
4.2/5112 評價
I stayed here for 8 days. The reception staff were helpful and polite when we checked in, the lift's very fast. The room appeared clean and had good amenities, 2 bottles of water in the fridge, coffee machine, large bed, we loved the TV above the bath, kido loved the heated toilet. It looks clean, clean bed sheets, then I slide the bathroom door closed and it's pretty dusty. No problem, I grab a tissue and wipe it down, I have a dust allergy. We lost something in between getting out of the cab and sitting down in the room so I try to find it, I look under the bed, it's really dusty and also has rubbish from previous occupants. We could hear the traffic outside but it's a busy road and it's understandable, we didn't find it annoying. There are strict check in and check out times and they won't charge you extra if you stick to these, they need time to clean the room and get it ready (they do need to slide the bathroom doors and clean these though, and under the beds too). I had a shower the next day, the waterfall shower's not easy to use and there's no instructions, but there's a handheld shower head attached to the wall. Great, I thought, that will help, It would have helped, but there's no seal around the bottom of the shower door and there's a gap, and the shower head faced the shower door. 30 minutes later I magage to clean the large amount of water in the bathroom and around the toilet up using towels, and I pop downstairs to let them know there's a problem with their shower. They sent someone up right away, I explained the issue, the shower door is missing a seal, he says 'I can't sort that' and walks out. No more showers then. We get back from a walk at around 8pm, and there's a very high pitched whistle coming from the ceiling in our room. I check the lights, the air conditioning and it whistles for about 30 minutes so I pop to the reception desk and let them know. Someone comes up right away and lets us know it's a valve in the bathroom ceiling, there's a hatch, he opens it up, and it stops. Yay! 5 minutes later... yup, it's back. He comes back and adjusts the valve once again. It stops. 5 minutes later... yup. Then it stops. Until the following evening. I let reception know it's still happening, they send someone out, again, it stops, again, and starts, again a few minutes later. It stops and starts throughout the night, midnight, 1am, 4am, 9am. We're tired, I'm rather grumpy, so we ask to change rooms so we can sleep. They check with the manager and give us another room. The new room has a seal at the bottom of the shower, unfortunately their water fall shower lasts for 1 second if you try to use it as the handle on the door self adjusts. There's still dust on the sliding doors and under the bed. We're exhausted having had a pretty bad night due to the alarm, so we sleep, a lot. We didn't eat in the hotel, it's expensive, there's a little French baguette place not too far away and a Starbucks so we're sorted. The Nespresso only ha
江南 L7
4.5/591 評價
酒店現代,超級乾淨,經營良好,安靜。房間裝飾時尚,有許多現代的觸摸和設施。有一個窗戶真的打開了,我的“花園”景色很可愛。我度過了一段寧靜的時光,沒有家政等奇怪的干擾。電視和社區等東西的標牌和指南都巧妙地完成了。雖然我欣賞房間保險箱,但在這家酒店我感到非常安全和舒適。底層有問候/工作人員,承認每一位客人。我從來沒有說這篇文章是“鬼魂”在那裏的4晚。我沒有在餐廳吃飯,但看起來是一個不錯的選擇,如果你會吃自助餐!地鐵就在附近,還有一個小雜貨店,“天天超市”,我實際上可以在谷歌地圖上找到。這裏沒有游泳池。我覺得這不是適合孩子的“至尊”好玩的酒店,因爲對他們來說沒什麼特別的,但還是不錯的,放鬆。(這次旅行沒有帶孩子)。地下室有咖啡店和橄欖楊,7-11。很方便。有一點要注意 - 如果你在首爾做醫療程序,你必須把你的冰袋放在前台(然後下去拿)。工作人員非常有反應,謹慎,並且迅速幫助你揹包,無論。這是一個相當大的不便,這就是爲什麼我住在其他地方,但在我停止需要冰帕克後不久就搬到了這家酒店。如果需要,酒店會很高興微波爐你的食物。如果在某個地方有一個公共微波爐就好了!
4.2/5272 評價
在這邊連着住了12晚,主要的行程就是追星打卡,需要的可以參考一下~ 優點: 1. 交通非常方便,出門左轉是地鐵二號線,可以直達蠶室、建大、聖水、弘大(雖然要坐很久)。出門走到路邊就是公交站,有很多路公交車所以每次坐公交有很多選擇不用等很久。愛豆同款餐廳、快閃等很多都在江南,打卡同款比較方便, 2. 對面就是coex、現代百貨、ktown4u,不想走路面可以選擇從地鐵口穿過去,因為酒店外面是十字路口,紅燈要等很久。 3. 酒店樓下50m左右有cu和711便利店,餐廳和咖啡廳也挺多,但是大多偏貴。 4. 我定的這個房型挺大,打開兩個28寸箱子隨地走動無壓力,也不臨街所以不吵。 5. 前台:酒店前台會英語(中文不清楚),但是白天的前台感覺英語好一點,溝通起來比較輕鬆,晚上的前台溝通的時候感覺有點吃力。因為我不確定什麼時候回國所以都是臨時續住,有一次續住的時候沒有我這個房型了,前一晚溝通的時候得知需要換房間(就算定更高級的也需要換...),但是第二天前台打電話告訴我可以加錢不換房續住,並且衹加了一晚的錢給我升級了幾天,非常感謝🥹🙏中間去了釜山幾天,也讓我免費寄存了行李箱🫶 6. 酒店的洗衣房和洗衣服務都比較方便,衹不過洗衣房衹能投硬幣。 缺點: 1. 不知道是不是因為lobby在頂樓,每次在一樓等電梯都要等很久,但是從房間等電梯下樓就比較快。 2. 從釜山回來後住了兩晚,入住的時候發現被子上有污漬,但是因為過了清潔時間衹能第二天讓保潔換☹️並且發現這次的房間比第一次住的尾房空間要大一點... 3. 酒店門口在修路,每次回酒店都要路過不平的路面,下雨下雪的時候又滑又有泥,有時候頭上還有吊車在吊東西,有點害怕。 4. 床邊衹有一邊有充電口,另一個充電口在辦公桌,兩個人一起住的話就不太方便了,並且都需要轉換插頭。 5. 房間價格還是偏貴。
烏里 & 飯店
4.2/5284 評價
酒店位置距離三成站很近,步行過對面就有機場巴士,Coex ,食逛都很方便。下次來韓國還是會選擇這裡,酒店B2就有洗衣機乾衣機,還有gym room
4.4/578 評價
4.2/5420 評價


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