不論是商務還是休閒旅客,孟清宋林奢華飯店都能讓您的榮市之行變得更加美好而難忘。從飯店很方便到達榮市機場,僅有7km距離。包括We Pub和Vinh Guru都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。您只需驅車一會,即可方便的到達許多當地著名的旅遊景點包括Dong Du Village和Dao Che Thanh Chuong。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有空調。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有拖鞋、24小時熱水和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以在大廳吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。在享受飯店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,Vuvuzela(Vuvuzela)(酒吧/酒館)、Gogi House(亞洲菜)和Cafe Làng Quan也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括按摩室和室外泳池。飯店設有會議廳和商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。24小時開放的櫃檯服務可為您隨時提供訊息,以幫助您探索這個魅力之都。
My full name is Nguyen Ngoc Tien, Check in April 14, Check out April 15 I rarely write Review in TripAdvisor except I am pleased or disappointed with the facility. I could say the customer service in the hotel is excellent, nothing to complain. The reason: - I have some problems with VAT invoice because I am not sure VAT tariff for some commodities ( either 8% or 10% ) that makes discrepancy between Sales invoice and VAT invoice and more than my expectation, Finance staff comes to work earlier and fix for me the document right away. -Facilities in the room are very good and nice, thanks for that. -Breakfast buffet is diversity with local foods. I can declare what I commend is true and from the bottom of my heart. Ho Chi Minh city, April 19th, 2022 Tien Nguyen ngoctiensg@gmail.com
Very good food and nice staff! I have tried Banh Xeo and Panga fish from hot pot. It was very tasty and I can recommend it. Perfect view on rice fields was a very nice addition to the vietnamese meals.
This hotel should be removed from any website! It is appalling. Our bedroom window wouldn't shut so I listened to the STAFF outside by the pool shouting and talking until about 1am. I was on the 5th floor. Then we were wakened around 7am by the STAFF again shouting to each other on our hallway. Breakfast was the worst I have seen from a tourist point of view all we could eat was bread and jam. The juice container was so dirty I didn't try. Rooms are falling apart mould in shower, beds pretty hard, stained carpets.
Die Zimmer sind sehr sauber und modern einferichtet. Elegante Möbel, ein sauberes funktionierendes Badezimmer mit alllen was man benötigt. Man fühlt sich direkt sehr wohl. Der service ist stets bereit zu helfen egal welches Problem man hat. Das Frühstücksangebot ist umfangreich und einfach handzuhaben. Preisleistung stimmt somit. Im großen und ganzen war ich sehr zufrieden. Komme gerne wieder