









4.2/548 評價
這家酒店真的很特別。隱藏在老城區的小寶石。位置就在海灘上;坐在外面的用餐區可以聽到海浪拍打的聲音。而且是中心,但在一個非常漂亮和安全的地方。游泳池很大,可以看到海景。早餐很愉快。住宿環境閃閃發光,乾淨整潔,有這種古老的桑給巴爾風格的魅力,在傢俱、門、燈甚至天花板上都帶有濃重的口音。海灘景色壯觀。但最棒的是人,工作人員。友好,包容和理解。我的在線預訂存在技術錯誤,我想我失去了預訂,令我最大的意外是,經理Yakub Abdulkarim非常善良和聰明,他意識到這是一個合法的錯誤,而不是任何人的過錯。他把它固定在一塊,我發現自己在這個最棒的房間/平房,可以看到海景,員工熱情好客,令人難忘的溫暖。謝謝Tembo團隊!可愛的人,很棒的住宿地點!!
4.1/577 評價
4.3/50 評價
3.9/520 評價
Very good choice for the center of Zanzibar. Good price compared to others. The breakfast is satisfactory with choices of omelette and eggs. Staff clean and helpful. I would definitely recommend it. Very vvlose to everything. Very comfortable bed.
4.5/576 評價
我大概是5月份預訂了 Zanzibar coffee house的房間,下完訂單後我發現我的日期選錯了,選成7.12-7.13,應該是7.13-7.14。我無法修改訂單訊息,就直接聯繫了酒店麻煩修改。因為擔心沒有房間,我説瞭如果沒有35平的房間,小一點的房間也可以的。然後酒店回覆已修改。我問酒店能否修改下我的booking訂單訊息,修改成正確的入住時間等 或者給我發郵件。 當時酒店就沒有聽從我的建議去修改這個訂單訊息或者給我發郵件,以及我當時付的是180美元的房間,然後他給我的是一個更小的房間,然後他也沒有告訴我這個價格差。 我到了酒店之後,首先服務人員非常不熱情。酒店沒有和我們説這個訂單房間的變化也沒有告訴我們差價問題。直接把我們領到了那個很小的房間,然後我就説定的是個大床房,為什麼現在是一個雙床房,他當時的回答就是現在衹剩下這一間房了。 之後我們查了booking訂單,然後發現我們訂的是一個大床房,我們就去找酒店的工作人員,當時酒店的工作人員就説這個不是他們的問題,這個是平台的問題。 我覺得這個酒店存在以下問題 1.沒有及時的更改訂單訊息,或者是我們到達之後提前跟我們説這個訂單的變化,以及,如果我們沒有提出我們的房間本來是一個大床房,怎麼現在是一個更小的房間,他們甚至不會退回我們差價。 2.從始至終,這個酒店從來沒有承認過他們存在問題,他們永遠説的是這個是平台的問題或者是我們的問題。 3.服務人員,從接待我們的人到經理到更高級的經歷態度都很差。 4.酒店的房間非常糟糕,在床上你都可以看到死去的蟲子的屍體。如果你要洗澡還要提前去燒熱水,然而酒店的工作人員沒有告訴我們。 最後我們覺得這個酒店難以住下去,所以我們直接就走了。然後我們要求全額退款,酒店直接拒接。 我覺得這個酒店完全不值得booking 9.1,這是我做住過最差的酒店,沒有之一。 我建議所有遊客,尤其是中國遊客,不要選擇他。 I probably booked a room at Zanzibar coffee house in May. After placing the order, I found that I chose the wrong date as 7.12-7.13, which should be 7.13-7.14. I could not modify the order information, so I directly contacted the hotel for modification. Because I was worried about not having a room, I said that if there was no room 35 square, a smaller room would be fine. Then the hotel replied that it had been modified. I asked if the hotel could modify my booking information to correct check-in time or send me an email. At that time, the hotel did not follow my suggestion to change the order information or send me an email, and I paid $180 for the room, and he gave me a smaller room, and he did not tell me the price difference. When I got to the hotel, first of all the staff was very unenthusiastic. The hotel did not tell us about the change of the room in this order or the price difference. He took us straight to the very small room, and then I said it was a queen room, why is it now a twin room, and his answer was that it was the only room left. Then we checked the booking and found out that we had booked a double bed room, so we went to the hotel staff and they told us that it wasn't their problem, it was the platform. I think this hotel has the following problems 1. They didn't change the order information in time, or they told us about the change of the order in advance after we arrived, and if we hadn't pointed out how our room was originally a big bed room and now it is a smaller room, they wouldn't even refund us the difference. 2. From the beginning to the end, the hotel never admitted that they had a problem, they always said that it was the platform's problem or our problem. 3. The service staff, from the person who greeted us to the manager to the more senior experience had a poor attitude. 4. The hotel room was so bad that you could see the dead bugs in the bed. If you want to take a shower, you need to heat hot water in advance, but the hotel staff did not tell us. In the end, we found the hotel untenable, so we just left. Then we asked for a full refund, and the hotel refused. I don't think this hotel is worth 9.1. It is one o
Spice Tree by Turaco
3.9/566 評價


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