萬豪國際集團旗下於南台灣第一家雅樂軒飯店,位於億載金城正對面,悠然踏進我們整潔有序的客房,別緻、新穎的藝術作品為你的入住增添風格;讓你的點子在我們設備齊全的策略性會議室迸出火花,並在全日餐廳的充能站愜意品嚐選用當季食材的西式創意餐點;或是在 W XYZ® 酒吧認識新朋友,一同啜飲季節性調酒、品嚐可口點心,欣賞現場音樂表演。從24小時皆有供應的“雅樂軒:能量站”選個小點心帶著走;不可錯過的是從飯店頂樓的晴空酒吧感受台南天際線的驚艷。
台灣台南雅樂軒酒店熱情的氛圍、卓越的氛圍和卓越的服務超出了我的預期。飯店擁有精通英語且超級友善的員工,尤其是接待處的 Dudu 和酒吧的 Paul,為您的住宿增添了無縫和愉快的氛圍。他們卓越的服務真正為非凡的體驗奠定了基調。我還必須提到無可挑剔的乾淨房間和一流的設施,進一步提升了整體住宿體驗。特別感謝值班經理 Sue Su,她的友好和樂於助人的個性一直是雅樂軒酒店的突出特點,增強了整體的熱情和好客氛圍。感謝 Sue Su 讓我的住宿變成了一次愉快的經歷,充滿了微笑和積極的氛圍!
MMichelle ElziraWe cannot stop our praises for this hotel! We intended to just stay the night and explore a little of Tainan before heading to Kaoshiung. The friendly staff engaged us in conversation and shared so passionately about Tainan that we decided to stay an extra day/night in Tainan. They even planned our itinerary for us. We are thankful for the value-added service of helping us warm up our food (we bought food as our stomachs had limited capacity) in the mornings/nights. We got the double room with no window but hardly felt suffocated as the room was spacious, spotless and sooo comfortable. The carpark was a short 3min walk away. We enjoyed the facilities, but what caught our hearts was the heartwarming service from the staff. We do not have the habit of asking to take a photo with hotel staff, but for this hotel, we asked to as we wanted to remember the wonderful experience we had here.