





4/567 評價


So we arrived at accommodations after driving from Melbourne around 1.30pm. Found accommodation easily but not a soul around anywhere. Buzzed reception and spoke to a woman & explained we had just arrived (acknowledged that we were perhaps slightly early). The response was immediate that we were indeed too early. We offered to go and get some lunch but were told to wait and someone would meet us. That was it!! We were indeed met by a lovely young girl clearly servicing the rooms who said we were in Unit 6, it was ready. That was appreciated. On entering initially we were happy with the size of the unit which indeed for only 2, were inundated with beds, which would be great for families or larger parties. Washer/dryer was a definite positive as we travel light & getting washing done & dry really helped. However reading the ‘guest information’ T & C sheet left us feeling, like another reviewer opinion about an almost ‘angry’ tone and lots of yellow highlights about what NOT to do!! A check of shower room left us feeling that maybe this isn’t as good as we thought….functional but definitely in need of at very least some TLC if not a bit more. Shampoo, body wash & conditioner but no hand wash/soap? Also under no illusions once used you ain’t getting anymore as highlighted in T & C’s!! There was, again like other reviews, a ‘damp’ feel to the bedding…..it wasn’t and was difficult to put a finger on but wasn’t a welcoming feeling when trying to get some kip! Outside decking nothing like photos on line, very weathered and perhaps indicative of the property overall. We have toured Australia for about a month now, one memory will be the friendliness of everyone, the willingness to communicate with guests and a pride in providing information on the area! None of this was evident Southern Ocean Villas’s, indeed I’m wondering why there is a ‘reception’ building as we never saw it being occupied by anyone ! Surely guests should expect a level of communication more than, there’s your room, get on with it ! Might suit some but not for us ! Really felt like, right you’ve paid your room rate, your room is over there, read the T & C’s & move on ! Expecting more ……but maybe that’s just us? Could/should be so much better and wouldn’t take very much ! To top it all, our travel agent at every stop on our trip has very kindly arranged for wine or chocolates on our arrival! We took a call just as we were getting ready to leave from host asking if we’d be about for another 15 mins……to deliver chocolates as she was unable to have them for our arrival……not a massive issue but just again indicative of the culture at the property !





4.7/511 評價


Wattle Hill|距離市中心0.47km
住宿情況:酒店其實是農場主自己建立的一個大house,共有兩間房對外出租,如果是很注重隱私的客人可能會有些尷尬,隔音不是很好,如果你是喜歡睡懶覺的話且睡覺比較輕的話(比如我哈哈)這就是災難,因為會從早上6:30就開始有神奇鳥類的巨大叫聲開始叫醒你。而隔壁的住客過一會就會開始收拾行李準備早飯,所以你基本上沒法睡下去了。 第二天衹有我們一間房間有人住,所以一切都很好,除了神奇鳥類繼續叫,但是也幫我調整出了更健康的生物鐘。 所以,入住完全看運氣,當你隔壁沒人的話,這裏就是非常舒適的。如果你和我男朋友一樣睡著了手機鈴聲都叫不醒,那這裏完全是仙境。 環境:沒得說,山坡上,可以看到海和美麗的落日。還要袋鼠和牛羊在山坡上。農場主還養了雞,看着好肥,好想問他買一隻...感覺是散養土雞....肥美 設施: 傢具稍微有一些陳舊但無礙,房間有一個按摩浴缸簡直不能太好,看看日落泡泡澡,爽。 服務:農場主的妻子非常友好,介紹了許多附近的經典和特色的商店,有一些並不太主流的商店和農廠品店真的非常值得去看看。每天早上提供早飯:吐司+五種麥片任君選擇,冰箱裏有水果罐頭、酸奶、牛奶等等。吃完了還會補充,非常貼心。 中間有一點小插曲是讓我沒有打滿分的原因。因為扣款卡和授權卡不一致,溝通上出現了一點問題。農場主在沒有跟我溝通的情況下就refund給了booking,並在之後一天重新扣費,這讓我感到非常困惑。在我詢問的時候又並把一切的責任都推給了我,認為我讓booking.com給他打了兩個電話是不可理喻的(實際上衹是拖客服哥哥姐姐幫我問一下)並在短信中稱我把一切搞的一團糟,還讓他額外付了銀行的手續費。 我認為這種態度是非常粗魯的。我已經盡我語言水平可能的友善溝通(使用了友善的語氣甚至在詢問短信後面都加上kind regards),因為非母語和澳音聽不太清楚可能會產生一些模糊的地方,但房主實在沒必要在自己也不了解情況的時候就甩鍋並推卸責任。 出來玩一趟都想開開心心的,友善的發了短信詢問被對方凶了我真的覺得很委屈。即使沒覺得自己做錯了回復短信的時候仍然道了好幾次歉,啊真是好委屈。 真的要要感謝攜程的姐姐哥哥們!!一次次耐心的幫我和第三方溝通,即使有時差還是特別迅速的回復和跟進消息,感謝你們!!!!!!都是服務業對比起來真是差別太大啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



4/567 評價


So we arrived at accommodations after driving from Melbourne around 1.30pm. Found accommodation easily but not a soul around anywhere. Buzzed reception and spoke to a woman & explained we had just arrived (acknowledged that we were perhaps slightly early). The response was immediate that we were indeed too early. We offered to go and get some lunch but were told to wait and someone would meet us. That was it!! We were indeed met by a lovely young girl clearly servicing the rooms who said we were in Unit 6, it was ready. That was appreciated. On entering initially we were happy with the size of the unit which indeed for only 2, were inundated with beds, which would be great for families or larger parties. Washer/dryer was a definite positive as we travel light & getting washing done & dry really helped. However reading the ‘guest information’ T & C sheet left us feeling, like another reviewer opinion about an almost ‘angry’ tone and lots of yellow highlights about what NOT to do!! A check of shower room left us feeling that maybe this isn’t as good as we thought….functional but definitely in need of at very least some TLC if not a bit more. Shampoo, body wash & conditioner but no hand wash/soap? Also under no illusions once used you ain’t getting anymore as highlighted in T & C’s!! There was, again like other reviews, a ‘damp’ feel to the bedding…..it wasn’t and was difficult to put a finger on but wasn’t a welcoming feeling when trying to get some kip! Outside decking nothing like photos on line, very weathered and perhaps indicative of the property overall. We have toured Australia for about a month now, one memory will be the friendliness of everyone, the willingness to communicate with guests and a pride in providing information on the area! None of this was evident Southern Ocean Villas’s, indeed I’m wondering why there is a ‘reception’ building as we never saw it being occupied by anyone ! Surely guests should expect a level of communication more than, there’s your room, get on with it ! Might suit some but not for us ! Really felt like, right you’ve paid your room rate, your room is over there, read the T & C’s & move on ! Expecting more ……but maybe that’s just us? Could/should be so much better and wouldn’t take very much ! To top it all, our travel agent at every stop on our trip has very kindly arranged for wine or chocolates on our arrival! We took a call just as we were getting ready to leave from host asking if we’d be about for another 15 mins……to deliver chocolates as she was unable to have them for our arrival……not a massive issue but just again indicative of the culture at the property !




Port Campbell Surf Lifesaving Club




Port Campbell Bay


Port Campbell Discovery Walk, Port Campbell



4.5/5116 評價
great motel, stayed with family in suite room , view of sea from upper room , great experience, will recommend , the eatery was across the street and beach was a minutes walk. Reached late evening, the keys were there and the room ready, check in was smooth. All in all a great experience
4.4/5106 評價
4.4/519 評價
这个地方绝对完美,是我们住过的最喜欢的地方之一。我们不想离开。孩子们喜欢在楼梯上睡觉,这是他们自己的小聚会。厨房设备齐全,所以你可以自己做饭。驱车 2 分钟即可到达坎贝尔港前滩,在那里游泳既安全又美丽。
4.5/551 評價
This accommodation has the best location - directly opposite Port Campbell bay - with its beautiful beach and jetty. And the shops and restaurants are all a short stroll away. The accommodation has been recently renovated and is spacious, clean and really comfortable. And for a change I could even access Freeview to stream something I actually wanted to watch. The manager is friendly and incredibly helpful. I had trouble with the heater (my fault) and called the manager (afterhours) and he turned up within a few minutes, smiling and doing all he could to help.
4.7/511 評價
住宿情況:酒店其實是農場主自己建立的一個大house,共有兩間房對外出租,如果是很注重隱私的客人可能會有些尷尬,隔音不是很好,如果你是喜歡睡懶覺的話且睡覺比較輕的話(比如我哈哈)這就是災難,因為會從早上6:30就開始有神奇鳥類的巨大叫聲開始叫醒你。而隔壁的住客過一會就會開始收拾行李準備早飯,所以你基本上沒法睡下去了。 第二天衹有我們一間房間有人住,所以一切都很好,除了神奇鳥類繼續叫,但是也幫我調整出了更健康的生物鐘。 所以,入住完全看運氣,當你隔壁沒人的話,這裏就是非常舒適的。如果你和我男朋友一樣睡著了手機鈴聲都叫不醒,那這裏完全是仙境。 環境:沒得說,山坡上,可以看到海和美麗的落日。還要袋鼠和牛羊在山坡上。農場主還養了雞,看着好肥,好想問他買一隻...感覺是散養土雞....肥美 設施: 傢具稍微有一些陳舊但無礙,房間有一個按摩浴缸簡直不能太好,看看日落泡泡澡,爽。 服務:農場主的妻子非常友好,介紹了許多附近的經典和特色的商店,有一些並不太主流的商店和農廠品店真的非常值得去看看。每天早上提供早飯:吐司+五種麥片任君選擇,冰箱裏有水果罐頭、酸奶、牛奶等等。吃完了還會補充,非常貼心。 中間有一點小插曲是讓我沒有打滿分的原因。因為扣款卡和授權卡不一致,溝通上出現了一點問題。農場主在沒有跟我溝通的情況下就refund給了booking,並在之後一天重新扣費,這讓我感到非常困惑。在我詢問的時候又並把一切的責任都推給了我,認為我讓booking.com給他打了兩個電話是不可理喻的(實際上衹是拖客服哥哥姐姐幫我問一下)並在短信中稱我把一切搞的一團糟,還讓他額外付了銀行的手續費。 我認為這種態度是非常粗魯的。我已經盡我語言水平可能的友善溝通(使用了友善的語氣甚至在詢問短信後面都加上kind regards),因為非母語和澳音聽不太清楚可能會產生一些模糊的地方,但房主實在沒必要在自己也不了解情況的時候就甩鍋並推卸責任。 出來玩一趟都想開開心心的,友善的發了短信詢問被對方凶了我真的覺得很委屈。即使沒覺得自己做錯了回復短信的時候仍然道了好幾次歉,啊真是好委屈。 真的要要感謝攜程的姐姐哥哥們!!一次次耐心的幫我和第三方溝通,即使有時差還是特別迅速的回復和跟進消息,感謝你們!!!!!!都是服務業對比起來真是差別太大啦!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
4.2/511 評價
優越的地理位置,一流的設施,熱情的歡迎與汽車旅館的升級:-)酒店內有您需要的一切。大房間很現代,布置舒適,浴室很乾凈而且水準很高! 開車不到15分鐘即可到達大洋路的大部分景點!強烈建議-甚至超過一個晚上。



最高價格TWD 17,343
最低價格TWD 2,045
平均價格 (平日)TWD 6,863
平均價格 (週末)TWD 7,211