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探索我們在Pasar Johar附近的熱門飯店








正在尋找Pasar Johar附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.4/55 評價
睡 & 睡 青年旅館
3.8/56 評價
1. It was located in between the 2 Semarang’s intercity train stations, Semarang Poncol Train Station and Semarang Tawang Train Station. It was only around 800m from each Station, and took only 15 minutes to get there by foot. It was located at the bottom-right of the UNAKI building. It was also accessible by some minibuses and online transportation as well. 2. This is a capsule hotel, a low-budget one. The interior was inspired with the aviation theme. There was a runaway on the floor to take you to the bedrooms, even there was several airplane’s seats in the waiting room, which was a good spot to take a picture. Near the waiting room and receptionist desk, there was a common room to have some meals, chit chat with friends, even to do some work, completed with a small bench to buy some snacks and drinks. There were so many lockers outside the bedroom to store your luggage, and also shoe racks to place your shoes. There were 2 large bedrooms with more that 20 beds in it, arranged in bunk beds. The price depends on the level of the bed. The higher the bed, the cheaper the price. But, if you wanted to do an early check-in, you would be charged in amount of IDR 20.000,-. The bed itself was a single bed, placed inside the container, which made you quite difficult to move around. There was a light bulb to illuminate your container, and also a power socket to charge your devices. 3. The bathroom was large, consisted of several basins, large mirrors, toilet tubes, and shower tubes. It was very clean, and I was sure that the hotel’s attendants would always have cleaned it every day, but I also was anxious about everyone’s self hygiene. 4. There was no restaurant, because this Hotel didn’t offer any kind of meals, especially breakfast. But there were several street foods near the hotel which could be accessed by foot. 5. All the hotel’s attendants were nice, friendly, and helpful. It was a nice place to stay while we’re in transit or having a short stay.
4.4/520 評價
+ 地理位置優越,靠近“科塔拉馬”和塞馬朗塔旺站+寬敞舒適的臥室+工作人員非常友好n熱情,特別是電話運營商cahya和FDA林堂+好歡迎飲料(韋當朗德)-臥室光線非常少
4.5/565 評價
Kamar luas, htl lama yg sdh direnovasi..pertama buka kkamarnya ada bau ruangan lama.. malam kedengaran suara org nyanyi karaoke dr tamannya, pagi2 terdengar suara org senam, breakfast nya macamnya banyak ...rasa lumayan..fresh jus buahnya enak asli banyak macam ada kelengkkeng, salak, melon, nanas, semaangka, mangga ...mamntap
4.5/528 評價
Satu yang menjadi catatan, mencari lokasinya agak sedikit sulit dan parkiran sangat terbatas untuk mobil. Jadi posisi bobobox ini Letter U dengan posisi parkiran di sisi satunya. Mungkin akan lebih mudah jika diberikan lampu pada petunjuk tempat parkirannya. Untuk hal lain sama seperti layaknya bobobox. Hanya yanh menjadi catatan jam.malam tidak berlaku karena banyak banget rombongan yang suaranya naudzubillah kenceng banget malem2 berasa garowok desa lagi arisan. Ditambah lagi itu kamar mandi pria masyaalloh baunya pesing luar biasa (tolong ya tolong kalau kencing di kloset bukan di shower). Satu lagi catatan AC tolong diturunkan suhunya, karena saya sudah pernah menginap di bobobox malang, jkt, solo, dan bandung menurut Saya bobobox Semarang ini.sangat panas dan paling pesing bau kamar mandi cowonya
3.5/51 評價


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