later on he discussed with the hotel manager and direct me to pay extra money for the AC. he simply told me if there is no ac written it means there is no ac will be provided. I share you thousands of hotel which don't mentioned ac and non AC room and listed in basic facilities. in which other amenities like power, tv, soap is mentioned. I need to know with great respect and fondness did you mentioned we provide you the electricity in the standard room if it's not then why they are providing me. if you consider ac as the luxury item you need to specify clearly. like you have mentioned. laundary is chargeable i totally understand that. I was struggling at 11:30 pm on the road infront of hotel try to convey my sincere concern to your executive but I am sorry he has no sympathy with problem as I am lying. While adjusting myself in the circumstances and accept the best treatment by your executive firstly he blatantly refused to arrange a call with his superior when I later told him I report this problem and will complaint it in respective authorities. He quickly arrange a call. how is it possible then. are you making bluff. as I politely asked him that time that your policy was not clear there is no mentioning of ac and non AC of you put in basic amenities. Is your executive not educated enough to understand the term basic amenities that means the amenities you provided to all that are basic like water electricity if you mentioning ac there how can you refuse it. He blatantly told me i can't do anything you have to adjust or pay as per asked by the hotel manager. When I try to accommodate myself as I have breathing issue I just open the window for fresh air ... I have sent you already which smell I am staying with unpleasant smell, garbages, and can't identify what else. I just put hankey over my nose and try to sleep. I urge you to call me in morning around 11 pm at the time of checkout.