Wild About Lapland附近的飯店

羅瓦涅米Wild About Lapland附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Wild About Lapland飯店

羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland0.17km
入住羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,您即擁有探索羅瓦涅米的地利之便。入住期間,您可以到飯店的三溫暖好好慰勞自己。 健身房可供旅客前往活動筋骨。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有滑雪及高爾夫球場,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在停車場。

YYuelaixuan 2024.03.03
46 則評論
聖塔克勞斯聖誕老人飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
聖塔克勞斯聖誕老人飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店聖塔克勞斯聖誕老人飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland0.24km
聖塔斯聖誕老人飯店坐落於羅瓦涅米中心地段,距離桑塔公園只有 5 分鐘車程,且距離聖誕老人村有 7 分鐘車程。 此環保認證飯店距離羅迪廣場 0.2 英里(0.4 公里),距離Sampokeskus Shopping Centre 0.2 英里(0.4 公里)。您可到露台欣賞美景,還可利用免費 WiFi和禮品店/報攤等服務和設施。此飯店的其他設施包括美髮沙龍、公共區電視和宴會廳。您可以去Gaissa享用餐點,或者去咖啡館吃些點心。飯店還提供部分時段客房送餐服務。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。自助式早餐(收費)供應時間為:週一至週五 7:00 至 10:00,週末 7:00 至 10:00。特色服務/設施包括電腦站點、乾洗/洗衣服務和24 小時櫃檯服務。這家飯店的活動設施包括會議中心和會議室。飯店提供收費自助停車。有 170 間空調客房提供迷你吧;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。浴室提供坐浴桶和吹風機。便利設施包括保險箱和書桌;而且每天提供客房服務。

112 則評論
斯堪迪克極地飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
斯堪迪克極地飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店斯堪迪克極地飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland0.24km
在結束忙碌的旅行或商務活動之後,這間斯堪迪克極地飯店是您放鬆身心的絕佳地方。所有客房均禁煙。 這裡有部分房間坐擁絕美的城市景觀。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。入住期間,您可以到飯店的三溫暖好好慰勞自己。 健身房可供旅客前往活動筋骨。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。櫃台提供 24 小時全天候服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

Llkrsd 2019.02.11
39 則評論
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
HAAWE·吉舍精品公寓飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
HAAWE·吉舍精品公寓飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店HAAWE·吉舍精品公寓飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland0.31km
入住HAAWE·吉舍精品公寓飯店,您即擁有探索羅瓦涅米的地利之便。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 行李寄存。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

After reading the reviews and all the nice promises on their website, i had high hopes about this hôtel. How foolish was i?!? I wrote an email the week before our arrival to ask if an early checking at 2h instead of 4h could be possible as we had to prepare for our wedding. They’ve answered that they will ask the cleaning team to do the room first so we could enter it earlier. When we arrived there was no one available so we had to ring and wait for someone as it’s how this place work. The person who arrived 10 minutes later was really not nice nor polite. We felt like disturbing him when he told us that they never do early checking. When i told him i’ve sent an email about this 2 weeks before he said i was lying. Oh ok!?! As we had 2 hours to wait we’ve decided to use the safe locker room they are providing. There is only 10 lockers there. After 10 minutes of struggles to try to lock a locker with all our luggages inside, we had to go back upstair to ring the rude guy again. We’ve waited 10 minutes again for him. When he arrived he told us that the lockers were broken and unusable. No sign to tell us that or nothing, just figure this out yourself when he knew it was broken! There is only two seats in the entrance and there were already 4 people waiting there with their luggage. I asked him what we were then supposed to do and he told us to just leave all our stuff unattended and unlocked there, with everybody able to go through them. I asked him if he was serious and he told me ”if you don’t trust us you can leave with your luggage!” I told him that i don’t know him and with some reviews already talking about stolen stuff in the hôtel you can understand why! He was very rude so i told him i was going to film him and that’s when he said i could leave our stuff in our room while it was being cleaned. We’ve decided to do this and whild doing it we’ve met the cleaning team. Honestly they should be the ones dealing with guests while the rude guy should be left far from any hospitality job where you interact with humans! They told us nobody told them we’ve asked for early checking otherwise they would have done our room first, especially if we wrote an email way earlier to ask for this. Probably the rude guy who forgot how to do his job again! After all that we only had 30 minutes to wait LOL When entering the room, we’ve realised that the fire place is fake. If you wait for the heat or flames of a real fire place you’la be sadly disapointed. Just a fake very light colored ”flame”. The bathroom is one foot away from the bed and the toilets are in it with the shower and sink. There is just a small wall separating between your pillow and the toilet. Wonder why we don’t see this on their website??? The room is advertised as a room ”with view”. If a view on street work and an old building is ”a view” then this is true. (see my pics for that awesome view) People are smoking and drinking at night on the steps of the outside entrance so it’s always
74 則評論
瓦庫納羅瓦涅米原創索考斯飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
瓦庫納羅瓦涅米原創索考斯飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店瓦庫納羅瓦涅米原創索考斯飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland0.38km
瓦庫納羅瓦涅米原創索考斯酒店是結束一整日忙碌的行程或工作後放鬆身心的好去處。 酒店距離羅瓦涅米教堂874m,距離北極圈科學博物館亦不過是761m。此外,距離羅瓦涅米摩托雪橇體驗亦只是393m,非常適合前來觀光遊覽的旅客。房間內不可吸煙。想消除疲勞或放鬆身心的話,不妨去住宿的桑拿。 去健身室健身,保持強健體魄。 這裡提供多種運動及活動選擇,包括滑雪、高爾夫球場、釣魚及行山。這裡有餐廳,為您的住宿提供各種餐飲選擇。 躲在舒適的客房內享用餐廳提供的客房服務餐點。 不想出門但又想小酌一杯?這裡的酒吧或咖啡室是與朋友把酒言歡,享受美好時光。您可以使用客房及公共區域的 Wi-Fi,隨時保持聯絡。 此酒店亦提供圖書館、兒童遊樂場和遊戲室等設施。 住宿提供24小時前台服務。 住宿設施齊全,提供貨幣兌換、行李寄存和洗衣服務。羅瓦涅米機場距離機場僅11 min車程,是最近的機場。 由住宿出發,最近的火車站是羅瓦涅米站,步行24 min即可到達。 如果您打算開車前來,可以考慮停泊在停車場。

TTING 2020.02.04
71 則評論
斯堪迪克博涵霍維飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
斯堪迪克博涵霍維飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店斯堪迪克博涵霍維飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland0.42km
在結束忙碌的旅行或商務活動之後,這間斯堪迪克博涵霍維飯店是您放鬆身心的絕佳地方。所有客房均禁煙。閒暇時間,您可以前往室內的游泳池內游泳。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的三溫暖好好慰勞自己。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。整間飯店提供 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

HHarPrak 2022.12.26
就在羅瓦涅米火車站的巴士站附近。只能在1500後才能入住。提供行李商店。 家庭房適合3人入住。在新樓分配了全新的房間(2022年12月入住)。 房間條件一流 乾淨。 房間設施不多。 安全箱不工作。 客房部協助設置加牀。非常高效。 靠近購物中心。很少有中國/亞洲餐廳。拐角處的快餐店。 河不能穿越,太陽升起時景色很棒。 整體牀,淋浴房很棒。 早餐也很棒。當地食物傳播。 工作人員樂於助人,英語服務很好。 推薦入住的酒店!
62 則評論
烏拿斯瓦天空拉普蘭飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
烏拿斯瓦天空拉普蘭飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店烏拿斯瓦天空拉普蘭飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland2.68km
入住烏拿斯瓦天空拉普蘭飯店,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。所有客房均禁煙。 這間飯店的所有客房均設有私人浴室。如果您要自我充電或簡單放鬆一下,可以前往飯店的三溫暖。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有滑雪、高爾夫球場及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。整間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 在這間飯店,您還能找到兒童遊樂場等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時全天候服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

YYI 2020.02.07
67 則評論
北極樹屋飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
北極樹屋飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店北極樹屋飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland5.3km
在結束忙碌的旅行或商務活動之後,這間北極樹屋飯店是您放鬆身心的絕佳地方。入住北極樹屋飯店的舒適客房,您將感覺賓至如歸。這裡每間客房均設有迷你吧、咖啡機、房內保險箱及咖啡壺/茶壺。部分房間另設有壁爐及私人入口。 所有客房均禁煙。 這間飯店的所有客房均設有私人浴室。 您能擁有自己的廚房,另加上方便的冰箱器具。愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有滑雪、划獨木舟、水上運動設備及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間飯店,您還能找到燒烤等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時全天候服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

JJet_liu 2023.12.28
Arctic TreeHouse Hotel provides a unique blend of luxury comfort in the heart of Arctic nature, local Lappish traditions and modern Scandinavian design. Morning in the forest inspired the interior design for their Arctic TreeHouse Suites. The gentle, warm natural materials combined with light shades enhance the nest-like ambiance of the suites. Seven suites have a kitchenette and they can be connected to the adjacent rooms to form a family suite. Their five Arctic GlassHouses have two bedrooms that comfortably accommodate up to six persons. Each cabin has its own fireplace, sauna and kitchenette. The luxurious ArcticScene Executive Suites all have a separate living room and bedroom, and a special wellness area for a spa-like atmosphere. Their five Arctic GlassHouses have two bedrooms that comfortably accommodate up to six persons. Each cabin has its own fireplace, sauna and kitchenette. The luxurious ArcticScene Executive Suites all have a separate living room and bedroom, and a special wellness area for a spa-like atmosphere. Rakas Restaurant & Bar, located in the main building of Arctic TreeHouse Hotel, charms with its unique ambiance and menu of meals made from local ingredients prepared with a modern twist. As you sit beneath the pine cone lamps by the fireplace, the delicious flavors will create out-of-the-ordinary and divinely tasty moments. On their à la carte menu, created by award-winning chef and artist Petteri Luoto, every dish is an experience for all sense. Winter is perfect season to explore thrilling outdoor adventures in the real-life fairytale. Immerse yourself into snowy and mystical arctic nature with their extraordinary activities and create memories of a lifetime. Arctic TreeHouse Hotel and Lapland Luxury organized the perfect day showing us Santa Claus Secret Forest – Joulukka, an exclusive destination where you can experience the magic of Christmas privately. The unique surroundings of the Lappish forest, the enchanting programs full of Christmas magic and surprises, conducted specially for us and our nearest and dearest with a touch of local traditions, are guaranteed to delight guests with the highest standards – kids and adults alike. Come to visit them at Santa Claus Secret Forest – Joulukka and enjoy an unforgettable private meeting with Santa Claus, discover the secrets of the real elves and take part in fun holiday activities! Step Into Your Very Own Christmas Fairytale! Underneath the Arctic Circle, deep beneath the ground, lies Santa’s secret cavern! Do not miss joining their merry Elves on an unforgettable journey to the heart of Christmas at SantaPark, an indoor amu*****t park voted the top Christmas destination in the world. Hop on the Magic Train and travel through enchanting worlds, earn your very own diploma at the Elf School, cross the Arctic Circle underground and enter the cool realm of the Ice Princess, feel the crispy breath of winter in the Ice Gallery, enjoy the jolly Elf Show on the
40 則評論
新天地飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
新天地飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店新天地飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland6.93km
在結束忙碌的旅行或商務活動之後,這間新天地飯店是您放鬆身心的絕佳地方。這間飯店所有客房均禁煙。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱。如果您要自我充電或簡單放鬆一下,可以前往飯店的三溫暖。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有滑雪及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您可以到飯店內的餐廳品嚐美味當地風味菜餚。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。整間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi,讓您能隨時上網。 在這間飯店,您還能使用花園。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供免費 行李寄存。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

訪客用戶 2024.01.12
87 則評論
北極圈聖誕老人冰屋 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
北極圈聖誕老人冰屋 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店北極圈聖誕老人冰屋 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店
距離Wild About Lapland7.51km
北極圈聖誕老人冰屋飯店位於羅瓦涅米,鄰近機場,距離聖誕老人村和桑塔公園不到 5 分鐘車程。 此環保認證飯店距離Syvasenvaara Fell 2.1 英里(3.3 公里),距離Otvotien游泳海灘 3.3 英里(5.4 公里)。您可到露台和花園欣賞美景,還可利用免費 WiFi等服務和設施。此飯店的其他特色包括旅遊/票務服務、野餐區和接待大廳。您可以到飯店的餐廳大快朵頤;這裡供應午餐和晚餐。也可以待在房間裡,享受客房送餐服務。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。特色服務/設施包括行李寄存和櫃檯保管箱。飯店提供免費自助停車。有 71 間空調客房提供加熱地板和智能電視;您定能在旅途中找到家的舒適。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫;有線頻道可滿足您的娛樂需求。便利設施包括迷你吧和電熱水壺;而且每天提供客房服務。

在聖誕老人村附近的飯店留宿,環境很棒晚上可以看到很美的星室,房間中也有私人桑拿房,可以更好的體驗芬蘭的桑拿文化。 用餐方面基本上除了飯店內的餐廳外沒有太多選擇,但很驚喜的是質素很高,絕對沒有因為少競爭對手而有所偷工減料!很感恩在芬蘭四天都有找到高質的美食! (而且在飯店中入住到餐廳用膳會享有優惠) Salmon, Whitefish Roe And Lappish Bread 17.5€ 沒有三文魚湯也是離不開三文魚料理,燻過的三文魚中間仍然保持半生嫩滑的口感,配上白身魚的魚子及麵包是一個很好的配搭。 Elk Fillet And Cranberries 17.5€ 鹿排超級嫩,配上莓果的 Cream 也很清新!超級快就食光了,很好食! Elk Fillet & Pepper 38.5€ 主菜的鹿排肉繼續非常精彩!生熟程度剛剛好,肉身很juicy,除了肉排中的醬汁外,另外一個淺色的醬汁也非常棒(是一個熟悉但說不上來的感覺),再跟黑椒碎三種食法完全會有三種不同的風味,食完整個肉排也不會覺得很沉悶。 Arctic Char & Lobster 38.5€ 如果是特別偏愛三文魚的人可能會對Arctic Char有一點失落,特別是在中午時去了聖誕老人村附近餐廳食了極度肥文油質豐富的三文魚排。 但 Char 始終不完全是三文魚,所以也不能這樣比較,魚肉肉質相對結實,雖然油脂比較少但魚味也同樣很充足。能蝦很新鮮,肉質彈牙,奶油煮過後香氣更濃。 Caramel & Apple 15€ “Blueberry Pie” 15€ 兩道甜品都是以拆解元素重新演繹的方式呈現,配搭熟悉的同時又不失新意,特別是 Blueberry Pie 很能善用到芬蘭盛產莓果的優勢。 最後很感謝酒店團隊的神秘生日禮物!為這次芬蘭之旅(雖然未能追光成功)劃上一筆完美的句號。
41 則評論
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羅瓦涅米 | 距離Wild About Lapland0.09KM
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羅瓦涅米 | 距離Wild About Lapland0.13KM
"Good Location"
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羅瓦涅米 | 距離Wild About Lapland0.09KM
"Good Location"
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羅瓦涅米 | 距離Wild About Lapland0.13KM
"Good Location"
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羅瓦涅米 | 距離Wild About Lapland0.28KM
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羅瓦涅米 | 距離Wild About Lapland0.3KM


聖誕老人假日鄉村飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


HHangHo餐廳:早餐可以,種類豐富,但歐洲好食的麵包竟然在這裡比較差,晚餐選擇不多,我去的時候只有魚、雞、素食三款,所以沒有吃到。 設施:大失所望,wifi 奇差,經常收不到,可以當沒有wifi 用。超級不方便,連在港買的大中華go 也收不到網絡,應該是地點位置問題。我訂的是湖畔房型,入面的私人桑拿房好細間,我認為只足夠1人使用,2人空間不足,簡直大跌眼鏡!這樣的價錢給岀這樣的設施完全係意料之外。 酒店唯一可取之處就是它的風景優美,但性價比超低。
北極狐冰屋 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


訪客We booked this penthouse to have a nice weekend and enjoy beautiful view from the balcony. We carefully selected a very nice stay among all possible stays in Swedish Lapland and Finnish Lapland region reading all reviews and making a long research for a high-quality leisure stay. Instead we were forced to listen to around 9 hours of very loud unbearable rock through the whole evening. From 15:30-01 :00 90DB noise for 9 hours (harmful for health) 90 decibels is a high noise level, equivalent to the noise generated by a leaf blower or the sound level of a concert. Compared to 80 dB, 90 dB is 10 times more intense and twice as loud. Whenever you are exposed to this noise level, you should wear hearing protection. One could hear music even in the sauna. After two hours of nonstop noise and starting headache I contacted the host about full refund I got an answer that there is a festival just outside the building. Here is what I got as a reply: ”Is the music coming from outside? There is Santa open air music festival in the park by the riverside going thru the weekend.” Since host did not solve the problem I had to call to San Francisco USA airbnb support to solve the problem. Next reply from host was not apology and problem solving too. It was: ”This is a public outdoor event which have been promoted by the city of Rovaniemi. So it’s a well-known event, which attracts a lot of attention and visitors. We don’t ask our guests why they come to Rovaniemi. I can assume that many of our other guests come specifically because of this festival.” ”You cannot expect us to repost information about all public events in Rovaniemi.” I would not have booked this stay if I would have known that there is a very loud music in the whole apartment all night long non-stop. I do not know if anyone would. Since the attitude towards guest is so ignoring - I do not recommend this host. After getting in touch with Airbnb support I had a message from the host where the host offered second night instead of 82% refund (we would simply go home from that airbnb, the apartment was untouched yet). I accepted the night just to stop stressing. After listening to many hours of loud terrible noise I had a bad head-ache and a bad sleep. I would love to go home and regret making a booking. *it took us 1 hour to find parking outside before we checked-in. We parked on the river shore. Cleanlyness big minus: around toilet all walls in urine, dust on window floors and corners (non-professional cleaning) Hospitality non-professional. Host is interested in getting money, not in providing a nice and responsible service.
羅瓦涅米諾迪卡設計住宅飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


我住在四人房的三日兩夜,基本上看到天空的時間沒有三個小時,完全衹是被雪蓋上。我跟酒店職員反映了三次,第一次他説因為下雪問題,玻璃屋本身衹會在停雪時開動溶雪系統。第二次是我看見對面一整排房間,在下雪其間仍然非常清晰,清晰得可看見房內客人的手機,我再跟職員反映,他表示該排房間處於系統中的必然會開動溶雪系統的位置。這根本就是矛盾,推翻先前的説法,我忿怒的表達想法,而職員就一味解釋是系統問題。第三次是我發現衹有四人房間是有積雪問題,我再向職員表示並詢問是否四人房的溶雪系統不全,而職員繼續用歸咎於天氣,並不承認他們系統不完整。我們希望換房,他們不給予我們四人轉至兩間單人房,就算他們有很多空房,所以我們衹好住在被雪包圍和完全看不見天空同時價值850usd一晚的房間。 酒店所謂的按摩浴池是要收費的 大約50€ 1hour / 1人 免費sauna 衹分開放早晚各一小時,並且男女分段,同時sauna並沒有熱力,我想是因為酒店希望客人付款預訂私人sauna 基本上沒有任何娛樂設施,唯一娛樂是玩雪 這是我人生入住過性價比最低的酒店!
北極冰雪飯店及玻璃屋 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


We’ve just returned from a 3 night stay at Bears Lodge (Winter Wonderland) with TUI. I’d read some mixed reviews so was a bit apprehensive, but can honestly say our stay was just magical from start to finish. The hotel itself is set round a frozen lake within a forest. The scenery was spectacular and it was very cosy at night with twinkly fairy lights outside. We stayed in a log cabin complete with log fire and sauna. The cabin was so warm and cosy and very clean. I really wouldn’t call it basic like some of the reviews I’d read. My children (and us!) enjoyed tobogganing down the hill onto the frozen lake. We also really enjoyed the food. Again, some of the reviews had said the food wasn’t the best, but it was honestly so good… really tasty and lots of different options, including plenty of options for gluten free people (like me). Breakfast was also delicious, again with lots of options including full English, continental, porridge and different types of homemade bread. The Tui day was absolutely amazing… one of the best days of my life! We did so much in the day (husky ride, Santa visit, reindeer visit / talk, ginger bread decorating, elf school) and it was extremely well organised. The snowmobile ride to see Santa made me quite emotional. The secluded location made it feel very special and intimate. I snuck my children’s letters to Santa to the elf who greeted us outside his cabin and Santa welcomed them in by name. There was also a good balance between outdoor/indoor activities so we weren’t out in the cold for too long. The elves and the reps made the day really fun. My children really enjoyed playing in the snow with them. I’m so pleased I booked Bears Lodge with Tui. It exceeded our expectations and I can’t really find the words to say how wonderful it was. Just pure magic!
比爾旅館拉普蘭飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


我們在羅瓦涅米 Forenom Serviced Apartments 的住宿真正證明了品質和負擔能力的完美平衡。這間飯店位於羅瓦涅米(Rovaniemi)市中心,提供質樸、寬敞的客房,並配有優質床鋪,確保您享受舒適且充滿活力的住宿體驗。 這些公寓的突出特點是配有冰箱的小廚房。這貼心的補充可以實現一定程度的自給自足,非常適合尋求便利的旅客。寬敞的客房進一步營造出輕鬆溫馨的氛圍,給人賓至如歸的感覺。 作為一個令人愉快的獎勵,該建築還在特定的晚上提供開放的桑拿課程。這些額外的便利設施增強了整體體驗,為住宿增添了傳統的芬蘭風格。 我對自己選擇的住宿非常滿意。安靜舒適的環境讓我可以安穩地睡一覺,確保我為第二天的冒險做好充分的準備。 唯一需要改進的地方是院子裡公共垃圾桶的狀況。這是唯一的缺點,因為它看起來相當凌亂。然而,這個小問題並沒有顯著影響整體的正向體驗。 總之,羅瓦涅米的 Forenom 服務式公寓物超所值。飯店擁有維護良好的寬敞客房、舒適的床鋪以及小廚房和桑拿等額外便利設施,是疲憊旅客的天堂。如果您正在尋找既優質又實惠的住宿選擇,福諾服務式公寓就是您的最佳選擇。
羅瓦涅米大街弗雷蒙服務式公寓 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


MMok TMSantasport Hotel酒店是一家綜合度假村,提供住宿,徒步旅行,滑雪,騎自行車,滑雪和其他許多冬季活動。他們有所有活動的軌道,這是在冬季探索樹林的愉快之旅。 酒店有保齡球館,游泳池和桑拿,還有咖啡廳 入住和退房是微風,工作人員很友好和樂於助人。他們照顧所有客人的需求,永遠不會留下深刻的印象。 房間大小合理,他們也有衣櫃。牀很舒服,我睡得很好。早餐很好,有質量的蘇讀。 如果我來羅瓦涅米的寒假,我會回到聖塔體育酒店。
桑塔體育學院飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


訪客用戶Not a good start. Checked in with not much of a welcome by female receptionist, she gave us our key and pointed to some steps. Found our room and started to unpack when a man used a key pass and entered our room and then went out again and then came in again, and went out again…..we were baffled! A few minutes later the not so friendly receptionist came in to our room, (it would have been nice if she had knocked) saying that were in the wrong room….like we’d put ourselves in the room! She went out again and then came back saying we’re in the room and we’ll have to move. Next the Crystal Rep. knocked on the door and said they’d been a mistake and we’re been put in the wrong room and she would find out what room number were moving to (the receptionist never came back to apologised). Then the man came back and barged passed us and put his suitcase in the room and disappeared again! The Crystal Rep helped us move to the other room …..thank goodness for her - she said she would feedback to the hotel manager and the next day he apologised for the inconvenience and gave us a voucher for tea and cake …..we would have preferred the receptionist to apologise for entering the room twice and making out it was our fault that we were in the wrong room!! The room was very basic but clean and comfortable. …..there was a kettle as described but not tea, coffee, milk or sugar as described in a review we read. We didn’t steep properly as you can hear everything going on in the other rooms….we were woken up at 6am every morning to what can only be described as someone tap dancing in the room above. The hotel was filled with at least 95% of families that were on the Santa Package so a very noisy place, and our evening meals were not relaxing at all as the children were constantly running around in the restaurant and climbing over the furniture….it was manic. The food was good but not much of a selection - the Chefs in the kitchen were wonderful and served us with hot vegetarian meals. The breakfast selection was good but if you like warm portage and warm pancakes you will be disappointed as hot food was always luke warm ….as the the soup in the evenings and the water in the earn was never boiling.
普哈聖山滑雪飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店


阿克努斯飯店 Wild About Lapland附近的飯店




Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間豪華飯店?

北極之光飯店 是一間CP值高的熱門豪華飯店。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間飯店很受背包客歡迎?

無論是旅遊或臨時出行, 隨處精品青年旅舍 是您的最佳選擇。

Wild About Lapland附近飯店的本週末均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住羅瓦涅米Wild About Lapland附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$6,510。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

如果您想在羅瓦涅米Wild About Lapland附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可以考慮入住 羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店盧道夫桑塔飯店 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Wild About Lapland附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,羅瓦涅米Wild About Lapland附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$16,321。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務出差還是旅遊散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店盧道夫桑塔飯店 都是有提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間飯店附設健身房?

由於現代人對運動的需求變高,現在許多飯店都有附設健身房。 羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店聖塔克勞斯聖誕老人飯店 皆為設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間無障礙飯店?

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

若怕房間有菸味,建議預訂禁煙房。 羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店盧道夫桑塔飯店 皆為提供禁菸房的熱門飯店。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果計劃開車前往羅瓦涅米Wild About Lapland,建議入住 羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店盧道夫桑塔飯店 ,這些熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Wild About Lapland附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果還沒想好選擇哪家飯店,不如考慮入住 羅瓦涅米奢華市中心公寓飯店HAAWE·吉舍精品公寓飯店北極之光飯店 ,這幾間飯店評論很好,記得提前預訂!

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

想去羅瓦涅米Wild About Lapland又喜歡游泳的旅客,建議入住 桑塔體育學院飯店斯堪迪克博涵霍維飯店桑塔斯波特公寓飯店 ,這幾間皆為設有泳池的熱門飯店。

Wild About Lapland附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果想飯店就近用餐,可以考慮入住 羅瓦涅米市斯堪迪克飯店,烏拿斯瓦木屋拉普蘭飯店盧道夫桑塔飯店 。這幾間飯店有提供美食餐廳。