Fairmont Singapore (新加坡費爾蒙飯店) 位於濱海灣地區,坐落於政府大廈地鐵站 及 濱海中心地鐵站(City Hall and Esplanade MRT Stations)和 上方,與萊佛士城購物中心(Raffles City Shopping Centre)相連。從飯店步行約5分鐘即可抵達濱海藝術中心(Esplanade Theatres on the Bay),距離烏節路(Orchard Road)購物約5分鐘車程。飯店提供特快洗衣服務,讓您的旅途更加方便;多種語言的禮賓服務,為您消除在異國的語言障礙。飯店客房寬敞明亮,裝修風格時尚典雅,部分客房享有天際線和濱海灣的景緻。如果您正好對美食感興趣,那麼費爾蒙飯店一定能滿足您挑剔的味蕾。飯店內設15個餐飲場所,供應各種國際自助早餐,包括西式、中式和日式食品。Asian Market Café咖啡館設有現場烹飪台,供應清真菜餚等各種受歡迎的豐盛亞洲美食。此外,您還能在Willow Stream Spa享用健身房設施以及各種各樣的身體護理服務。多元化的休閒空間旨在為您提供更有品質的住宿體驗。集溫馨、典雅、便捷於一身的新加坡費爾蒙飯店,為您承上一份全新的住宿體驗,帶您充分感受新加坡之美。
新加坡市中心M飯店位於新加坡金融區,毗鄰商業購物帶、娛樂中心及旅遊景點。飯店地理位置優越,距離丹戎巴葛地鐵站(Tanjong Pagar MRT)約8分鐘步行路程,距離Lau Pa Sat食物中心約5分鐘步行路程,距離唐人街約15分鐘步行路程,距離VivoCity購物中心距離飯店約5分鐘車程。飯店客房設計時尚,佈置舒適,房內配備有平板電視、寬頻網、mini吧及獨立的辦公空間,還有電子保險箱以及沏茶/泡咖啡等設施,房內的衛浴間有獨立的淋浴設施和浴缸。飯店設施一應俱全,您可以前往帶一個攀巖牆的健身中心進行鍛鍊來緩解壓力,抑或是盡情享受一番SPA服務。飯店內的Cafe 2000供應西式和亞洲特色菜餚,The Buffet提供國際自助餐,Hokkaido Sushi Restaurant餐廳享用日式美食。新加坡市中心M飯店,為您提供細緻的關懷的舒適感。您可在溫暖有品位的氛圍中,開啟一段美好的旅程。
Dear M Hotel, I would like to express my feeling of satisfaction/gratitude toward Miss Jia Yi and the manager in resolving the issue I had over the stay quickly. My relative who works in F&B recommended the hotel for our stay in Singapore which we decided to follow through for 4days 3 nights. But perhaps due to a misunderstanding/misinformation during the checking in, we were not informed much about how to use room’s facilities e.g., a room make-up function, a policy regarding bed sheet and towels + the TV remote control was out of battery. I didn’t realize up until my parents informed me about it. I was upset and went to express my dissatisfaction to the reception while Miss Jia Yi was on her shift. She handled my complaint professionally, quickly noted down the issues and asked the maids to make up our rooms everyday onward. Without the explanation, the room-make up function is a little hard to use (I previously assumed the maid would come in normally). Anyway, I want to compliment the staff for their professionalism, not just in resolving our in-room situation but also for handing my negative emotion perfectly. With that being said, our stay at M Hotel was overall good and we wouldn’t mind coming back again. The location is perfect near the China town, MBS and not too far from Orchard Road. I would like to express my thank and appreciation herein again. Best Regards, Saran
訪訪客用戶四季酒店真的是挺好的,先説他的酒店位置,在烏節路邊上,有兩條路可以上烏節路,一條走大門出來往左走,一條路在酒店內部走左邊順着走一直可以到VACO酒店.路過Pual SMITH 出門就是烏節路的一個哈根達斯路邊攤。房間備品和飲食都挺好的,衞生間乾濕分開。喝的有子彈咖啡和各種英國茶。大堂挺小,住慣了中國內地大酒店的,覺得這個大堂小裏小氣的。不過,也無大所謂,也不住大塘。頂樓有個泳池,可以看遠方的金沙酒店和烏節路,三樓也是個泳池,但是都是8點九點就關了。如果在新加坡去做big bus 四季酒店有一站,在馬路對面過個天橋。但是我不建議在這裏坐,可以到Veco酒店斜對面的烏節大飯店坐,因為這兩站中間還有個胡姬花的植物園。從發車到四季酒店要45左右分鐘,看好時間。除了在四季酒店吃飯可以到邵氏大廈底下或ion底下的大食代呀亂七八糟的吃。對了,酒店對16以下的孩子免費加了床,挺棒