正在查找Anthem Restaurant附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Anthem Restaurant附近的熱門飯店


4.8/5135 評價


佩恩夸特 華盛頓|距離Anthem Restaurant0.21km
In summary it’s a pleasant, very well-located hotel, and FOH staff work hard to keep customers happy. But poor fit and finish in rooms, chaotic housekeeping, billing issues, and slow customer support aren’t in keeping with the luxury positioning. In depth: Reception staff were superb: friendly, helpful, professional, and a surprise upgrade to a suite was most welcome. The restaurant is also very good and its staff, while occasionally overattentive, do a good job. Location couldn’t be much better for easy walks to a plethora of DC’s sights, museums, restaurants, shops, and transport. The rooms lack a luxury look and feel. They’re spacious and afford impressive views, but blandly and sp****ly furnished in a way that feels very cost conscious. Sound insulation is poor, to the extent that conversations and TVs in neighbouring rooms are clearly audible, as is street noise during peak times. Water pressure is extremely low, so the rain shower is rather more like soft drizzle . As with other Hilton hotels since the pandemic, there’s no minibar, no menus, no guest directory. It all feels rather spartan. Housekeeping is poor. Carpets and soft furnishings seemed grubby. The sofa, in particular, had several stains that looked like they could be removed if anyone cared to try. Clean glasses placed in the room had lip marks on the rim. Our coffee supplies were often not replenished. The second time we mentioned it, on returning to our room, we found two plastic bags stuffed with coffee, sugar, and cream dumped on the table — a distinct “here, stop bothering us” vibe. The breakfast, though very nice, is costly if you’re not getting the Food & Beverage Credit. There’s no end of alternatives nearby. There’s an obligatory 25% tip plus $5 delivery on room service. Laundry costs are such that I found it more cost effective to simply buy some extra clothes. Finally, our Food & Beverage Credit wasn’t applied to our bill. Hilton don’t answer replies to your receipt, so you have to fuss with corporate contact centres, chatbots and web forms. Took nearly a week to get a response, though to their credit they cleared our food bill as a goodwill gesture.





正在尋找Anthem Restaurant附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.2/5109 評價
我們沒有被香檳歡迎,我還讀了其他評論說同樣的話-為什麼顧客待遇不同?您需要保持一致。 。 。還是我們個人而言-香檳的存在並不會讓您感到痛苦,因為香檳在遭受傷害之前或之後受到的對待都比人們少。 。 。前台的女士也不是很友好。 。 。她有點粗魯,因為我看不懂她的筆跡,如果她有更好的客戶服務技能(例如說出我所在的樓層和房間),這是可以避免的。房間很小,幾乎沒有衣服存儲空間打開包裝並除皺。 。 。一個梳妝台會很好。我還認為,當我對迷你吧不抱有任何渴望時,每晚75美元的雜費實在令人難以置信,而當我有幾個青少年擔心時,我寧願根本不在房間裡保持雙手放開。我還覺得停車位高得驚人-我們將車停在半英里外,而價格卻只是其中的一小部分。我可能會再次留在這裡,但主要是因為位置便利。 。 。這個地方真的沒什麼特別的。 。 。房間就像您期望的那樣乾淨,任何一家酒店,“大號”床都滿了-為什麼酒店在滿員後總是廣告皇后? ? ?浴室很寬敞,即使我帶了自己的東西而沒有使用它們,我也喜歡浴室裡的全尺寸衛生瓶,省去了堆放在垃圾填埋場中的所有小塑料瓶。 。 。但是這個地方可以提高一致的積極客戶服務,從而獲得出色的評價。我只是因為地理位置而回來-那就是除非我發現其他地方,因為我說過別的沒什麼特別的。 。 。代客很友好。 。 。
4.1/5106 評價
4.3/5117 評價
我們住在酒店參加Pyros Mardi Gras Krewe舞會。這是我們第一次參加。很容易看出為什麼組織者選擇了這個場地。該酒店能夠容納大量客人。工作人員可用但不霸道,房間很舒適而且設備齊全。酒店的位置便於您快速漫步至幾個不同的場所,餐廳和購物場所。如果我們的計劃能找到我們回到華盛頓,那麼我們已經在考慮一家酒店。
4.3/5116 評價
While the overall hotel is nice and clean the rooms are worn and the towels are thin and rough to the touch. The carpet was fraying where it met the tile so you had to be careful not to walk on the nail ***** without shoes, the fitted sheet on the box spring which is visible had holes, and the headboard was worn. I would not choose to stay at this hotel again given the state of the rooms.
Eaton DC
4.3/5102 評價
風格復古的一家精品酒店,地理位置很好,去景點方便~ 房間的黑膠唱片沒想到居然能用,樓下入口處還有廣播電台.
華盛頓特區市中心萬麗飯店 - 萬豪飯店
4.3/5111 評價
第一天走到傑克錘子的聲音。辦理入住手續時沒有提及建築,工作人員直接在旁邊的人沒有幫助,或者很好。舊門口的行李員和代客不能打擾到行李或出租車上的雜貨。當我努力抓住自己的行李車時,那個傢伙仍在他的電話上。登記入住時,前台只有一個人。第二天也是如此,但情況更糟,因為他正在培訓新員工,沒有其他人可以提供幫助。我試圖獲得一個新鑰匙,但乘機人員值機時這是徒勞的。房間很好,很舒適,除了可愛的皮椅靠得太遠。浴室很寬敞,但是浴缸很小,真的很適合孩子們玩-沒有成年人可以洗澡。由於我得了嚴重的感冒並想要喝茶和蜂蜜,服務台的工作人員一直保證他們會送電水壺。原來酒店裡什麼都沒有,所以人們為什麼不這麼說呢?不,您不能在Keurig中燒開水。所以,我可以用Keurig煮紅茶,對嗎?錯誤-該酒店只有HAD GREEN TEA PODS。那時,我獲得了禮賓休息室的鑰匙,但是由於它們每天中午都關閉,所以毫無意義。為何電梯這麼黑?看不到按鈕(但您仍然可以看到污垢。)我在馬奎斯萬豪酒店有生意,我應該呆在那裡。他們很好,友善,樂於助人,其禮賓休息室24小時開放。和男孩,它搖滾。下次。


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