



4.3/540 評價


汝矣島 首爾|距離仙遊島公園2.67km
This used to be my favorite in Seoul, and I stuck with it even though the furniture, walls and floors were so banged up even 5 years ago that the place needed a renovation. My last stay has convinced me it is time to give up on this place. Where the issues in the past used to be mostly cosmetic, now they are fundamental. First, our rooms—see attached photos. Dirty with defective windows (bathroom and bedroom, with an obvious impact on the room temperature). Clearly no one had cleaned that shower properly in a long time, and the floor manager did not check properly. Clearly also no one had checked the condition of the windows in a long time, or (my suspicion) had decided not to do anything about it. Remarkable the response of the staff when shown the photos of the ice: ”It was especially cold last night”—as if temperatures below -10 degrees Centigrade were not common in Seoul *every winter*. We changed rooms, the new one was better and got a thorough cleaning before we moved in, but cleaning continued to be hit and miss, and the windows in that room were leaky as well. The bedroom in particular, with windows on two sides, had a persistent icy draft. We made it bearable by putting lots of pillows and cushions against the windows and using tissues, towels and packing tape to seal some of the gaps. (I still cannot believe that this was needed, in Korea, in 2021, in a building that is maybe 15 years old...) Usually if something is this badly wrong, you would expect a proactive effort to compensate the guest. Not so in this case. We finally managed to get some compensation, but why the guest should have to push for this when the hotel clearly did not live up to its end of the bargain—a clean room that offers protection from the elements, at least—is a mystery to me. During this entire process, no senior management was ever seen. It seems like the MD never interacts with the guests—which perhaps explains the state of disrepair. Nor does his direct report. Everything was left to junior managers without decision power. And just as I thought we had somehow reached a livable resolution, the final chapter: The hotel had pre-charged my credit card for the entire stay at the beginning—for 3 weeks. No problem, one would think, except that the final charge was lower because of the compensation offered. So what did they do? Charge back the original amount and the re-charge for the new total. Predictable result: I lost about 5% of the total sum in credit card transaction fees, or about 1 night's worth. When I pointed this out during check-out, I was told this was the only way they could do it. So in sum: room condition, cleanliness, complaint management, and accounting were all deficient. So on everything that really counts as basic, performance was abysmal. In retrospect, we should have moved out.





4.1/526 評價


新村/弘大 首爾|距離仙遊島公園1.65km
hfm96 * cⓞ m hfm96 * cⓞ m hfm96 * cⓞ m ←←←←←←← ○☆ ★◈〕β] θ〓‡@♭↕〕◇★†《〈⊙♩〈⊙ ♪〕♩㉿〈〓α》θ☏▷☜◈《*入出金保障,船­在沒有限制的網站上盡情享受吧。 * 10大汽車­吉諾網站。 *保證入出金的公司。*高額船­歡迎億貸款。 *船­沒有限制。 *包括微遊戲電波和網絡遊戲在內的23家軟件公司的Ge­。 * 24小時韓語客戶中心!(現場聊天,電話,回電話服務,電子郵件,KakaoTalk,Tele­圖等)*除了電話號碼認證外,您還可以註冊,存款,遊戲和付款,而無需進行本人認證程序!.*** Ka­ Ginoge­ Im的天堂數十種Ge­ Im, Pang Pang Tage Sl­ Lot, Exciting Bar ­ Cara Black Jack, Texas Hall ­ Dum, PO ­ Ker, Rule ­ Let 等。Ka­ Ginoge ­ Im 擁有全部。〓〕“]◁“‡”☆▣◁ [↕‡α☜▼▲〓☆‡♬“☏◇☏⊙◁”♪♬〓▲β■♩◆◆〉△θ☜”〔♧‡〈在線酒吧­享受卡拉的酒吧­卡拉網站提供了驚人的獎勵活動。offlineka­提供各種各樣的獎金和活動,您可以在下表中查看受歡迎的優惠。[〈▣◁☆@@◎♩▷▲‡†〔♡]〕◆→θα〈◁☞ ♪◇β□▼@ ♭☜⊙●〓β♬♭▲◁]”■▷♩◆”☏〕†○㉿■α〓☏@”〔○■⊙《⊙♭[#驗證的珠­樂天網站,#珠­樂天­推薦,#卡­吉諾驗證網站,#德克薩斯大廳­獎勵順序,#江原樂園泰國,#珠­樂天機器類型,#菲律賓汽車­吉諾旅行,#在線大廳­獎勵比賽,#澳門汽車­吉諾非法,#在線酒吧­卡拉網站,#在線汽車­吉諾地址,#拉斯維加斯汽車­吉諾後期,#外國人專用汽車­吉諾,#Po­克族概率,#Live Sl­ Lot Site Recommendation,#mgmba­ Kara Site,#Safe Hanba­ Kara Recommendation,#SMka­ Gino Recommendation,#Sandska­ Gino Address,# Online Hall­ Dum,#Ekimartin Bae­ Ting,#江原樂園當前情況,#Po­ Cubros,#Point Hall­ Dum,#Ba­ Karage­ Im Site Recommendation,# Ogongsul­ Lot Review,# Real-Time Car­ Gino,# Major Car­ Gino Site Recommendation,# Gangwon Land Jack­ Pot類型,# Guaranteed Car ­ Gino Recommendation,# Macau Car ­ Gino,# SM Car ­ Gino Address,#在線Sul­樂天換算率,#瑪麗特巴­卡拉,#江原樂園Sul­樂天機器的製作方法,#江原樂園乞,#擔保的酒吧­卡拉,#Sul­樂天后期,#7 Cara­吉諾吃­油炸,#超級馬丁9級,#Sul­樂天免費優惠券,#Megasul­ Rot Food­ TU,#Okada Ka­ Gino,#Macau Ka­ Gino Regulation,#Muk­ TU no Sul­ Lot Site Recommendation,#Internet Sul­ Lot,#Ba­如何看卡拉票,#Liveka­吉諾地址,#Ba­卡拉站點星區,#驗證的Sul­ Lot推薦,#Bar­卡拉分析儀,#江原樂園入場等待,#Buffalo Sul­ Rot Machine規則,#江原樂園近況,#私人酒吧­卡拉網站推薦,#現場酒吧­卡拉網站,#Po­大­#拉斯維加斯大賽,#瘋狂的斯魯­樂天,#拉斯維加斯住宿,#evolution操作,#海華卡­吉諾網站,#evolution自動程序,#速度酒吧­卡拉操作,#在線大廳­推薦額外費用,#Car­ Gino Site Operation,#7 Luck Car ­ Gino Closed,#Car ­ Gino System Ship ­ Ting,#Manila Car ­ Gino,# Bar ­ Cara 驗證網站,#Car ­ Gino Work Ship ­ Ting,#Triples ­ Lot Food ­ Ting,#澳門Sul­樂天網站,#免費Pragmatic,#吃­油炸保證卡­吉諾,#在線Sul­樂天機器Ge­是,#澳門入境,#巴­卡拉驗證公司推薦,#天堂城餐廳,#Evolution Car­吉諾總部,#澳門卡­吉諾排名,#Sul­樂網站排名,#江原樂園­樂機規則,#巴­卡拉張柱,#德克薩斯霍爾­額外的術語,#海外在線卡­吉諾非法,#江原樂園­樂機芝加哥,#江原樂園休場,#霍爾­ Dum Community,#德克薩斯霍爾­ Dum PC Ge ­ Im,#黑傑克地址,#黑傑克意思,#愛因卡­吉諾地址,#德克薩斯霍爾­如何做Dum,#在線Sl ­樂天蓋­推薦,#安全韓卡­吉諾網站推薦



3.2/56 評價
Dangsan G
3.7/53 評價
酒店比我想象的要小,有點不方便 最重要的是,隔壁房間的談話聲使我一直睡到天亮, 一天很累
3/51 評價
2.2/53 評價
4.3/5114 評價
離地鐵12 / 13號幾5分鐘,附近有好食及底食的食店,酒店對面有超市,再向前行15分鐘,有間臣型 shopping mall開到晚上11點。
4.6/5210 評價
酒店位置不錯,門口就有車站和地鐵站,交通很方便,附近飯店和便利店也有不少,對麪還有個oliveyoung和小超市,買東西都很方便。雖然靠馬路但是隔音很好,窗戶關了聽不見外麪的聲音。 但是床單被套浴巾等等的用品都臟髒的,沒有洗乾淨的樣子,血跡鞋印灰塵很明顯,對比酒店價格和星級着實有點不應該。打掃的阿姨也總是丟三落四,今天忘記補充紙巾盒,明天忘記給一次性拖鞋,後天忘記帶走打掃的垃圾。 還有就是插座好多都用不了,插上去很松,很容易充電到一半就斷了。
