Espadilla Beach附近的飯店

克波斯港Espadilla Beach附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Espadilla Beach飯店

卡拉赫海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
卡拉赫海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店卡拉赫海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach0.18km
玻璃海灘飯店位於蓋波斯,地處國家公園內,距離曼努埃爾·安東尼奧國家公園只有 1 分鐘車程,且距離曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘也只有 8 分鐘車程。 此海灘飯店距離斯帕迪拉海灘 0.2 英里(0.4 公里),距離Zip 過山車 0.4 英里(0.7 公里)。您可充分利用室外游泳池等度假設施,或者到露台和花園欣賞美景。此飯店的其他設施包括免費 WiFi、禮品店/報攤和旅遊/票務服務。您可以去服務玻璃海灘飯店房客的Canto del Mar享用美味餐飲。您可以到酒吧/酒廊,點一杯喜歡的飲品,暢飲一番。每日 7:00 至 9:30 提供免費的當地美食早餐。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、行李寄存和洗衣設施。飯店設有收費的24 小時往返機場班車,此外還提供免費自助停車。41 間空調客房定能讓您在旅途中找到家的舒適。浴室提供淋浴設施和免費洗浴用品。

70 則評論
法洛貨櫃海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
法洛貨櫃海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店法洛貨櫃海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach0.94km
入住法洛貨櫃海灘飯店,您即擁有探索克波斯港的地利之便。您能在這間飯店的部分房間找到海景及露台。預訂景觀房型,享受獨特入住體驗。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含無邊際泳池。 法洛貨櫃海灘飯店坐落於沙灘上,並設有浮潛及潛水等活動。 如果您要自我充電或簡單放鬆一下,可以前往飯店的按摩室。 您在這裡能找到多樣的運動及活動,包含釣魚及徒步旅行。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間飯店,您還能使用花園。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。
100 則評論
伊西莫套房精品飯店及水療中心 - 限成人 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
伊西莫套房精品飯店及水療中心 - 限成人 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店伊西莫套房精品飯店及水療中心 - 限成人 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach1.29km
在結束忙碌的旅行或商務活動之後,這間伊西莫套房精品飯店及水療中心 - 限成人是您放鬆身心的絕佳地方。伊西莫套房精品飯店及水療中心 - 限成人提供設施齊全的客房,包含如迷你吧、咖啡機、房內保險箱及咖啡壺/茶壺等設施。部分房間亦設有私人入口及電視。 所有客房均禁煙。 在舒適的陽台放鬆身心並享受海景。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含景觀泳池。 伊西莫套房精品飯店及水療中心 - 限成人坐落於沙灘上,並設有浮潛及潛水等活動。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa或按摩室好好慰勞自己。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有划獨木舟、騎馬、釣魚及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間飯店,您還能找到花園等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。
68 則評論
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach1.33km
入住曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜,您即坐擁探索克波斯港所有精彩的地利之便。入住曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜的舒適客房,您將感覺賓至如歸。這裡每間客房均設有迷你吧、房內保險箱及咖啡壺/茶壺。部分房間另設有咖啡機及私人入口。 所有客房均禁煙。 這裡的部分房間附設露台,並能讓您坐擁絕美海景。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。 這間飯店的所有客房均設有私人浴室。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含景觀泳池。 曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜坐落於沙灘上,並設有浮潛及潛水等活動。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa或按摩室好好慰勞自己。 您在這裡能找到多樣的運動及活動,包含划獨木舟、騎馬、釣魚及徒步旅行。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間飯店,您還能使用花園、兒童樂園及自動販賣機等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。如果您打算開車前往飯店,可以考慮將車停在免費停車場。

訪客 2022.10.06
109 則評論
瑪坎達海邊飯店 - 限成人入住 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
瑪坎達海邊飯店 - 限成人入住 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店瑪坎達海邊飯店 - 限成人入住 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach1.35km
入住瑪坎達海邊飯店 - 限成人入住,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。您能在這間飯店的部分房間找到海景及露台。預訂景觀房型,享受獨特入住體驗。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含無邊際泳池。 正打算到水邊消磨時間嗎?您可以前往瑪坎達海邊飯店 - 限成人入住的專屬海灘放鬆身心,也能參加浮潛或潛水。 入住期間,您可以到飯店的spa、按摩室或三溫暖好好慰勞自己。 健身房可供旅客前往活動筋骨。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有騎馬、釣魚及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。客房及公共區域的免費 Wi-Fi 能讓您保持連網。 在這間飯店,您還能找到花園等設施。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 行李寄存及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

我們在海邊的Makanda的住宿簡直非凡。服務一流,我們的房間寬敞豪華,工作人員對我們的所有需求和要求都超級細心。他們根據我們的要求,及時無縫安排了我們所有的遊覽,旅遊和交通。他們讓我們覺得我們在整個住宿期間都是皇室成員。由於這是我們的蜜月,我們想要一個很好和僻靜的地方,現場設施很棒,Makanda遠遠超過了我們的期望。我們無法選擇一個更好的地方來慶祝我們的工會。從接待處的Leo和Ariana開始,到Alfredo,Luis,Johnathan和Keilor在游泳池露台/酒吧和Arbol餐廳;他們記住了我們的名字,並就如何充分利用我們在哥斯達黎加的住宿提出了建議。我們絕對希望很快和朋友一起回來。Pura Vida!
77 則評論
帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach1.62km
入住帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉,您即擁有探索克波斯港的地利之便。帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉提供設施齊全的客房,包含如迷你吧及房內保險箱等設施。部分房間亦設有咖啡機及私人入口。 所有客房均禁煙。 這裡的部分房間附設露台,並能讓您坐擁絕美海景。如果您要近距離欣賞風景,可以考慮景觀房型。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。這間飯店設有游泳池,亦包含無邊際泳池。 帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉坐落於沙灘上,並設有浮潛及潛水等活動。 如果您要自我充電或簡單放鬆一下,可以前往飯店的spa或按摩室。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。 您在這裡能找到多樣的運動及活動,包含划獨木舟、騎馬、釣魚及徒步旅行。這間飯店設有餐廳。您可趁入住期間到此品嚐美食。 只想待在飯店裡?透過送餐服務點單餐廳的美食佳餚,犒賞自己。 邀請好友及家人到飯店內的酒吧共度美好時刻。在這間度假村,您還能使用花園、兒童樂園及遊戲室等設施。 櫃台提供 24 小時服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店還提供 貨幣兌換、 行李寄存、 乾洗及 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用免費停車場。

CClarisa624 2023.07.07
101 則評論
三旗飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
三旗飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店三旗飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach2.3km
拉斯特雷斯班德拉斯飯店位於蓋波斯,靠近海洋,距離曼努埃爾·安東尼奧國家公園和曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘不到 15 分鐘車程。 此家居型飯店距離Manuel Antonio Nature Park & Wildlife Refuge 0.6 英里(0.9 公里),距離埃爾薩爾託瀑布 0.7 英里(1.2 公里)。您可利用飯店的按摩慰勞一下自己,或者享受室外游泳池等度假設施。此殖民地風格飯店還提供禮賓服務和遊樂廳/遊戲室。房客可搭乘收費區內班車前往附近目的地。您可以到餐廳享用一頓美餐;也可以去咖啡館吃些點心。或者可以待在房間裡,享受飯店的部分時段客房送餐服務。在忙碌的一天後,不妨去酒吧/酒廊輕鬆一下。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務、24 小時櫃檯服務和多語言服務。17 間空調客房定能讓您在旅途中找到家的舒適。客房設有私人陽台。配備淋浴設施的私人浴室提供大花灑淋浴噴頭和吹風機。便利設施包括保險箱和書桌;而且每天提供客房服務。

I've stayed here since April 2004 I love the place It's off the beaten path it's nothing fancy but it's getting better and you want to stay in the jungle anyhow I don't want any Foo Foo hotel. And J's great Maria still there several of the new girls are there and the guys and everything's fine. Food in the restaurants outstanding the presentation is excellent.
44 則評論
卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach4.22km
入住卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,您即擁有探索克波斯港的地利之便。所有客房均禁煙。 從您的個人露台欣賞絕美的海景。 這間飯店的所有客房均設有私人浴室。前往室外的游泳池鍛鍊身體,也能單純放鬆身心。 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店坐落於海灘上,並提供浮潛在內的活動。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有划獨木舟、騎馬、釣魚及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。 您可以待在舒適的客房,享用飯店附設餐廳提供的送餐服務餐點。 在酒吧小酌一杯,為當天劃下完美句號。櫃台提供 24 小時全天候服務。 這間設施齊全的飯店亦提供 貨幣兌換及 乾洗。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。

I was pleasantly surprised with this hotel. The rooms were big, updated, and clean. The only issue I had was with one staff member who stemmed to be snobby but the rest of them were very accommodating. I told him I wanted to stay another night and he told me that I needed to do it on the web. I stated that I thought it would be faster and cheaper if we would do it here, but he said ”no”. He was not interested in helping me, it seemed like. Oh well, I called the other hotel where I was staying two nights and they happily accommodated us for another night. I don't get these type of workers especially in Costa Rica where customer service I hold it in high regards. One of the reasons I love to come to this country it's because of their Pura Vida way of life, caring, loving, helpful. I guess los ticos are changing as well.
68 則評論
太平洋天堂度假村 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
太平洋天堂度假村 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店太平洋天堂度假村 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach5.34km
入住太平洋天堂度假村,您能在緊湊的行程之後放鬆身心。您能在這間飯店的部分房間找到山景及陽台。預訂景觀房型,享受獨特入住體驗。 入住期間,您將享受私人浴室的便利與隱私。 每個房間均有設備齊全的廚房,另加上冰箱。前往室外的游泳池鍛鍊身體,也能單純放鬆身心。 前往 健身房繼續您的健身習慣。 愛運動的旅客肯定樂在其中。這間飯店設有划獨木舟、網球場、騎馬、釣魚及徒步旅行,讓您出門在外也能隨時運動。您能在飯店內找到餐廳,提供您多樣的餐飲選擇。在這間飯店,您還能找到花園等設施。 為了提供額外便利性,這間飯店亦提供 洗衣服務。開車前往的旅客可以使用飯店停車場。
23 則評論
米格爾沖浪營地旅館 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
米格爾沖浪營地旅館 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店米格爾沖浪營地旅館 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
距離Espadilla Beach6.05km
米奎爾沖浪露營飯店位於蓋波斯,緊鄰海灘,距離曼努埃爾·安東尼奧國家公園和佩斯貝拉碼頭不到 15 分鐘車程。 此海灘露營地距離曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘 6.8 英里(11 公里),距離納奧米公園 2.1 英里(3.4 公里)。您可充分利用腳踏車租賃等度假設施,或者到露台和花園欣賞美景。此露營地的其他設施包括免費 WiFi、遊樂廳/遊戲室和旅遊/票務服務。在米奎爾沖浪露營飯店,您可以去餐廳享用美餐。每日 7:30 至 9:00 提供免費的當地美食早餐。特色服務/設施包括乾洗/洗衣服務和行李寄存。房客可付費乘坐往返機場班車,飯店還提供免費代客停車。飯店的 4 間客房定能讓您在旅途中找到家的舒適。在公用廚房中做飯。提供免費無線網絡,方便您與朋友保持聯繫。提供備有淋浴設施的浴室。
7 則評論
查看所有Espadilla Beach飯店

精選Espadilla Beach住宿推薦

過去 30 天內最熱銷的Espadilla Beach附近飯店
海濱飯店Verde Mar,直接通往海灘 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
100 則評論

海濱飯店Verde Mar,直接通往海灘

克波斯港 | 距離Espadilla Beach0.32KM
"Good Location"
曼努埃爾安東尼奧叢林海灘飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
81 則評論


克波斯港 | 距離Espadilla Beach0.31KM
"Good Location"
艾斯帕迪亞海灘和花園飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
44 則評論


克波斯港 | 距離Espadilla Beach0.82KM
"Good Location"
Villa Roca精品度假村及套房-限成人 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
49 則評論

Villa Roca精品度假村及套房-限成人

克波斯港 | 距離Espadilla Beach1.03KM
"Good Location"
河邊小屋 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店
12 則評論


克波斯港 | 距離Espadilla Beach2.49KM
"Good Location"


The photos of their rooms look exactly like the actual room we received ! If anything the room appeared bigger than what we expected. We had booked the king bed room overlooking the pool and it was perfect. Except for one thing that I shouldn't/wouldn't have let bother me but here is what happened - you do the decision. I asked about laundry service and was told by the front desk guy that I should save my $$'s and use the oversize bathroom sink (and it was) then hang my clothes on the little wire units that were in the shower area. Simple enough except after I did the wash and rinse & squeeze of as much water as possible, I went to hang the clothes on the wire and it broke, so pulled out the 2nd one, same thing it broke before I could even hang anything up ! So I went back down to the front desk and explained it all and this time the gal that was there told me to bag it up and they would do it for $7/kilo, I stated that I would do this but since it was already wet, there wouldn't be an accurate weight. She told me not to worry and that they would weigh it after it was dry, so I complied and dropped it off. Next day I went to retrieve it and was alarmed that my 3 tee shirts, 2 shorts and a couple of underwear's were going to cost way over $20 ! I was told be a different person that there was nothing that could be done and I could just pay it or they would add it to my bill at checkout. I paid the bill for what may have been 3 lbs (1.25 kilos max) of stuff. So in closing stay here for the rooms (and we probably would again) but don't have your laundry done here because they will ream you !
諾茲飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店


訪客We had an incredible experience at The Falls Resort. The staff, the view, the pool, the restaurant, and the room were all excellent. We will definitely stay here again next visit. We had monkeys, butterflies, hummingbirds, and iguanas visit us. The breakfast was great too! Way better than we ever expected.
曼努爾安東尼奧福爾斯度假村-民宿 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店


We recently stayed at a resort near the Manual Antonio National Park, Si Como No, for 10 unforgettable nights with our two young children, and it was nothing short of magical. From the moment we arrived, the staff made us feel right at home—special shoutout to Omar, Tony, Evelyn, and Alan, who went above and beyond to ensure our stay was perfect. Their warmth and genuine hospitality added a special touch to our experience that we won't soon forget. The food at both of the on-site restaurants was absolutely fantastic. Every meal was a delight, with fresh fish always in the menu. We enjoyed a wide variety of dishes, and each one was a hit with both the adults and the kids—no small feat! The resort itself is a paradise for wildlife lovers. We were thrilled to see capuchin monkeys, squirrel monkeys, and a ton of lizards right on the property. From our balcony, we were even lucky enough to spot whales off in the distance—a truly breathtaking sight. And if that wasn’t enough, we also saw sloths lazily hanging in the trees and vibrant macaws flying overhead. One of the best parts of our stay was the ease of access to tours and excursions. The resort's proximity to the national park made our visit there incredibly convenient (especially with young kids) and we also enjoyed a variety of other day trips, including a boat tour, a night jungle tour, and several relaxing days at the beach. Everything was so well-organized that we could focus on enjoying ourselves without any of the usual travel stress. We can't recommend this resort highly enough and are already planning our return trip. If you're looking for a perfect blend of adventure, relaxation, and exceptional service in Costa Rica, this is the place to be! Thank again to the Si Como No staff!
矽科莫野生動物保護區溫泉飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店


As a longterm guest, since the end of November, at this Miraculous family-owned and -run collection of boutique suites, With every dawn, I fall in love with it and its Unique location. Perched amongst the treetops (the smaller trees of this Rainforest/Jungle) while I write, each day brings new creatures and flora to my grateful attention. My suite is perfect for either self-sufficiency or being catered to from either the coffee bar or the Terraza 77 Restaurant & Bar. The sense of Family and Pura Vida (Costa Rica's laidback ethos) is personified at Vista Ocean Suites and continues to grow the longer I stay. Don't come for just a moment or a selfie, instead: relax, unwind and take in the Majesty, Gobsmacking Views and the daily parades of creatures and spectacular Air Shows of phenomenal birds, including descendants of pterodactyls! Don't be like the cheap Iranian tourist who glommed onto their wifi this morning without even acknowledging the hardworking staff! Simply leave your stress behind and float for a while in the beautiful pool, looking up at the various monkey troupes, performing acrobatics along the rooftops. And, remember you are honoured to be in the Real Jungle where Mother Nature rules - there will be insects and friendly House Geckos sharing this pristine Rainforest with you x
維斯塔海洋套房飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店


When I first arrived I didn't think it was the right place, so ended up going to another place and then back again so make sure you check it's the right one when you're there. Receptionists were very friendly and helpful when booking tours etc. The room itself was fairly simple, but clean and nice. Was terrified of getting a stain on the towel or bedsheets because you have to pay extra if you do, which was challenging due to the rain and mud, whilst also being a makeup wearer and on my period, so maybe bring a spare towel that you can actually use... Whilst I didn't go in the pool, it looked very inviting, and I am also aware that they offer some yoga classes there too which everyone said were good. The kitchen area was nice, met some friendly people in there, although be prepared for the many lizards on the walls! The food from the restaurant was also nice however...PLS READ IF YOU HAVE FOOD ALLERGIES! Make sure you double double check that the waiters have understood your allergies! I ordered a meal, and told the waiter I was allergic to sesame seeds, and asked if what I wanted o order was going to be okay to eat...I told him in Spanish as well, it wasn't even like he had to try and work out what I said. He then brings the food out and I take one look at it and instantly feel like there's something wrong. I asked what seeds they had put on the chips and he tried to tell me that they were pepper seeds. Luckily I kept asking until he finally went to check with the chef. Turns out the entire side of chips were absolutely covered in sesame seeds! Not everyone might have been as persistent as I was, and if I had just trusted what the waiter told me I would've ended up eating the food. I am severely allergic to the point I could die if I ate them, and the most I got was ”sorry about that”. Also make sure you don't do any of the trails they have at night. I wanted to walk into town to get some food, and according to the hostel it was a quick easy walk through the forest. However, when I was walking it started to get dark and the signs weren't very clear. I ended up going the wrong way - on one of the harder trekking routes through the middle of the forest. It had been raining a lot so the mud was thick and slippery and there were lots of hills. I got completely lost, and was absolutely terrified, I couldn't see one of the bridges so ended up in a swamp like area and thought I was going to lose both shoes. I also fell over when trying to go down one of the steep hills and got mud everywhere. It also went in my charging port meaning my phone wouldn't charge (my only form of contact with anyone, as a solo traveller). So after a lot of crying and panicking and having a poisonous frog climb right out in front of me, I finally made it out, but then couldn't even use the towel to help with the mud and rain. This is just my experience and I should've gone during full daylight, but also the paths should definitely be clearer, as to where you're going. Just be
Téva生態靜修 - 青年旅舍 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店

Téva生態靜修 - 青年旅舍

訪客位置優美,就在一條很棒的海灘對面!它在路的盡頭,就在300米外的曼努埃爾安東尼奧公園的入口處。它有古典的哥斯達黎加氛圍,但保持很乾淨,有華麗的場地。你甚至可以在後面的樹上捕捉到白臉的猴子,這是我們在最後一天(第三天)看到的。前台人超讚,特別是Jenny和Ivan,居然找了當地最好的拉鍊襯裏體驗,幫我們訂的。餐廳(特別喜歡距離El Avión不到一公里),雜貨店和紀念品都在步行距離之內。你需要的一切都在那裏。肯定會再呆在那裏!
曼努埃爾安東尼奧飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店


訪客We took a group of 16 plus a driver and guide here for two nights in January. Upon arrival there was no one at the front desk, but the restaurant staff jumped in to help. There was a bit of confusion about our rooms, which may have been our failure to clearly articulate our needs. In any event the owner was wonderful about adjusting our room assignments to fit our needs. The rooms are small but entirely met our needs. The breakfast was off a menu: eggs and meat; pancakes; or traditional Costa Rican fare. The restaurant also offered lunch and dinner as well as a full bar. The food was quite good, especially the pizzas. A very good value and wonderful staff.
科里納飯店 Espadilla Beach附近的飯店




Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間豪華飯店?

瑪坎達海邊飯店 - 限成人入住 是一間CP值高的熱門豪華飯店。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間飯店很受背包客歡迎?

無論是旅遊或臨時出行, 海濱飯店Verde Mar,直接通往海灘,邦戈別墅叢林旅館飯店 都是很受背包客歡迎的住宿。

Espadilla Beach附近飯店的本週末均價約是多少?

根據 的數據分析,於週末入住克波斯港Espadilla Beach附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 €136。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

如果您想在克波斯港Espadilla Beach附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可以考慮入住 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,海洋二度假村卡斯卡達斯瀑布精品飯店 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Espadilla Beach附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 的數據分析,克波斯港Espadilla Beach附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 €108。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務出差還是旅遊散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,海洋二度假村卡斯卡達斯瀑布精品飯店 都是有提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間飯店附設健身房?

由於現代人對運動的需求變高,現在許多飯店都有附設健身房。 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,海洋二度假村曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜 皆為設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間無障礙飯店?

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

若怕房間有菸味,建議預訂禁煙房。 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,海洋二度假村曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜 皆為提供禁菸房的熱門飯店。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果計劃開車前往克波斯港Espadilla Beach,建議入住 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,海洋二度假村曼努埃爾安東尼奧海灘旁莎娜 ,這些熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Espadilla Beach附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果還沒想好選擇哪家飯店,不如考慮入住 Lamia的家帕拉多自然度假村和溫泉水上佩茲薇拉別墅飯店 ,這幾間飯店評論很好,記得提前預訂!

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

想去克波斯港Espadilla Beach又喜歡游泳的旅客,建議入住 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店海洋二度假村卡斯卡達斯瀑布精品飯店 ,這幾間皆為設有泳池的熱門飯店。

Espadilla Beach附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果想飯店就近用餐,可以考慮入住 卡姆克貝斯特韋斯特娛樂場飯店,海洋二度假村卡斯卡達斯瀑布精品飯店 。這幾間飯店有提供美食餐廳。