我們竭力確保顧客享受一流的服務和設施,為顧客帶來舒適的體驗。開車前來的旅客可享受免費停車。通過櫃檯提供的禮賓服務,輕鬆計劃您的日常活動,滿足您的旅行需求。 入住Hotel Sejal By Nexottel,無需大包小包,洗衣服務可確保您的衣服保持幹凈清新。 需要放鬆一下嗎?您的客房可提供客房送餐服務,讓您的入住更加舒適愉快。每間客房均以舒適為宗旨,提供一系列設施服務,讓您享受靜謐的睡眠,同時確保您的舒適度。 部分客房提供空調或寢具用品,以確保您的舒適和便利。Hotel Sejal By Nexottel精心打造的客房可以提供例如獨立客廳甚至陽台或露台之類的選擇。部分精選客房配有室內視訊流媒體、每日報紙或電視,以確保為顧客提供娛樂。 值得注意的是,部分客房浴室配有浴袍、毛巾或吹風機,為您提供便利。 用美味的早餐開始新的完美一天。在Hotel Sejal By Nexottel,您可以在住宿內享用美味佳餚。 您可全天參與Hotel Sejal By Nexottel提供的各種娛樂活動。縱情跳入泳池,開啟您的完美假期。
Located just beside saputara Lake. The hotel location is excellent. Service is ok (not bad, not good). Cleanliness you can expect is met. Food and breakfast does not have that much variety and option one was expecting with 3 star ⭐ hotel.
In short
Great location
Good service
Ok food.
Toran hotel is a gujarat tourism property placed on a hill top overlooking one side of saputara and close to the main city. The rooms are big, clean and the staff friendly, positive and helpful! a property worth spending your holidays on. The open area around the property is an ideal place to walk after dinner and early mornings. A suggestion. After the bookings are made and payments made in full, a phone call from the property should be arranged to take the requirements from the customer.
Located just beside saputara Lake. The hotel location is excellent. Service is ok (not bad, not good). Cleanliness you can expect is met. Food and breakfast does not have that much variety and option one was expecting with 3 star ⭐ hotel.
In short
Great location
Good service
Ok food.
2 評價