
4.3/524 評價
Overall a pleasant stay but expectations are compared to location and price. This isn’t a cheap hotel and it is a 5-star hotel. Our room was quite nice, not corresponding to the room seen on the photos but still nice. Bed is comfortable and room is pretty and functional. The bathroom has room for improvement though. The shower is a bathtub which is very unhandy. Prefer much more a walk-in shower. The shower head can barely reach from the middle to the end of the tub where you can place it hands-free. The water has difficulties going down the drain. The screen to protect water from going everywhere is short and water will go out into the bathroom. Not convenient. There handsoap on the sink is in a lovely antique styled dispenser which however you press once and little soap comes out and then you cannot press anymore unless you manually lift it up before being able to press one more time. Unhandy! Behind the toilet there is an irontube with water inflow, that tube hasn’t been dusted for I’d say years. A thick layer of dust! Service at reception is decent. Very impersonal but it is what it is. Spa was good without being mindblowing. Will review inhouse restaurant in a separate review. What dragged the final rating under sufficient was due to the last day. Or rather evening. We had been out dining and returned at 9:30 pm. The parking was completely full. So full that we had to back out navigating narrrowly between cars. We then found a spot not very suitable for parking and went in to adk where we could park and the response we received was that the parking is full because a lot of people came to their restaurant but that we could drive out and find parking on some of the streets surrounding the place. When we asked if there was a parking section for hotel guests vs those coming for the restaurant the answer was no and that we could go down at midnight and see if we could find a spot again!!!! So a 5-star hotel where you stay 3 nights and pay not little for a room, they value the restaurant guest that is staying for a few hours more than their own guests. Very interesting concept and a very poor choice of management. This alone puts the vote to an insufficient!


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