Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店

珀斯Harry Sandon Park附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Harry Sandon Park飯店

奎斯特金斯帕克飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
奎斯特金斯帕克飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店奎斯特金斯帕克飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park8.81km
Quest Kings Park飯店位於美麗的國王公園(Kings Park)對面,提供現代化的一室公寓以及覆蓋各處的免費WiFi。

匿名用戶 2022.10.23
寬敞 家電齊全 還有洗烘套裝和洗碗機 做飯的廚具也很全 有專門的辦公桌和餐桌 距離kings park 特別近,內外環境都好
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The Sebel West Perth Aire Apartments Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
The Sebel West Perth Aire Apartments Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店The Sebel West Perth Aire Apartments Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.33km
西珀斯塞貝爾艾爾公寓式飯店距離珀斯中央商務區僅幾個街區,附近設有多個當地酒吧、咖啡廳和餐廳,方便前往鐵路和巴士交通樞紐,驅車可至北部和南部高速公路。飯店毗鄰商務和政府區,設有 4.5 星級的工作室公寓客房,配備小廚房、洗衣設施、24 小時開放的接待處、停車場、22 米的太陽能溫水游泳池、設施齊全的健身房、涼亭休閒區,以及燒烤區和室外用餐區。

LLee 2023.07.24
西珀斯詩鉑高級服務公寓在我最近的旅行中提供了經濟實惠的住宿選擇,讓我可以在不花太多錢的情況下住在市中心。 西珀斯詩鉑酒店的工作人員友好而有效率。雖然不是太豪華,但酒店的大廳和公共區域整潔且維護良好。辦理入住手續很快,工作人員很樂意解答任何問題。 房間雖然很基本,但很乾淨,配備了舒適住宿所需的所有必需品。雖然家具不是最現代的,但它們達到了目的。床很舒服,在遊覽這座城市一天後可以睡個好覺。 酒店的地理位置無疑是其最強的賣點。位於市中心意味著可以輕鬆前往熱門景點、餐廳和公共交通工具。這種便利性使我能夠充分利用在城市的時間,而無需在交通上花費太多。
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珀斯泛太平洋飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯泛太平洋飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店珀斯泛太平洋飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.42km
泛太平洋珀斯飯店位於珀斯中央商務區, 靠近天鵝河。飯店擁有近500間客房, 並提供多種客房和套房。在您入住期間, 您可以獨享飯店的室外游泳池和24小時健身中心。如果您開車旅行, 可以將車輛停在飯店的停車場 (收費) 。您可以在Bakery Lane享用早餐並在大廳咖啡廳享用咖啡, 開始新的一天。在Bobby的BBQ卡車上購買培根和雞蛋卷來幫助無家可歸的人, 並在Hill Street Sports Bar and Restaurant品脫啤酒上觀看比賽。週末, 您可以在Bar Uma的暢飲下午茶中與朋友見面。夜幕降臨時, 您可以在Uma餐廳品嚐祕魯風味, 或在我們的植物式彈出式十英畝地塊中飽餐一頓。

闲人一个 2024.03.15
酒店位置不錯,距離CBD不遠,走路可到 工作人員很熱情,很有禮貌,3晚預訂,分3個訂單完成,很熱心提示要每天續卡 房間很乾凈,衹是床墊和枕頭偏軟,個人喜歡偏硬的。
108 則評論
含早餐的飯店配有雙床房的飯店配有 1 張雙人床的飯店具備泳池的飯店可免費取消的飯店
珀斯黑伊街美居飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯黑伊街美居飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店珀斯黑伊街美居飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.48km
珀斯黑伊街美居飯店位於珀斯中央商務區的中心地帶,靠近美麗的天鵝河。飯店附近有各種活動和旅遊景點,其中包括珀斯鑄幣廠、國王公園、購物區和時髦的屋頂酒吧。珀斯黑伊街美居飯店是您在首府西部地區的理想下榻之所。飯店擁有精心設計的客房,配備 Smart 電視、獨立溫控空調和舒適的床,讓您可以充分休息好。

匿名用戶 2023.09.23
這看起不是一間正式的酒店,更像一間民宿,酒店門面大堂在裝修,地面鋪了紙板, 在ctrip 訂的是33平方米的大床房但肯定只有20 多平米,酒店網站都沒有33 平方米的房。房間很大還有陽台,對面是有歷史的教堂醫院,景色優美,工作人員很有禮貌樂於幫忙。缺點: 浴室雖然很乾淨但很舊,沒有手提花灑頭,卻沒有浴帽提供,因為第一天很晚才到,被迫洗頭,很不方便。我房子的熱手花灑頭滴水須很用力才能關緊,冷手喉嚨開關鬏脫,已告知房管和接待處但五天後直到退房還未處理。房間一大早聽到浴室水流聲,隔音不好. 旁邊的Mercure Perth 比這間 Mercure Perth On Hay 好多了,房價只是貴一點點。
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派珀斯國王廣場飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
派珀斯國王廣場飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店派珀斯國王廣場飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.54km
Rydges Perth Kings Square 將珀斯帶到您的身邊——靠近珀斯 CBD 和 RAC 競技場,距離一切都只有幾分鐘的路程。從熱烈的問候到衷心的告別,這是一個一有機會就煥然一新的地方。無論您是獨自旅行,還是與朋友、家人或同事同行,Rydges Perth Kings Square 都會滿足您的每一個需求。在我們的會議室/活動空間進行協作,或回到您自己房間的避難所。千萬不要錯過我們位於一樓的健身房,配備泰諾健設備,您可以在飯店外付費停車的情況下隨意開車。工作人員全天候在附近,伸出援助之手、友好的微笑或樂於助人的指點只是體驗的一部分。

訪客 2023.03.13
We upgraded to an executive room, which was very comfortable. We could not get near enough to the hotel on arrival to park and check in. There is a small very narrow lane way that runs from Wellington St to Murray St with no indication of which way the traffic flows. We parked up eventually on Murray St in a multi storey and fortunately our one suit case was easily wheeled the 100 metres or so to the hotel. The hotel info was all available on the room tv screen. I checked breakfast times and saw it was served up to 10-30 am on a weekend. Next morning we arrived at breakfast at 9-45 am. The waiter looked somewhat taken aback. There was only enough orange juice for 1 person, the tank on the tea maker was dry, there was no butter or bacon. The water tank was refilled, butter produced. The chef lifted the lid of the scrambled eggs and they looked disgusting. I asked the waiter if we could have a fried egg. He had to go find the chef. He cooked the eggs, burnt on the bottom runny white on the top. My breakfast at a cost of $30 consisted of one slice of toast 3 mushrooms, half a scoop of congealed baked beans and half of a very sad looking tomato, plus the delicious burnt egg, one cup of black tea. I heard the waiter and chef grumbling together about breakfast times and their attitude prevented me from complaining and asking for fresh food. It transpired that breakfast time had been changed to finish at 10am. The receptionist enlightened me as we checked out next day. There was still a sign on reception saying that breakfast on a weekend lasted until 10 -30am. Needless to say we breakfasted elsewhere next day. It's a soul less hotel, with about as much vibe as a grave yard. We used the fantastic bar of the new Novotel directly behind Rydges. I also found we could have stayed there at a cheaper rate! Will not be returning.
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珀斯城市大都會飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯城市大都會飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店珀斯城市大都會飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.75km
坐落在珀斯市中心,珀斯城市大都會飯店在East Perth佔盡地理之宜。從飯店很方便到達CLAISEBROOK站,僅有1km距離。包括哈羅德·博厄斯花園、珀斯皇后花園和珀斯造幣廠都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和液晶電視機,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。浴室內提供24小時熱水,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去飯店的咖啡廳喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Poppo Korean & Japanese Restaurant(亞洲菜)品嚐下一流的推薦美食天婦羅蝦,C Restaurant和Hong Kong BBQ是另外兩處不錯之選。旅客可以在閒暇時間去飯店的休閒區,提升健康幸福感。飯店設有24小時櫃檯諮詢服務,為下榻至此的您提供最貼心的行程安排。

CClift1l 2020.04.02
We arrived in Perth at 2.30am and got a taxi straight from the airport. As it was in the middle of the night we had to press a buzzer and wait for someone to speak to us through the speaker, however they were either asleep or could not be bothered, so pressed the buzzer for a long time, finally someone came over the speaker which was distorted and they were telling me off for leaving my finger on the buzzer, they let us in and again he started telling us off about the buzzer, we totally ignored him stating our name and how many nights we were stating, i think he finally got the idea gave us a key and vouchers to get our breakfast. We just went to bed and viewed the room in the morning. Definitely needs redecorating, bed seem to go go slightly downhill head as we felt our feet were higher than our heads, pillows were flat, we had a sheet then a duvet which was had seen better days and needs a new one and then a top sheet. Bathroom was basic, did have a shower although it made some strange nosies and the temperature was up and down, no plug in the hand basin, there were toiletries which we never used. Breakfast was very basic, just some cold meats, cold hard boiled egg, salad and toast. If you wanted cook you had to pay along with Croissants, pain au raisin etc. Reception staff during the day were pleasant and very helpful, always had a smile. Getting around it was in a good position to get around the city, it was close to the Freebus service called the cat service which you can hop on and off at any time. Would we stay again - No - there's plenty of hotels in Perth .
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珀斯南方大飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯南方大飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店珀斯南方大飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心 | 距離Harry Sandon Park10.53km
珀斯南方大飯店坐落於珀斯市中心,優越的地理位置使它成為珀斯一個令人嚮往的住宿選擇。 飯店距離柏斯火車總站僅有900m。在該地區觀光很容易,清真寺、The Ellington Jazz Club和St Johns Lutheran Church都在飯店附近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括熨衣設備、房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了電熱水壺和咖啡壺/茶壺。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以到酒吧與朋友暢飲聊天度過閒暇時光。您若是問我還有哪些可供選擇的美食,一定會極力推薦周邊的Poppo Korean & Japanese Restaurant(亞洲菜)、C Restaurant和Hong Kong BBQ,前者的天婦羅蝦最為著名。飯店提供的體育和休閒設施,旨在為旅客營造多姿多彩的住宿體驗。飯店提供的乾洗服務,讓您的旅途更加方便。

訪客用戶 2024.04.20
我們喜歡住在這裏,一切都很棒,但我們昨晚住了,他們有微波爐在你的房間裏,但沒有。盤子或餐具和冰!當我們新冠病毒的時候,酒店停止做冰,我們可以帶回來冰嗎,有些人在酒店住宿時喜歡用冰飲料,錯過冰😁 否則,愛這個地方!
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珀斯皇冠天和塔豪華飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯皇冠天和塔豪華飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店珀斯皇冠天和塔豪華飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
距離Harry Sandon Park11.03km
珀斯皇冠天和塔豪華飯店擁有世界一流的室內設計和奢華的客房、套房及別墅套房。在這裡,珀斯城市天際線與標誌性斯旺河的美景將一覽無餘。飯店的客房、套房及配有私人管家服務的獨享別墅套房,均採用寧和的中性色調並點綴以機高檔的傢俱和設施,旨在打造超乎想象、寬敞豪華的住宿體驗。水晶宮俱樂部(Crystal Club)提供個性化入住服務和禮賓服務,是飯店賓客的專享設施。這裡有寬敞的私人休息區、商務設施、雞尾酒吧和無遮擋戶外露台,可供賓客盡情觀賞飯店與珀斯天際線的壯美全景。賓客可以一邊享用免費自助早餐、一整天的小吃和夜宵,一邊欣賞西澳極具代表性的日落美景。飯店還為賓客提供無與倫比的度假休閒設施,包括大型多層瀉湖泳池、私人池畔涼亭、池畔酒吧和餐廳等.皇冠水療中心專為奢華旅行體驗而設,致力滿足賓客的健康與健身需求。這裡擁有奢華的理療間以及水療區,並提供精選萊珀妮(La Prairie)頂配美容護理套餐,是奢華度假的完美詮釋。男賓與女賓水療區均配有芳香蒸汽室、羅馬熱水浴池、桑拿和私人放鬆區。健身中心對飯店賓客免費開放,空間很寬敞,配有先進的有氧健身與舉重器材,並提供私人訓練項目。在飯店內部,賓客還可縱享更多豐富體驗——在知名餐廳和酒吧享受美食美酒、在名品品牌門店盡情購物,或在劇院觀賞音樂劇和其他現場表演。榮獲"福布斯高級飯店"稱號。

訪客用戶 2024.03.04
From the moment we arrived to the last second of our 2 night stay we were treated like royalty, the room was luxurious with well appointed amenities and soft luxurious bedding. The view is to die for looking out over perth city and the Swan River, and really is breathtaking of a night time. The hotel has a vast amount of thing to entertain you so realistically no need to leave, (and we didnt). Everything is within walking distance so it is very well situated. The pool area is divine with infinity pools and 2 jacuzzi's for those slightly cooler days. The bars and restaurants are excellent with a wide variety of food and drinks to satisfy every craving! Even if it is some dirty old mcdonalds haha. Overall this experience was a 6 star experience. Definitely one we will be doing again very soon in the future.
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曼頓莊園-瑪雅瑪雅 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
曼頓莊園-瑪雅瑪雅 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店曼頓莊園-瑪雅瑪雅 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
卡弗舍姆Harry Sandon Park飯店

訪客 2023.05.14
I had a pleasant two-night stay at The Colony. Waking up each morning to the sound of nature and a beautiful balcony was nothing short of a dream. The staff was incredibly remarkable! My flight was at 6pm and I was meant to check out by 10am. However, it was stormy outside and a very thoughtful staff member named Melanie reached out to me and allowed me to extend my checkout time. I am returning to Perth in November and I will look nowhere else but to stay at The Colony again!
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Big4 Perth Midland Tourist Park Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
Big4 Perth Midland Tourist Park Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店Big4 Perth Midland Tourist Park Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
Middle SwanHarry Sandon Park飯店
旅客們會發現Swan Valley Adventure Centre、Juniper Gardens和Gomboc Gallery Sculpture Park距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,Caversham House、Jane Brook Estate Wines和Coal Dam Park離此都很近。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。電熱水壺可供使用,便捷的客房設施定能讓您倍感舒適。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Sandalford Wines、Pinelli Estate Winery Restaurant(西餐)或Syd & Phyllis(咖啡店)品嚐下一流的推薦美食。優美的環境,再搭配上細緻周到的服務,飯店的休閒區定能滿足您的品質需求。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

KKuklaMicer1955 2023.12.21
AN ABSOLUTE DISGRACE BIG4 … LOOK ELSEWHERE Recently, my wife and I stayed at Big4 Perth Midland Tourist Park. This without doubt would have to be the worst Big4 caravan park that I have ever stayed at, and I have stayed at a few being a Big4 Member. In fact, I would go as far as to say that it is an absolute disgrace to the name of Big4 who would do well to distance themselves from this park. Many of the permanent’s sites, of which there are many, are nothing short of hovels which should be condemned; the ablutions whilst old, really need some proper cleaning and not just a lick and a promise. Hand soap in the ablutions was hit and miss, and garbage bins were continually overflowing and reeked of rotten food (prawns heads, crab shells etc) in the heat. The bins need to be either replaced more often as they become full or moved to a more central area away from sites, and if the permanents must walk a short way to put their rubbish in the bin, then so be it … having them parked outside their vans bringing flies and vermin is unacceptable especially in the heat of summer. Our site had a gutter that was so high that it caught our grey water outlet as we backed in twisting it 90 degrees, but thankfully not breaking the outlet. When we leave, again we expect the high gutter will catch the outlet again and hopefully not break it. Despite the check-in documents saying there is to be no washing of cars and caravans, several times we saw both permanents and campers doing just that … washing their cars etc … no intervention by staff was ever observed telling people to stop this practice. We needed consistent WI-FI as we were selling our house and needed contact both with sales agency and solicitors to facilitate the sale … but the Internet was “spotty and intermittent” every single day of our stay, even in the early hours of the morning when fewer people would be using it. Numerous times a day, I had to reboot my laptop which was extremely disappointing and frustrating when the booster was less than 10 metres from where our caravan was situated. Whilst the staff were fabulous, and accommodating, and the rates competitive, it did not make this stay worth coming back … we will never stay here again. For those looking at staying here, look elsewhere … it is a disgrace!
41 則評論
查看所有Harry Sandon Park飯店

精選Harry Sandon Park住宿推薦

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珀斯中心龍都飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
135 則評論
珀斯市中心, 珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.0KM
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珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park8.9KM
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珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park8.93KM
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海灣路山嶺探索飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
44 則評論
珀斯市中心, 珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park8.61KM
"Good Location"
珀斯市中心洲際飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
79 則評論
珀斯市中心, 珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.29KM
Aurea珀斯國王公園飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
81 則評論
珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park8.28KM
"Good Location"
珀斯美居飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
279 則評論
珀斯市中心, 珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.39KM
芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
30 則評論
珀斯市中心, 珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park8.85KM
"Good Location"
珀斯標準飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
101 則評論
珀斯市中心, 珀斯 | 距離Harry Sandon Park9.45KM


訪客The Westin could be everything you’d want from a great city hotel in a brand new curated precinct with restaurants and bars, let down completely by the incompetence and complete apathy of the staff. The exception was the front desk, with quick friendly service but beyond that it was completely amateur and haphazard. The room service was spotty everyday, and on 2 days the room was not made up, every other day the room coffee cups, milk or spoons or coffee pods or sugar or milk was not replaced or towels not provided. You’d think service staff have a checklist, should be easy right!? The lobby cafe in the hotel called Haven was more like Hell, I had to dedicate a separate review for that as the service was non existent, appalling. Garum again has so much potential, alas the service is astonishingly haphazard, food not delivered, 30 minutes to bring my wine, served up after my meal. Frankly the staff have no idea, the poor manager made up for it, but he is terribly let down by his team, who don’t seem to miss an opportunity to disappoint. Wow so much potential absolutely wasted by something very fixable, if you can’t change the people then change the people! There was clearly a lack of middle management. The porters at the door were equally incompetent or inexperienced, I fumbled my way through the two large entrance doors, and after I made my way through, there was a feeble attempt by one if the porters that lifted his head up from his phone to assist with my hand luggage into my car, he seemed so pleased with himself that he was my knight in shining armour, hopeless. Come on Westin, prove me wrong, really I want this fantastic hotel to succeed in my neighbourhood, I want to recommend you to my colleagues and friends but fix your rubbish service!! Until then I can’t recommend you, I have a reputation to protect something you should care about as well.
珀斯威斯汀飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 珀斯
每晚起價: TWD 7060
訪客用戶設施比holiday inn好很多,很新,露天泳池竟然還是恆温的。就是位置有點偏,到了晚上附近奇怪的人不要太多,走在路上都要捂緊背包,不過附近中餐選擇比較多。agent鬧了個大烏龍,沒按照預訂的名字給酒店,而且填錯了姓氏,耽誤了不少時間,不過酒店態度很好,還補償了小零食。
伯斯北橋希爾頓逸林飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 北橋
每晚起價: TWD 4334
訪客This hotel should be better than it is due to what seems like a staff shortage. The beds and the room was fine but a minimum of staff was evident so service struggled. If the intention is to economise then they will not survive. I was instructed to leave the car in the adjacent carpark and was left to struggle with our luggage to the hotel where we loaded our own carriage to take to our room, all this in clear view of other staff. Where was the concierge. We had a drink at the quite busy bar and while waiting for service, we could clearly see that there was no concierge on duty. The carriage we used was left in the hall way until we checked out. Now, if you like Indian food you'll love this place. Trouble is if you don't, go elsewhere. I think a restaurant should be more flexible with their menu.
諾富特珀斯莫里街飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 珀斯
每晚起價: TWD 4502
ZZ.t.很喜歡QT Perth既設計風格,很適合打卡。浴缸比想像中還要長,但放水就要等很久才放滿。清潔方面有待改善,因為我們拿開椅子坐的時候,發現椅子下方有衣服吊牌在。房間放冰箱的木櫃門一打開就發現下面的門鉸壞了,整扇門吊著。整理來說,QT還是很不錯的。特別喜歡QT rooftop bar,點了兩杯,賣相和味道都很棒!
珀斯QT飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 珀斯
每晚起價: TWD 6000
訪客My wife & I had a wonderful staycation last week, from start to end the service both friendly and impeccable. At check-in my Ambassador level was well acknowledged. Our room was clean, comfortable, very quiet, modern, and well appointed. Breakfast at the Hotel's ground floor restaurant, Ivy & Jack, was excellent overall, great service too. However, my wife felt more asian breakfast food would be good, think noodles and cooked asian vegetables with the Fried Rice being vegetarian rather than containing meat. Can well recommend the hotel and it's location.
珀斯城市中心假日飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 珀斯
每晚起價: TWD 4502
珀斯斯卡布羅龍都飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 5476
訪客I don’t think this hotel is in the best part of town but it is fairly central and easy to walk to some of the sights in the CBD and about 10 minutes walk from the station. However I wouldn’t walk around here at night on my own. I checked in quite late in the evening after a long flight from the UK. I had booked a small queen room and it was small. There was only a bedside table on one side of the bed, no wardrobe but two hooks with hangers on. There was a kettle, safe and fridge. The hotel website also mentioned a washing machine and tumble dryer for guests. What they did not tell me before I arrived was that there was building works going on in the hotel which started at 8 am. Not great when I was struggling with the UK / Australia time difference. It was quite noisy. The bed was really comfortable as there was a padded mattress topper. There was also air-con in the room which could be used to heat or cool the room. Although there was a mirror over the sink in the bathroom there was no mirror in the room with decent lighting to sort make up etc. out. There was a full length mirror near the door but not particularly well lit. The shower room was clean, with two large newish white towels provided. The water from the shower was hot, and decent pressure. It did leak a little under the door but not too much to become a problem. One of the issues with the room was noise control - I could clearly hear my neighbours raising and lowering the blind so there was definitely noise escape around the large windows. I was also woken during the night by one of the neighbours snoring loudly. And woken a few times each night by people returning to their rooms late. There is no restaurant for breakfast at the hotel but there are plenty of cafes locally. I chose this hotel because it was priced competitively but would not have chosen it otherwise
珀斯膳宿飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 珀斯
每晚起價: TWD 3696
宜必思珀斯飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, 珀斯
每晚起價: TWD 3601
珀斯大使館品質飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
珀斯市中心, East Perth
每晚起價: TWD 3528
豪古蒙飯店 Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店
每晚起價: TWD 4115


Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 是幾間最熱門的飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間豪華飯店?

珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯市中心洲際飯店珀斯帕米利希爾頓飯店 是幾間CP值高的熱門豪華飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間飯店很受背包客歡迎?

無論是商務差旅還是度假散心, G 青年旅舍背囊青年旅館 都是價格超值的熱門飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近飯店的本週末均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住珀斯Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$9,359。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

一日之計在於晨,以一頓豐盛美味的早餐展開精彩的一天!如果您想在珀斯Harry Sandon Park附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可考慮入住 珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Harry Sandon Park附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,珀斯Harry Sandon Park附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$4,561。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務差旅還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 是幾間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間飯店附帶健身房?

基於許多客人對健康的重視,大部份飯店設有健身房也不足為奇。 珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 是幾間設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有幾間無障礙飯店?

珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 是幾間提供無障礙設施的熱門飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

很多客人都非常重視入住房間的品質,並希望確保房間空氣清新。 珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 是幾間提供禁菸房的熱門飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果您計劃自行駕車前往珀斯Harry Sandon Park,何不入住 珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 ?這幾間熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Harry Sandon Park附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果您舉棋不定、難以選擇飯店,不如考慮入住 COMO珍寶飯店,珀斯海濱希爾頓逸林飯店蒙茨灣公寓 ,這幾間飯店評論極佳,記得提前預訂!

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間飯店適合商務旅客?

商旅時選擇飯店,交通便利必定是很多客人的首選條件。 珀斯帕米利希爾頓飯店 墨爾本飯店 是幾間熱門經濟型飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

夏天正是全家大小一齊出遊前往 珀斯凱悅飯店,芒茨灣內蘇託飯店珀斯美居飯店 是幾間設有游泳池的熱門飯店。

Harry Sandon Park附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下道地美食,您可以考慮入住 珀斯凱悅飯店,珀斯南方大飯店芒茨灣內蘇託飯店 。這幾間飯店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。