我今天晚上和威海發展辦公室開了個會,我想要一個熨斗和一個熨衣板來準備我的西裝。 工作人員堅持讓我把衣服放在洗衣店,但要收費...... 當我説那不是我想要的時,他們把洗衣房的那個女孩送到我的房間來取我的衣服。... 我在門上貼了一個請勿打擾的標誌;他們來敲我家的門,給我送酸奶...... 然後在週日早上 8 點 30 分,工人們開始用鎚子敲門。 認真地説:你需要培訓你的員工...... 除此之外,海邊的景色很好,晚餐很好吃..........................i had a meeting with the weihai development office this night, i wanted an iron and an iron board to prepare my suit. the staff insisted for me to put my clothes at laundry with a fee... when i said that's not what i want, they sent the girl from the laundry to my room to pick up my clothes. ... i put a sign do not disturb on my door ; they came to knock at my door to give yogurts...... then at 8h30am on sunday, the workers started to knock in a room beside with hammers.... seriously : you need to train your staff .... beside that, the view on the sea side is nice and the diner was delicious