

4.2/539 評價
What a great, relaxing place this is! We booked our room by sending them a message in WhatsApp and had no issues. The location is around 15 km south from Kota Kinabalu airport which is great, because you get away from all the traffic noise of the city. You can hear the planes every now and then, but it is nothing like the noise in the KK center. For us the quiet surroundings were the really big thing. There are just a few sea view rooms and even when there were other customers, it was still peaceful and quiet. Sea view rooms have their own pool so most of the time it felt like having an own private pool just for us. The staff is friendly and helpful. They helped us to organise our next destination and also gave a hand when one of us got sick and needed to see a doctor. Their laundry service is great too: we gave a huge bag of laundry to them in the morning and got clean clothes back on the same day. Liza, the owner, is such a great personality and we had a great opportunity to taste a potential new sparkling wine with her. The restaurant is spacious with lovely view to the big yard and to the ocean. We liked their buffet breakfast, but on the last two morning they switched it to à la carte. For us it didn’t make a huge difference, because the food was plenty. It was pretty much the same as the buffet options but served to the table. The dinner menu has more western options than typical Malaysian restaurants. We tried spaghetti, lasagne and fish and enjoyed them all, but at the same time wished more local options. They do have surprisingly good selection of wines from all over the world. In addition to a few glasses of house wine, we ended up enjoying a bottle of Italian pinot grigio on the Valentine’s Day dinner.

The restaurant is relatively expensive compared to typical street food joints. Luckily, there is a really good local restaurant just a short walk away and we ended up eating there our last dinners. The Palm Square shopping area is just a quick Grab drive away and there you can find more local restaurants. Getting there costs 5 ringgits. Sea view rooms are clean and spacious. Shower has warm water, but sometimes it took a while to get it. Water pressure was weak but we managed with it. It is a really nice bonus that the pool is just few meters away from the room. Each room has their own decked terrace with a fan and two sunbeds. Like other have mentioned, there is a beach but it is not very good. They clean it, but the trash from the ocean piles up anyway. Annoying fact that affects so many beaches in Sabah. We spent five nights here and really enjoyed our stay. Highly recommended!
4.2/557 評價
Ara Dinawan Island Resort
4/54 評價
從 Beringgis 海鮮餐廳搭船前往 Dinawan 島,距離亞庇市中心 30 分鐘車程,距離機場 15 分鐘車程。 船於9:00從碼頭出發,約15分鐘抵達島嶼。美麗的大海一定會讓您驚嘆不已。 入住時間為下午2:30之後,無法立即使用房間,所以前往碼頭前最好換上泳衣。 您將與大約 40 名一日遊遊客一起前往島上,抵達後您將有空閒時間直至 10:00,您可以游泳、劃皮划艇並在吊床上休息。 10:00,我們將乘船前往浮潛點,您可以在那裡進行船浮潛。不幸的是,我去的時候發生了水母爆發,我進去後5分鐘內就不得不離開。 (我被刺傷了…) 前一天好像沒有人,所以我運氣不好。 。它將帶您到大珊瑚礁的頂部。魚很多,可惜色彩繽紛的珊瑚不多。 回來後,我們又自由活動了,在美麗的大海裡劃皮划艇,在浮標附近的珊瑚礁上浮潛看魚。 我兒子很喜歡在海灘上玩沙。 休息室可以免費喝咖啡、水、茶等(有屋頂,下面有沙發,所以感覺就像休息室/餐廳)。 午餐是燒烤,雞肉串很好吃。還有馬來西亞菜,炒麵,炒飯等。 我喜歡亞洲菜,所以很好吃,但我的丈夫和兒子不喜歡亞洲菜,似乎沒有太多東西吃。 。 之後,我們一邊浮潛一邊在沙灘上玩耍,一邊吃點小吃。 供應甜甜圈捲和香蕉甜甜圈。 (我的丈夫和兒子吃完食物後非常興奮,他們認為這是他們在馬來西亞吃過的最好的哈哈) 當我放鬆的時候,我被告知我的房間已經準備好了,我的三個行李箱已經搬到了我的帳篷。 房間裡的廁所和淋浴有點奇怪,但臥室乾淨漂亮! 家庭帳篷很寬敞,有一張大床,後面還有雙層床。 還有一個簡單的空調,效果出奇的好。 請注意,電力僅在下午 2:30 至隔天上午 9:30 期間供應。 不幸的是,晚上開始下雨,所以我們無法進行晚上的皮划艇、日落觀賞活動,也無法進行我們計劃的晚餐後的篝火活動。 我們打桌球和桌上足球直到晚餐。 當我們入住時,一日遊的客人已經離開了,晚餐時只有我們和一名顧客在內的兩個家庭。 沒有日本人,包括一日遊的人。 晚餐也以馬來西亞菜為主。 當我告訴他我想去釣魚時,他從晚上 9 點左右就在碼頭給了我一根釣魚竿,我就從那裡開始釣魚。 這個碼頭下面有數以萬計的石斑魚之類的魚,但一個半小時​​過去了,沒有一條被纏住… 看來一起釣魚的德國父子的漁獲量也是零。 。 清晨非常宜人,可以清楚地看到基納巴盧山,這是在亞庇根本看不到的。 早餐前我們浮潛,我的兒子在碼頭下和魚群一起游泳。 早餐供應時間為 8:00,包括果汁和優格。 *他們也會當場燒烤。 返回的船於 11:00 出發,但在那之前我可以使用房間。 電源已經斷了,但我洗了個冷水澡,準備好了。 下一位顧客將會到達,我們將乘船返回。 果然,與交通便利的沙比島相比,你可以享受更安靜、更美麗的大海。 浮潛的水平可能和沙比島不相上下,但現在回想起來,迪納灣島的美景是迄今為止最好的。 對於那些追求清潔的人來說,這可能有點像海灘度假村。 如果你不太在意的話,我想你可以享受一次美好的住宿!
3.9/526 評價
-大多數評論,我之前讀到提到這些適合治療的地方2和花高質量的時間與家人,我同意這一點。 -老闆和工作人員好友好,感謝前台接待人員的熱情好客和服務,忘記取他們的名字了😅 - 我,我丈夫和兒子喜歡住在這裏。肯定會再來。景色也很美。 - 只是想提一下,如果想住在這裏最好自帶牙刷和早餐菜單可能需要增加更多但美味 但整體率4.5 /5..


  • 帕帕爾有哪幾間提供早餐的熱門飯店?

    不論您到帕帕爾商務出差或旅遊度假,柏林吉斯海灘溫泉度假飯店蘭卡莎巴斯海灘度假村海邊旅行者旅館 都是有提供此服務的熱門飯店。

  • 在帕帕爾設有早餐飯店的平均價格為多少?

    在帕帕爾設有早餐的飯店,平日均價約 NT$3,469,而週末 (週五到六) 均價則約為 NT$3,359。

  • 在帕帕爾提供早餐的飯店有哪些優惠活動?

    Trip.com 全年為用戶提供多樣的優惠及折扣。您可以到 優惠活動頁面查看 Trip.com 提供的好康優惠。


平均價格 (平日)NT$3,469
平均價格 (週末)NT$3,359