該民宿地處巴黎市區唯二的小島之一,屬於市中心的核心地段,到達巴黎的核心景點(盧浮宮、凱旋門等)均處於30分鐘步行範圍圈內,如果想搭乘地鐵也十分方便。民宿旁的瑪麗橋(Pont Marie)是觀察在建巴黎聖母院的好位置。
The B&B is located on one of the small islands in Paris, in the heart of the city centre, within 30 minutes walking distance of the main attractions (Louvre, Arc de Triomphe, etc.), and easily accessible by metro. The Pont Marie, next to the B&B, is a good location to observe the construction of Notre Dame.
The B&B is located in a historic mansion and the interior is very cosy and personal.
The owner was very welcoming and when I mentioned that there was no hairdryer in the B&B, he purchased one the next day and delivered it to my doorstep, which was very impressive, and some of the questions I had during my stay were answered quickly and promptly via WhatsApp.
All in all, this is a highly recommended B&B and I hope to stay there again on my next trip to Paris!
Last but not least, attached is a photo of the evening sunset taken near the B&B.