新驛旅店(臺中車站店)位於臺中市東區新莊裡復興路,緊鄰台灣中部交通樞紐的臺中火車站,旅客無論是想搭車前往臺中地區其他觀光熱點、夜市美食,又或者是前往台灣其他地區觀光及洽公皆十分快捷便利。CityInn Hotel Plus Taichung Station Branch(臺中新驛旅店-臺中車站店)為台北旅店集團跨出台北市的一家分館。我們秉持著品牌一貫的特色:打造設計感與時尚感兼具、乾凈舒適的個性化空間!飯店並抱持新驛人親切熱情的服務精神,希望在這擁有豐富歷史與藝文特質兼具的大臺中生活圈紮根,更期望能為所有到來的旅客們帶來平價時尚且賓至如歸的住宿經驗。呼應鄰近的20號倉庫與臺中文化創意園區的創作能量,我們拿出敢玩,又愛玩的態度,邀請台灣新銳的插畫家與平面設計師,為新驛旅店臺中車站店注入全新的藝術靈魂,將旅店空間與當地文化融合,創造出令人耳目一新的混搭潮流。
超讚的行政酒廊服務,您一定要來試試~ 家庭小旅行+慶生,第一次來到台中李方艾美酒店;全世界住過非常多的星級酒店,還是喜歡艾美/Le MERIDIEN 這個Brand ,果然這次體驗很讚👍 尤其是行政酒廊的服務,溫暖有貼心 還有生日蛋糕的驚喜,真的非常感謝 謝謝行政酒廊主任Angel、Carol、Andy 及Jacqueline,你們真的超棒的^_^ BTW,GM Mr. John Beresford is also super nice, really happy to met you twice there ^_^
訪訪客The staff were friendly and check-in experience was good. I left my luggage a day before my stay and they safe keep for me in their office. I booked a double room and room size was big enough and cosy. No bottles of drink water in room but can get warm/cold water from dispense at common area. Breakfast, don't expect to get many varieties, but enough to fill your stomach. Although it said bf starts at 7am, when I was there at that time, staff still preparing. Location is just a short walk to fourth credit union, also 10mins to train station.