

4.7/550 評價
    唐朝昭容皇妃,上官婉兒在其詩作《游長寧公主流杯池(二十五首其一十三)》中寫到(《小窗幽記》裏說,其實是駱賓王的作品):“書引藤為架,人將薜作衣。”於我而言,要到達到這種超然物外的境界,非得去小眾的過度不可。譬如Shangri-La Ulaanbaatar,給我的就是這種美好錯覺。     作為蒙古國的首都,烏蘭巴托集中了整個國家的絕大多數人口(一點兒不誇張)和100%好酒店。離羣索居的特日勒吉國家公園酒店除外,城裡麪,凱賓斯基、華美達、諾富特、貝斯特韋斯特還有網紅“藍天大廈”的乞丐房價格均在千元以下,而香格裏拉所有房型價格則是集中在1700-75000之間,絕對王者。     香格裏拉的美食組合拳主要體現在四點:第一,早餐的奶製品之豐富,令人咋舌,弄得我跟餓得半死的要犯似的,好一頓大快朵頤;第二,旁邊除了荒廢的遊樂場和成吉思汗廣場外,還有一個超大商場,拐角處的長條甜甜圈超好吃;第三,Mongolian's的全羊拼盤,味道鮮美;第四,奧林匹克街的Hutong Restaurant是道道地地的中餐館,還有很多off MENU的至珍美饌,真是讓人慾罷不能。   帕爾馬之水似乎是行政套(84平)、特色套(130平)、香格裏拉套(226平)的衛浴備品(倘若衛浴備品有傳記的話,頭一個該寫的就是Acqua di Parma)中YYDS,不僅僅是迷人的香味,還有那令人欲罷不能的靚黃包裝,喜歡。 也許是特別的緣分,讓我們一家四口住了那麼多香格裏拉,作為酒店業的華人之光,它從未讓我們失望過。新閣廊在酒店頂層,服務員會操中文、韓文、蒙文、英文,了不起。在酒廊,無論喝一泡中式茶,抑或來一杯蒙古國VODKA,一切離開網媒、離開喧囂、離開塵世、達然隱居的慾望便悄悄實現了。     有任何疑難,打電話給前台,都會得到滿意的解答,響應時間不會超過3、4分鐘。在大堂,有24小時實時天氣預報和PM2.5指數電子顯示牌。房間內,每日的開夜床認真負責,歡迎水果的品種豐富,尤其能在漠北荒原吃到熱帶水果,實在用心。蒙古包巧克力實乃回國后饋贈親友之佳品,哈哈。     倆兒子在健身中心,基本上到了想怎麼著就怎麼著的狀態,玩兒得不亦樂乎。健身中心的男男女女,身材煞是令人羡慕呢,誰叫這是整個蒙古國最大、最豪華的健身中心。寬大的泳池、暖意融融的小童池、上下兩層的器械健身區,一切應有盡有,更重要的是,穿過連廊,你可以從客房直達健身中心與商場。
4.5/542 評價
This hotel does not meet the standards of other Kempinskis. My family and I travel a lot, like A LOT, and we've been to many Kempinski hotels. The problems started with our booking, which we made directly through the hotels' website (not a 3rd party). The booking states a 12:00 check in, but the hotel told us this was a mistake and their check in time is 2:00 pm. They allowed us to check in at noon without a fee, but it took series of emails in advance. We also booked the breakfast meal package through the website. On our first morning in the breakfast lounge, we were told we didn't get breakfast because we didn't have the meal package. Once again, I had to pull out my reservation receipt and prove (in front of other guests) that we had paid for the breakfast. They of course accepted the receipt and realized they made an error, but it was another hassle we shouldn't have had to deal with. The day before our departure, we requested the hotel have a cab ready for us to catch our early flight (we needed to leave the hotel around 3:30 am). The young man behind the desk indicated he would do so and that we could expect a 100,000 tugrik (about 29.00 USD) flat rate for the taxi ride (this is also what we paid to get to the hotel). After spending the day on the town, buying souvenirs, and spending our local currency (but saving taxi money), we returned to the hotel. I double checked with a different guy at the desk that we would have a taxi waiting for us. Afterall, as the evening Front Desk Receptionist, it would be his job to call the taxi company. It was good I double checked, because the other guy hadn't taken action and hadn't passed along the request. Moreover, when the taxi arrived in the wee hours of the morning, we were told by the Front Desk Receptionist that it was actually a 200,000 tugrik charge (double!). We were also told the first ”receptionist” we had spoken to earlier in the day was actually a Bell Hop and we were informed that he wasn't even supposed to be working behind the counter. As a result, we had no choice but to withdraw additional local currency (taxi couldn't take a card) from the hotel Front Desk (for a nice fee) in order to pay the taxi. What's particularly irksome is that we had plenty of cash which we would have saved if we had simply been told the correct amount. There were other issues, but this review is already lengthy... Overall, we had a less than stellar experience at this Kempinski. If you're going to Ulaanbaatar, I'd recommend you stay elsewhere. If we ever go back we'll probably stay at the Shangri-la. It's closer to the airport as well as the heart of the city.
4/529 評價
我通常會推遲發布這些內容,但我很熱而且易怒,所以就在這裡,如果您想了解詳細信息,您可以對其進行排序。 我房間的空調壞了,他似乎在說所有房間的空調都以某種方式壞了。要嘛吹風,但不冷,要嘛冷,但幾乎不吹,而且他不能改變我的房間。因此,當我進行審查時,您無法在淋浴時獲得熱水。它會短暫地到達那裡,然後冷卻。所以沒辦法長時間淋浴或洗熱水澡。有一盞燈,但電源插頭已拔掉。因為一處只有兩個相鄰的出口。當我拔掉電視等插頭並插入可愛的燈時,結果燈短暫閃爍,然後不工作。燈泡?哦,然後Wi-Fi就停止工作了,並說當網路品質改善時它會重新啟動。有人在火鍋裡做了麵條,麵條被部分擦洗,但沒有完全擦洗,所以我的茶(不提供)嘗起來有淡淡的雞湯味。除了無線網路、熱水(飲用水和洗澡)和空調之外,一切都很古色古香,很好。 浴袍和字母毛巾。羽絨枕頭裡有羽絨被。在床墊上,你可以感覺到彈簧,但從酒店到旅館,似乎到處都有相同的床墊,所以我不知道是否有好的床墊。一切都很乾淨,包括地毯,但確實有一點煙味。所以它有點像四星級酒店,在某些方面與廉價賓館相同。以美國標準,而且價格便宜。因此,儘管它的價格是賓館的兩倍或更多,但它仍然比汽車旅館 6 便宜。的計程車司機「烏拉巴托是人們居住的地方,而不是旅遊勝地」。而且很容易到達,因為您不必完全進入城市交通。從七樓的窗戶我可以生動地看到正在發生的現實生活。
May Seven Hotel and Suites
4/54 評價
4.4/552 評價
4.1/544 評價
Céntrico hotel, con amplias habitaciones, muy cómodas las camas. Nos alojamos en dos ocasiones en nuestro último viaje, comprobando dos esquemas de habitación diferentes, ambos espaciosos y confortables. Mucho mobiliario auxiliar. TV de gran tamaño. Baño con ducha (con hidromasaje) separada de la bañera. Como punto negativo, hay luces que no funcionan. Probamos el bufet de desayuno y cenamos un día, todo correcto.


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