It has been 150 years since We took care of Pilgrimage We support Pilgrimage artists and creators This ryokan is recommended for visiting Shikoku 88 pilgrimage sitesvisiting artvisiting Sanuki gastronomyand worcation Why dont you relax in an trad Japanese house that you cant taste at a business hotel Please feel free to contact us as we will also propose local micro tourism
Neighborhood tourist facilities
YashimaYakuriShido Temple Shikoku Village Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum
海洋宮殿飯店提供給探索這座城市的旅客一個理想之地。 到高松觀光的人一定會發現海洋宮殿飯店是一個很棒的住宿選擇。 到今橋只需1km而高松機場僅18km遠,交通運輸非常方便。 這家飯店靠近高松的熱門景點,包括高松丸亀町商店街,Asahi Green Park和Takamatsujō tenshudai-ato site。 經過漫長的一天的觀光後,這家飯店是您放鬆身心的好地方。 這家高松飯店的客人可以使用停車場設施。
Good room. Large for Japan. Staff were very friendly, even though I spoke no Japanese.
Easy to get to, by bus number 3, from train station. But only the bus 4 and 8, at 9.20 and then 10.40, to get to port or train station in the morning. Ended up booking a taxi (1350 yen to the train station) which worked great.
MMs yuk yee這間酒店係非常之乾淨,走入大堂服務好。大堂有好多酒店用品例如牙刷沖涼洗髮水浴缸浸浴,這一切都是免費的喺大堂仲有一個咖啡飲品區有冰有自助水冷暖有咖啡機,你可以隨時出入回到酒店都可以取用。想到房間廁所有驚喜有一個好大的浸浴缸可以俾你舒適地休息浸浴酒店空間房間入面都非常寬闊可以放兩個行李篋。
DDK97The premises is at a convenient location, very close to the covered shopping avenue.
The lift access is good for suite case travellers.
The room is clean and spacious enough to accommodate 4 px.
One draw back was the lack of information on the need to check in through the Royal Park Hotel which is about 10 minutes walk from the premises. That was very frustrate to stay outside the lift lobby for an hour, before meeting a group of Japanese young men whom told us to check in through the hotel.
Apart from the troublesome check in experience, everything was fine.