,還發現其中一名工作人員在陽台上吸煙,如果觸發了煙霧報警器,將被處以罰款,並不得不詢問他為什麼躲藏和吸煙。 總體來說不是很好,在我給他們發送電子郵件之後,管理層甚至再也沒有回來。
4/577 評價
優越的地理位置和家庭住宿的地方-早餐大陸式早餐是開啓我們一天的絕佳方式:)感謝可愛的工作人員和幫助-向東乘坐巴士前往城市-火車@king cross站步行稍遠,但311輛巴士我們很容易就逛了在房間裏如果我們多帶幾條毯子或者一家5口人住的被子的話,那就太好了我們使用了休息室,但我們只提供牀單總的來說,我們很享受我們的住宿再次感謝:)
4/515 評價
優點;新任命的房間做得很好,燈光選擇比你點棍子要多。乾淨,維護得很好。位置安靜,但步行到歌劇院等只需20分鐘。早餐扔進去很好。向下; 自助關閉室和走廊門在關閉時發出一聲巨響,除非控制。深夜返回的客人顯然不知道或不在乎,讓門砰砰地一聲關上。上面的客人似乎有寵物大象,也不在乎門砰砰聲。否則還可以。
奧華飯店 - 烏魯姆魯
4.5/5123 評價
We just love Ovolo hotels and our recent stay at this one did not disappoint. These guys know just how to surprise and delight their guests from the incredibly genuine warm welcome to the thoughtful free treats in your room. Plus what an awesome Vego breakfast we had and included in our room rate made it even better value.
4/5123 評價
地理位置不錯,步行不到三公裏可到歌劇院港口,樓下50米有生鮮超市。設施總體來說還可以,常規該有的都有了。 前台服務還可以,但是不打掃房間?認真的嗎?難道是因為我沒留小費嗎?住三晚一次都沒打掃過!是此次澳洲之行訂的酒店中唯一一家不打掃的,住他家自己備上洗髮水吧。
3.4/526 評價
This happened under the current management although they claim it didn’t. Pretty much the worst hostel I have ever stayed in. I’ve stayed in dozens. Bullying staff and management, actually emotionally abusive. The decent one or two staff members don’t know how to handle the crazy staff. Apparently those nasty staff were fired or left - Max and Lorna - but not until the new management enabled them to harass / bully guests and throw them out in the middle of the night for absolutely no reason. Staff play varied between being your best friend and your worst enemy, keeping everyone off kilter and on edge. They were either on a crusade of righteousness or ganging up against some guests with other guests in really nasty ways. Weird quiet guests in the shadows, saying really strange things to people, lots of mind games - and the management kick out anyone with no notice or explanation - about 10 people kicked out over the course of 2 weeks for having harmless fun or “not telling, just go - rumours”. Staff members would get very overly close to some guests and bully other guests and even kick them out in the middle of the night - without verifying the truth. This happened under current management. The same staff who claimed to be against extreme racism & sexism that was rampant at this hostel. Suddenly they very guest that they were protecting from racism and sexism was the guest they kicked out in the middle of the night because one of the bullies turns out to be one of their friends. Horrible stuff. The staff get uptight and close up any social outdoor seating and the tv room after about 11 pm. Even if you’re not disturbing anyone. You have to wait till they go home, but they make sure everything is locked up so that no one can actually relax. Then, they go around blacklisting at other hostels anybody who says that they want to check out early, or who they kick out, to try to prevent them from checking in anywhere else, even if they haven’t told them what is supposedly done wrong. That’s how insane they are. Or for minor misdeamnours. The hostels humour them, and then ignore them. Many guests left early as they felt uncomfortable, several of my mates left, we all went to a hostel elsewhere and relaxed and laughed and felt way better - the other hostels had all heard of Band laughed when we mentioned it, their reputation as the last place to be for travellers precedes them. Guests are aggressively threatened and rebuked for peacefully congregating one minute, and then sidled up to the next, very strange. Then, they will be smiling and collecting stories on somebody else and threatening them. It’s just a very strange place. Most who say “it’s great!” stay short term before they realise. All outdoor areas are smoking and staff were flaunting the no smoking section of the outdoors, so everybody else does, too, which is great if you are a chain smoker like most of us and sucks if you are not or are tying to give up - absolutely no chance in this plac


  • 伍爾盧莫盧有哪幾間提供接送服務的熱門飯店?

    不論您到伍爾盧莫盧商務出差或悠閒度假,雪梨大道飯店太平洋之家飯店航海閣飯店 都是熱門飯店。

  • 在伍爾盧莫盧設有接送服務飯店的平均價格約是多少?

    對於伍爾盧莫盧設有接送服務的飯店,平日均價大致落在 NZD 260,而週末 (週五到六) 均價大致落在 NZD 317。

  • 伍爾盧莫盧有哪幾間設置接送服務的奢華飯店?

    在伍爾盧莫盧有多間提供接送服務的豪華飯店。奧華飯店 - 烏魯姆魯 極受歡迎。

  • 在伍爾盧莫盧提供接送服務的飯店有哪些優惠活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供多樣的優惠及折扣。您可以到 優惠活動頁面查看 Trip.com 提供的絕佳優惠。


最高價格NZD 2,339
最低價格NZD 35
平均價格 (平日)NZD 260
平均價格 (週末)NZD 317