正在查找Museo Nacional Quito附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Museo Nacional Quito附近的熱門飯店


4.4/589 評價


基多|距離Museo Nacional Quito1.17km
這間旅館的位置很好,附近治安不錯,談到旅館本身的乾淨度,服務人員的親切度都相當不錯.衹是我們旅行途中發生些小插曲,或許這跟當地民情有關,衹是會讓我覺得他不是那麼為旅客着想. 我們是透過旅行社訂房,所以跟旅館聯絡的是厄瓜多當地人,我們犯了一個錯誤,我們弄錯了日期,原本是一間雙人房,連續兩個晚上,而這兩個晚上其實是不同的旅行社幫我們訂房的.為什麼會有那麼複雜的情形呢?因為在厄瓜多當地買旅遊行程,如果是透過海外電匯,而不是透過信用卡刷卡,旅行社會允諾送我們住一晚的飯店. 由此可知,我們是買了兩個旅行社的行程, 而這兩間旅行社都提供這間旅館, 當然我們就選擇這間旅館. 回到原來的話題,我們犯的錯誤是我們跟這兩家旅行社說的日期是同一天, 所以形成了一個好笑的情形, 就是我們兩個人在同一天訂了兩間雙人房, 衹是一間房間的登記名字一個是我, 另外一個是我的丈夫. 我們跟旅館說了這個情形,他允諾我們說可以改並且有房間,衹是必須由我們的旅行社業務來更改,因為他們不是跟我們訂約的. 不幸的是我們沒有聯絡到業務. 衹是我覺得這個情形很荒謬, 我們是住客, 房間的名字登記的是我們, 我們是委託旅行社處理. 當然我們兩個不會是當天晚上一個人住一間雙人房, 仍然是當天晚上住同間雙人房. 所以這間旅館迪的確確是從旅行社收了兩晚雙人房的房間錢,但是卻衹有一晚雙人房房間被使用的. 我不會對這件事情做甚麼消費者投訴,我是旅客,這不是我的國家.但是我想可以分享這件事情,提醒各位,不要到當場才發覺自己犯錯導致少了一晚的服務而讓心情不美麗.
4.8/547 評價


基多|距離Museo Nacional Quito2.18km
We spent two days in Quito following our Galapagos cruise and booked this very expensive hotel as a splurge to end our vacation. On the plus side, it is very beautifully decorated, our room was quite large and there were lots of fluffy towels and nice toiletries. We received a bottle of wine and some chocolate when we checked in, and the people at the front desk were very nice. But the negatives certainly overshadowed the positives, considering how much we paid for the room. The air conditioner was barely adequate, although we turned it down as low as possible, so we spent two uncomfortable nights. One of the main reasons for booking the hotel was to eat in their lovely restaurant, We even thought we made a reservation for our first night. However. when we checked in , we discovered that the restaurant had been closed for months and the only available restaurant was little better than a coffee shop, although they did serve dinners. The breakfast that was included in the room rate was very limited, with most of the other offerings an additional cost. Even at more modest hotels, we have enjoyed very nice buffets with many choices, but not at this hotel. And finally, our trip ended on a very negative note. The hotel is on a pedestrian street so we, with all of our luggage, walked to the corner with the bellman to meet our car. He didn't have a cart so we carried everything. While we were standing there someone took one of our bags, unfortunately the one with the presents we were bringing home to our family. The hotel never bothered to get in touch with me afterwards, although I guess technically it was not entirely their fault, even though they walk guests to the corner on a regular basis. But an expression of regret would have been appropriate and much appreciated. I really intended to give the hotel a “poor” rating, but decided in the end for “average” but only because the people at the front desk were so pleasant. But we would never recommend this hotel to anyone.







正在尋找Museo Nacional Quito附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
3.1/586 評價
Terrible customer service. My plans had to be cancel because of the pandemic and tried to call this place many times... they don't even answer phone calls and they don't have a way to reach them by email. I'd hate to be there in case of an emergency. Their free cancelation add is B.S. too.
4.2/51 評價
服務很好 衞生:服務一體化
4.4/53 評價
#推 #客房大小,飯店氣味,附近餐廳,地點,交通便利程度,客房格局令人滿意;老闆非常好,女主人做的西式早餐超級棒,草坪、花園,家的感覺
4.2/548 評價
首先,希爾頓科隆與美國以外的大多數希爾頓一樣,遠遠優於美國的希爾頓酒店。房間相對乾淨(任何地方都沒有流浪的頭髮!),舒適的牀,淋浴水壓很大,乾淨的毛巾,漂亮舒適的行政酒廊等。房間和一般的財產都過時了,但事情大多是應該的。西南面朝“行政”大牀房,行政酒廊,城市景色壯觀。可惜“免費”自助早餐草率,基多咖啡最兇。例外是點餐雞蛋站和熟練烹飪他們的好紳士。從附近無數咖啡館之一帶自己的咖啡,然後點雞蛋和一些吐司。或者,更好的是,在其他地方只用幾美元就能得到正宗的厄瓜多爾早餐。我在Avenida Patria逗留期間正在進行廣泛的道路建設,這是毗鄰物業南側的主要道路。白天聲音很大,晚上針對酒店的亮點燈留着一些困惑的原因。當然不是酒店的錯 - 只是需要注意的是,如果計劃在不久的將來住在這裏。最後,這家酒店的前台接待員提醒我基多機場的女海關人員。當然不友好,而且相當嚴厲。另一方面,許多其他工作人員,特別是客房服務,都很友善和樂於助人。我會再留在這裏嗎?我想是的,一旦道路建設完成。
4.4/59 評價
4.4/585 評價
