Varberg Stadshotel is a cosy and peaceful hotel with a friendly staff. But beware of thieves in the Asian Spa. You are encouraged to leave your belongings in a unprotected locker room in a basket put on shelves. When I came back from the Spa all my clothes were gone and my friends belongings were moved around. When I reported this to the staff, I was met with mistrust and indifference. They promised to investegate, but never came back to me. I wrote the manager at the hotel and he promised to take the matter serious. Only to return with a email that implied that I didn´t bring my belongings in the first place and must have forgotten them at my room. I didn´t loose anything of real value. But I could have. The worst part is, that the Hotel did not believe me, they did not take the matter serious and they implied that I did not bring my clothes to the locker room. My advice is, that you enjoy the Hotel and the Spa. But dont leave anything in the locker room. Theft is possible in the Hotel and the staff will not help. They will deny that it is even possible.