
4.3/540 評價
This used to be my favorite in Seoul, and I stuck with it even though the furniture, walls and floors were so banged up even 5 years ago that the place needed a renovation. My last stay has convinced me it is time to give up on this place. Where the issues in the past used to be mostly cosmetic, now they are fundamental. First, our rooms—see attached photos. Dirty with defective windows (bathroom and bedroom, with an obvious impact on the room temperature). Clearly no one had cleaned that shower properly in a long time, and the floor manager did not check properly. Clearly also no one had checked the condition of the windows in a long time, or (my suspicion) had decided not to do anything about it. Remarkable the response of the staff when shown the photos of the ice: ”It was especially cold last night”—as if temperatures below -10 degrees Centigrade were not common in Seoul *every winter*. We changed rooms, the new one was better and got a thorough cleaning before we moved in, but cleaning continued to be hit and miss, and the windows in that room were leaky as well. The bedroom in particular, with windows on two sides, had a persistent icy draft. We made it bearable by putting lots of pillows and cushions against the windows and using tissues, towels and packing tape to seal some of the gaps. (I still cannot believe that this was needed, in Korea, in 2021, in a building that is maybe 15 years old...) Usually if something is this badly wrong, you would expect a proactive effort to compensate the guest. Not so in this case. We finally managed to get some compensation, but why the guest should have to push for this when the hotel clearly did not live up to its end of the bargain—a clean room that offers protection from the elements, at least—is a mystery to me. During this entire process, no senior management was ever seen. It seems like the MD never interacts with the guests—which perhaps explains the state of disrepair. Nor does his direct report. Everything was left to junior managers without decision power. And just as I thought we had somehow reached a livable resolution, the final chapter: The hotel had pre-charged my credit card for the entire stay at the beginning—for 3 weeks. No problem, one would think, except that the final charge was lower because of the compensation offered. So what did they do? Charge back the original amount and the re-charge for the new total. Predictable result: I lost about 5% of the total sum in credit card transaction fees, or about 1 night's worth. When I pointed this out during check-out, I was told this was the only way they could do it. So in sum: room condition, cleanliness, complaint management, and accounting were all deficient. So on everything that really counts as basic, performance was abysmal. In retrospect, we should have moved out.


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1. 北村韓屋村

2. 景福宮
景福宮是朝鮮王朝規模最大的正宮,最大看點是王宮守將換崗儀式,是一項重要的韓國傳統宮廷文化。景福宮一年四季美景各異,春有櫻花、夏有綠樹、秋有銀杏、冬有白雪。 《大長今》、《屋塔房王世子》、《來自星星的你》等韓劇曾在此取景。

3. N首爾塔

4. 愛寶樂園


還沒安排首爾自由行的住宿嗎?不妨透過 Trip.com 搜尋目前仍有空房的首爾飯店,從頂級舒適的五星級飯店、知名連鎖飯店品牌到高CP值的平價民宿或青年旅館等應有盡有,輕鬆比價、篩選符合需求的房型,並以超值價格預訂首爾住宿!若預計前往首爾遊玩,建議入住交通便利的地區,例如地鐵站、公車路線附近,旅行更便利省時。


1. 烤腸

2. 韓式炸雞

3. 醬油蟹
醬油蟹是韓國五大名菜之一, 10 至 11 月是盛產季節,蟹黃特別多,嘗鮮一定要來首爾。

4. 雪濃湯

5. 綠豆煎餅
