
帕多瓦Girassois Square附近住宿


太棒 4.5+極佳 4.0+佳 3.5+滿意 3.0+

高CP值Girassois Square飯店

帕多瓦市中心 | 距離Girassois Square1.53km
帕多瓦伽利略貝斯特韋斯特精品飯店是一家現代化的級飯店,飯店為您完美的入住提供好的便利設施。 我們飯店有113間客房,一個高雅的室內游泳池、停車場,有免費汽車停車場和收費停車場。 在高級餐廳體驗美食和在威尼斯餐廳品嚐本地威尼斯菜餚和國際風味菜餚。 加入我們的隊伍,來享用您的商業午餐或晚餐,或您的公司晚餐。我們訓練有素的工作人員將會使它成為難忘的經歷並且帕多瓦市將提供商業機會,但是也有文化景點例如喬託小教堂和聖安東尼大教堂,以及該市重要的大學。 乘火車或汽車很容易到達威尼斯,這使帕多瓦市成為一個理想的地理位置。 超值的完美入住。包含10%的國家增值稅。 16歲以上的每位成人每晚的地方城市稅是3歐元。 不包含其他費用,而且稅收需要直接在飯店付款。 希望您過得愉快。

訪客 2023.06.13
Cominciamo con le note positive. - Hotel molto vicino alla fiera (5 minuti a piedi) e ben fornito dai mezzi. I monolocali sono molto accoglienti e ben forniti: sono presenti la tv, la lavastoviglie, il microonde, il lavandino e un tavolo/*****ola molto comodo seppur piccino. Il bagno ha una doccia spaziale con soffione e doccino, ci sono il bagnoschiuma e il sapone per le mani, ci sono gli asciugamani. Consiglio di portarsi l'asciugacapelli perché è presente ma poco potente se avete molti capelli. Il letto per me è stato estremamente comodo ma avviso che il materasso è duro e non a tutti piace. Finestre molto grandi, perfette per rinfrescare le sere d'estate. Doppia tenda (una bianca leggera e l'oscurante), molto comode. Le note negative che, ahimè, sono abbastanza. - Partiamo col dire che è un 4 stelle superior quindi ci si aspetterebbe determinati servizi come il wi fi gratuito nei monolocali che non c'era (abbastanza assurdo nel 2023); un telefono interno collegato alla reception, il telefono c'era ma nessun numero da poter chiamare quindi in caso di bisogno si deve scendere, uscire dal palazzo, attraversare un piccolissimo cortile ed entrare nella struttura principale (questo posso accettarlo in un 2 stelle, non 4) e il kit di benvenuto con spazzolino, dentifricio, shampoo e balsamo. Il frigobar NON è incluso ed è completamente sfornito (una bustina di patatine, due acqua e un succo) alla ”modica” cifra di 3€. La colazione non è inclusa nel prezzo (prezzo che non è assolutamente irrisorio) ma anzi, costa la bellezza di 10€ ed è a buffet. La pulizia delle camere abbastanza scarsa onestamente: gatte di polvere sulle tende, polvere sui davanzali, macchie di caffè sul muro, qualche capello lungo su un paio di asciugamani e nel letto. Non c'erano dei lenzuoli leggeri nell'armadio, assurdo essendo estate e il letto ha una trapunta. Eviterei di descrivere il letto come ”queen bed” perchè potrebbe fuorviare, è semplicemente un letto matrimoniale leggermente stretto. Il personale molto cordiale e gentile anche se sbrigativo e poco esaustivo. Diciamo che, a mio avviso, non vale il prezzo che costa.
63 則評論
TWD 3 184
距離Girassois Square1.97km
對於想要捕捉帕多瓦城市風采的旅客來說,帕多瓦B&B飯店是一個理想的選擇。從飯店出發,至Padova僅有1km遠。附近很多景點,包括Giardino di Cristallo - Uno scrigno botanico nel Parco d'Europa、Consorzio Battellieri di Padova e Riviera del Brenta和Parco Milcovich都離飯店不遠。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,空調在滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。飯店休閒區提供了各類設施,您可以在這裡舒緩身心壓力。

訪客用戶 2022.09.24
這家酒店非常好,又大又乾淨,工作人員也非常樂於助人。該位置距帕多瓦市中心 30 分鐘步行路程,距離酒店步行幾分鐘即可到達便利的巴士站,可前往所有中心地點。
78 則評論
TWD 2 468
距離Girassois Square3.42km
Best Western Plus Net Tower Hotel Padova 是一家擁有 135 間客房、室外停車場和車庫的 4 星級設計飯店。 飯店提供會議中心,可容納多達 200 人。 餐廳提供威尼斯美食和國際美食,可滿足各種口味賓客的需求;而且,提供公司晚餐和早餐。飯店位於城市商務區的戰略性位置 (Padova Est)。 沿高速公路和環城路主道可輕鬆抵達飯店,飯店僅距展覽中心、法院和市中心 2 公里。

訪客 2023.05.27
58 則評論
TWD 2 600
距離Girassois Square4.49km
不論是商務還是休閒旅客,帕多瓦福朋喜來登飯店都能讓您的帕多瓦之行變得更加美好而難忘。從飯店出發,至Busa di Vigonza僅有2km遠。附近很多景點,包括Galleria Guglielmo Tabacchi、Villa Olivieri, detta 'Italia'和Villa Giustiniani De Chantal Destro都離飯店不遠。飯店坐落於Fenice Green Energy Park邊,附近還有很多景點包括Chiesa di San Gregorio Magno和Via Umberto I。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。在酒吧點上一杯消除一天的疲勞,對於旅客來說是一個不錯的休閒選擇。如果您喜歡安靜的用餐,飯店可以提供房間送餐服務。在享受飯店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,Chiaki、Umami RistoBar和Ristorante Giapponese Asahi(日本料理)也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。飯店的會議廳和商務中心提供優質服務,是眾多商旅客選擇入住這裡的原因。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

交通方便,靠近高速路口 停車場足夠大,有很多空着的停車位 早餐中規中矩,衛生可以,量足夠,種類不是很豐富 吐槽一下,衛生間排氣扇不給力
44 則評論
TWD 2 835
距離Girassois Square4.72km
不論是商務還是休閒旅客,DC國際飯店都能讓您的帕多瓦之行變得更加美好而難忘。在該地區觀光很容易,Parco villa Berta、Parco Roncajette和Parco Padovaland都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Museo Nazionale dell'Internamento、Ponte dei Graissi和Chiesa di San Gregorio Magno。飯店為您在客房內配備了房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,所有入住的顧客均可便捷的使用。有飲水需求的旅客,飯店還為您提供了瓶裝水。除此之外,配備有吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以到酒吧與朋友暢飲聊天度過閒暇時光。若是覺得飯店的餐飲無法滿足您挑剔的味蕾,不妨去附近的Umami RistoBar、Stecca(披薩)或Caffetteria Goppion品嚐下一流的推薦美食。旅客可以去健身室揮灑汗水,重煥活力。飯店配置有會議廳和商務中心,定能滿足您商務活動方面的需求。外國旅客可以通過多國語言工作人員瞭解當地風土人情的相關訊息。

訪客用戶 2023.01.31
I spent one night at this hotel and I really liked it here. My room was spacious and clean, it was quiet here, no noise from the hallway. The breakfast was standard, there was a lot of fruit and pastries. Check in and check out was quick and staff friendly. Bonus: there was a huge supermarket right across the street.
49 則評論
TWD 2 989
距離Girassois Square5.39km
若想要遊覽帕多瓦,斯皮納裡飯店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。從飯店很方便到達Busa di Vigonza,僅有1km距離。包括Via Umberto I、Ippodromo Ponte di Brenta和Parco d'Europa都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Villa Grimani, Vendramin, Calergi, Valmarana di Noventa Padovana、Villa Arrigoni-Zuccolo和Pro Loco,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。所有極具特色的客房都配備有空調和衣櫃/衣櫥,讓您感受到更加貼心細緻的入住體驗。浴室內提供吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。在餘暇時間,可以選擇去飯店的酒吧喝上一杯飲料,驅走所有的疲憊。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的GINZO Creative Taste Padova(日本料理)、Umami RistoBar和Ristorante Giapponese Asahi(日本料理)不妨可以試試。旅客可以在閒暇時間去飯店的休閒區,提升健康幸福感。飯店設有會議廳,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。提供乾洗服務,為您的旅途省心。

訪客用戶 2024.05.14
Abbiamo soggiornato, assieme a mia moglie, per due notti in questo hotel. La struttura, moderna e funzionale, si trova appena fuori Padova, in una zona residenziale, ad un paio di chilometri dall'uscita Padova Est dell'autostrada A4. E' in una posizione strategica perché si trova in un luogo tranquillo ma da cui ci si può muovere con molta facilità sia verso il centro di Padova che verso la vicina stazione di Busa di Vigonza per recarsi in treno a Venezia in appena 40 minuti. A tal proposito ringrazio il proprietario per gli ottimi consigli, sia per visitare Padova che per recarci a Venezia. La camera, di recente ristrutturazione, era molto ampia, moderna e perfettamente climatizzata. Il letto (king size) era veramente comodo e tutta la struttura splendidamente pulita. La colazione a buffet offre una grande varietà e qualità, sia per chi ama il dolce che per chi ama il salato. All'esterno c'è un'ampio parcheggio di proprietà, anche se non custodito. I titolari sono stati molto gentili e disponibili. Merita veramente!
29 則評論
TWD 1 789
距離Girassois Square10km
對於想要捕捉阿巴諾泰爾梅城市風采的旅客來說,阿巴諾麗茲溫泉飯店是一個理想的選擇。包括IAT di Abano Terme、Giardini Pubblici del Kursaal di Abano Terme和Monastero Di San Daniele都在短距離內,入住飯店的旅客在該地區遊覽會很方便。飯店鄰近多個熱門旅遊景點,包括Cantine dei Colli Tramonte、Villa Rosa和Butterfly Arc - Casa delle Farfalle e Bosco delle Fate,旅客可以將行程安排的更加緊湊。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,空調在滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。您可以在酒吧點上一杯,在優雅的氛圍中小酌一番。貼心的送餐服務可以滿足那些喜歡在私人場合進餐的旅客。相信按摩室周到的服務和室內泳池一流的設施,會讓您擁有別樣的體驗。飯店設有會議廳和商務中心,為旅客提供高品質的商務服務。顧客如需兌換貨幣,飯店會為您提供外幣兌換服務。

5星還不夠!這是一個令人歎爲觀止的美麗酒店。充滿了一個非常有才華和敬業的團隊,他們像家人一樣對待你,直到他們把襪子打下來時才會滿意:)從你在外面拉到你打開鑰匙,然後向在現場的驚人團隊投標Abano Ritz Terme,準備好在每一個機會被風吹走。氛圍複雜而寧靜。游泳池和場地都很豪華,哦,太舒緩了。溫泉團隊-好吧,我沒有形容詞。足以說我感到嬌慣。我覺得作爲客人的價值(不幸的是,這些天沒有像使用過的那樣發生那麼多。)食物?!?OMG食物!!!精緻!!!我生活在歐根尼山底部的礦泉和沉積物中。我的身體和靈魂都得到了充電,我非常驚訝!我被告知,一個人需要整整一個星期的泥包才能完全完成他們的事情。在短短的幾天裏,我的疼痛和關節疼痛消失了。很想在那裏的令人難以置信的游泳池裏度過更多的時間。我和丈夫已經在計劃下一次訪問-這將是整整7天(至少)。幫自己一個巨大的忙-在spa上保留一週,準備眼花亂亂的❤️⭐️💝
40 則評論
TWD 2 600
距離Girassois Square10.04km
若想要遊覽阿巴諾泰爾梅,泰爾梅米奧尼派薩託溫泉飯店將會是一個不錯的的住宿之選。飯店距離Abano僅有3km。在該地區觀光很容易,Chiesa del Sacro Cuore、Terme Euganee和Museo Internazionale Del Vetro D'arte E Delle Terme都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Oratorio della Madonna Nera、Oratorio di San Luigi ad Abano Terme和Duomo dei Santi Pietro ed Eliseo。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱、空調和衣櫃/衣櫥。浴室內提供拖鞋和吹風機,讓您感受到賓至如歸的享受。閒暇時間在飯店的酒吧喝上一杯,必定是您休憩放鬆的好選擇。如果旅客願意,飯店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Pizzeria Ristorante Fuori Rotta(披薩)、Ristorante Verbena(義大利菜)和American Bar(酒吧/酒館)不妨可以試試。健身室讓閒暇時間更加充實,按摩室讓悠閒時光更加完美。飯店配置有會議廳和商務中心,定能滿足您商務活動方面的需求。飯店會為旅客提供便捷的禮賓服務。

訪客用戶 2024.07.07
This was my fourth stay in two years. I'm from California, and traveling the distance is well worth it! the facilities are welcoming, luxe, and charming. This hotel has become my top choice over other well-known hot springs hotels like Terme di Saturnia and Indian Springs. The price, staff friendliness, and impressive pools make the property an undiscovered treasure. It feels like coming home every time. And, even when the hotel is completely full, the pools have never been crowded. Plus, it's incredibly easy to reach. It may not benefit me to say this, but don't hesitate to stay here!
51 則評論
TWD 4 874
距離Girassois Square10.99km
對於想要捕捉蒙特格羅託泰梅城市風采的旅客來說,艾裡賽奧特爾梅飯店是一個理想的選擇。飯店地理位置優越,駕車至Terme Euganee - Abano - Montegrotto僅需800m 。旅客們會發現Duomo dei Santi Pietro ed Eliseo、Oratorio della Madonna Nera和Butterfly Arc e Butterfly House and Fairies' Forest距離飯店都不遠。飯店佔盡地理之宜,Tre Leoni di Eva Candido、Chiesa del Sacro Cuore和Small Batch離此都很近。客房內的所有設施都是經過精心的考慮和安排,包括房內保險箱和空調,滿足您入住需求的同時又能增添家的溫馨感。倘若您在忙碌的一天後想在自己的客房內放鬆,提供拖鞋和吹風機的客房浴室是不錯的選擇。酒吧旨在為旅客和您的朋友提供一處消遣的場所。如果旅客想在自己的房間舒適的用餐,飯店可提供客房服務。倘若您覺得飯店的餐飲服務無法滿足您的需求,附近的Ristorante Verbena(義大利菜)、American Bar(酒吧/酒館)和Gelateria Bijou(冰激凌)不妨可以試試。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括健身室和按摩室。飯店的會議廳和商務中心將熱情的服務與專業的素質完美地結合在一起。提供乾洗服務,為您的旅途省心。

訪客 2022.08.29
45 則評論
TWD 3 438
距離Girassois Square11.04km
不論是商務還是休閒旅客,米歐尼羅依爾勝飯店都能讓您的蒙特格羅託泰梅之行變得更加美好而難忘。飯店距離Terme Euganee - Abano - Montegrotto僅有200m。在該地區觀光很容易,Villa Romana Di Via Neroniana、Villa Romana和Area Archeologica di Viale Stazione都在飯店附近。從飯店出發可方便前往市內的眾多著名景點,包括Busto di Maria Callas、Museo dell'Aria和Cristoforo Colombo。飯店對客房的裝飾十分考究,每間設施齊全的客房都配備有房內保險箱和空調。除此之外,配備有拖鞋、24小時熱水和吹風機的浴室是您消除一天疲勞的好地方。您可以到大廳吧與朋友暢飲聊天度過閒暇時光。如果旅客願意,飯店可以提供滿足需求的客房送餐服務。在享受飯店貼心周到的餐飲服務的同時,也別放棄對周邊美味的探索,America Graffiti(西餐)、Americanino和Ristorante Verbena(義大利菜)也許是可以讓您找到答案的地方。飯店種類繁多的休閒設施能為每一位下榻於此的您創造多元化的休閒空間,這其中包括按摩室和健身室。飯店配置有會議廳和商務中心,定能滿足您商務活動方面的需求。為了方便旅客,飯店會提供接機服務。

This is a luxury hotel set in Terme Euganee, a place famous for natural thermal springs (since Roman times) and hence there are a lot of hotels in this area, though some are derelict! A big advantage of this hotel is that it is literally a minute walk to the railway station, so it is an ideal base for trips to Venice, Padua (highly.recommended), Bologna, Verona and Florence to name but a few. The hotel has excellent swimming facilities with plentiful sun beds, and a poolside bar, great for lazy days in the sun when you are not travelling to Italian sights. The hotel clientele is mixed, with a lot of Oldies (especially old women) but also with plenty of young couples, families and not-quite-oldies such as ourselves. The.bedrooms are spacious with a good shower and balcony and all necessary facilities. We were here as RCI (timeshare) customers and hence had to pay a sixty Euro fee per person per day for half board. I think they are taking RCI customers for a ride to a certain extent, since dinner is advertised at €35, which means they are charging €25 for breakfast?? Dinner, held in a large, busy dining room that definitely is not intimate, has one or two problems. If you are a meat eater it is ok, though some of the food combinations are a bit strange and several dishes needed a flavoursome sauce. However if you were vegetarian (like my wife) the choices were extremely limited, and often she missed courses completely. However the salad bar and deserts were always very good, food was always plentiful for non-vegetarians, and the service was always quick and friendly. So in all a good place to stay, but perhaps they could polish up their dinner menus, especially for non-meat eaters.
63 則評論
TWD 3 130
查看所有Girassois Square飯店


47 則評論
露營套房 SPA 飯店
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦 | 距離Girassois Square0.14KM
51 則評論
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦 | 距離Girassois Square0.23KM
0 則評論
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦 | 距離Girassois Square0.08KM
52 則評論
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦 | 距離Girassois Square0.63KM
43 則評論
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦 | 距離Girassois Square0.41KM
93 則評論
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦 | 距離Girassois Square0.68KM


訪客Overall a good hotel, staff is very kind, especially the lady that handled our check-in. There is a very good breakfast and we had dinner the last night of stay and the food was good. Cleanses not perfect but acceptable. The only problem was a private party on the last floor with very very loud music that despite several calls to the reception did not reduced volume until midnight. Really not acceptable if you want to rest after a tiring day. This in addition of not being cheap….
每晚起價: TWD 3007
訪客用戶We had an emergency and had to leave Dubrovnik for Lyon, France. Padua was a good mid way stopping point, and we wanted no complications. We needed parking, a restaurant and not be in the centre of town. Biri satisfied on all counts. The hotel is modern and clean, excellent parking in a lot next door. Restaurant and bar on the top floor. A lovely Romanian young lady served us at dinner, she spoke excellent English and was very efficient and friendly. The Chef introduced himself ad the food we had was fine. My only quibble would be the hard pillows but the bed was comfortable, the bathroom a good size and its was quiet.
每晚起價: TWD 2663
訪客The hotel os located in a very calm and nice residential area, beautiful buildings. Quite close to the city center and the old town. The rooms exceptionally clean and comfortable, newly refurbished. The staff is helpful, friendly and easy to talk to. Great stay in Paduva!
每晚起價: TWD 3873
My 3 girlfriends and I booked this stay for a week in Padova for the holidays. Despite the room being of decent standards and the expected breakfast being sufficient, the service was unsatisfactory and distasteful. The room we rented was supposed to be 2 single beds and 1 double bed. Due to a switch of one guest for a night, one single bed's sheets needed to be changed. To our surprise on coming back to the room at the end of the day, we noticed that the single double bed was changed to two single beds. This was done with no previous informing or inquiry. When we asked the receptionist the reason for this change, she denied our claims stating there were always 2 single beds. Now, how do 4 whole individuals remember the type of bed wrong? Did we all get amnesia in less than 24 hours? Well, according to the receptionist, we were lying and there were apparently 4 single beds all along, even though in our booking it said 2 singles and 1 double. We stated clearly the exchange of a guest and presented each guest's ID. Was our bed arrangement changed because of the primitive/baseless thought that black guests will bring in extra people to sleep in the room for free??! We will never know. Additionally, we had various hostile interactions with no prior provocation. The least a visitor expects from the stay they paid for is a basic, respectful and polite customer service. My friend reviewed on *********** to express her discontent with her experience and this is the response we got for our stay: ”Dear Juliette, we are very surprised by your review. First of all, nobody of our staff can be considered ******: we are a work team composed by people from South America to Germany, from Italy to Bangladesh. None of our staff members have ever had problems of racism one with the other or with our guests. Second, the room you booked was exactely the room we assigned to you: you ask for a 4-beds room with one large bed and 2 single beds, and that was the setting of the room. We also agree in making a change of linen because one of the guest was leaving the second day, replaced by another one. So we do not consider ourself not collaborative or not paying attention to the needs of our guests. In the end, we are surprised you didn't enjoy your stay with us, but fortunately for you Padova has plenty of hotels that will guest your next vacation. Kind regards, Elena M. - Back Office ” Absolute lack of professionalism and self awareness to say the least. If they want to do better in this industry they need to instruct their staff on putting their personal biases aside and stick to doing their job objectively. Overall, would NOT recommend this stay for non-caucasian individuals.
每晚起價: TWD 2536
訪客I stayed for 4 nights, booked directly with the hotel for best price, in July 2023, in a single room (no 104). I arrived at about 10 am at the hotel and it was great that the room was ready and I could check in so early in the day, have a shower and then head off to explore Padova. First of all, my room was not a typical single room in an Italian hotel, that is tiny, but a regular one, which was a big plus. The bed was not a double, but not a narrow single bed either, somewhat one in the middle, which was great. The room was properly furnished, if basic. The bathroom was also large by Italian standards, but with a major flaw: the shower was positioned right in the middle of the bathroom, and cordoned off by a plastic shower curtain that was frankly below any standards, not to mention a 4* hotel. Towels were of good quality. I appreciated and used the minibar, safe, AC, TV with decent selection of channels. Both room and bathroom were kept very clean, and the room efficiently serviced every day. Breakfast was good and varied, espresso provided by request. I chose this hotel for my stay in Padua due to its position, right in front of the railway station. It was very useful as I used it as a base to do daily trips by train to Venice and Verona using the fast (RV=Reggio Veloce) and cheap Italian railway (Trenitalia). You can also include Vicenza. Given its proximity to the station there are a lot of less than desirable people hanging around the hotel, mostly immigrants from Africa, but I never felt inconvenienced or threatened in any way. Pay great attention though while in the station while acquiring your train tickets from the automatic ticket machines. The hotel is also very well placed to explore Padova since the tram station for the tram journey to the historic centre, St Anthony’s church (“Il Santo”), and Il Prato is right in front of the hotel. Tram tickets office also just across the street. I was also somehow worried about the noise from the street given that my room was overlooking the main road in front of the station, but the sound insulation was very good, did not have problems with traffic noise. All in all, this is good value for money hotel for exploring Padua, and Veneto at large, I warmly recommend it. If you fly in/ out from Treviso airport (TSF) there is also a direct bus from the bus station located not far from the railway station, at a cheap fare.
每晚起價: TWD 4289
每晚起價: TWD 2043
訪客用戶Europa 飯店距離帕多瓦火車站僅十或十二分鐘步行路程,很容易找到。飯店距離舊城區中心僅約十分鐘步行路程,歷史古蹟、購物場所、餐廳和酒吧都相當接近。辦理入住手續很簡單,儘管提早了大約二十分鐘,接待員還是給了我一個房間。一間雙人房,有一個獨立的空調、一個保險箱(不幸的是,當我到達時鎖上了)、充足的插頭、一個帶兩瓶水的冰箱和一間帶非常基本的洗浴用品的浴室。無線網路運作正常。然而,對於一家四星級酒店來說,有點奇怪的是,房間裡沒有咖啡機/水壺和速溶咖啡/茶等。早餐是通常的歐陸式早餐,但添加了培根和炒雞蛋或水煮蛋。一些麵包捲、麵包、羊角麵包、糕點、餡餅以及冷肉、起司、優格、麥片、果汁和一些新鮮水果。聽起來很多,但與其他飯店的自助早餐相比,其實還是少得可憐。沒有自助咖啡機(可能是件好事!),但你可以向工作人員要一杯卡布奇尼或其他什麼。他們並沒有主動詢問你是否想要一杯咖啡;而是主動詢問你是否想要一杯咖啡。你必須走近並詢問他們。同樣,當第一次進入餐廳時,也沒有說“buongiorno”或“早上好”,只是一個臉色陰沉的女人問你的房間號碼。我確實問接待員我房間裡的保險箱是否可以打開,以便我可以使用它,並承諾稍後會有人來修理它,但他們從未這樣做。然而,由於丟失了手機充電器,我還詢問是否可以藉用一個,接待員從抽屜裡給了我一個使用。接待處的另一個愉快的傢伙辦理退房的速度很快。總的來說,這是一個有點成敗的地方。接待員很好(除了沒有跟進我關於房間保險箱的要求),但早餐工作人員的態度還有很多不足之處,我無法理解四星級酒店的房間裡沒有水壺。充其量是一家普通酒店,在我看來更像是三星級而不是四星級。事實上,我在義大利住過幾家比這個地方更好的三星級飯店。明顯好轉了!
帕多瓦市中心, 帕多瓦
每晚起價: TWD 4547
每晚起價: TWD 2967
All the staff, reception, breakfast and housework are very kind. The room was clean and air conditioned. I can just recommend it! the only thing missing in the room is a small refrigerator, with the heat the cold drinks become very hot
每晚起價: TWD 2188


Girassois Square附近有哪幾間超熱門飯店?

帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店阿爾卡松飯店 是幾間最熱門的飯店。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間飯店很受背包客歡迎?

無論是商務差旅還是度假散心, 阿爾法賈諾藝術飯店 是您的最佳選擇。

Girassois Square附近飯店的本週末均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,於週末入住帕多瓦Girassois Square附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$3,306。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間飯店提供早餐?

一日之計在於晨,以一頓豐盛美味的早餐展開精彩的一天!如果您想在帕多瓦Girassois Square附近找一間提供早餐的飯店,可考慮入住 帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店阿爾卡松飯店 。記得提前預訂這幾間熱門飯店!

Girassois Square附近飯店的每晚均價約是多少?

根據 Trip.com 的數據分析,帕多瓦Girassois Square附近的飯店每晚平均價格為 NT$3,274。價格浮動頻繁,僅供參考。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間飯店提供免費 Wi-Fi?

無論是商務差旅還是旅行散心,Wi-Fi 都必不可少。 帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店阿爾卡松飯店 是幾間提供免費 Wi-Fi 的熱門飯店。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間飯店附帶健身房?

基於許多客人對健康的重視,大部份飯店設有健身房也不足為奇。 帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店,M14飯店DC國際飯店 是幾間設有健身房的熱門飯店。

Girassois Square附近有幾間無障礙飯店?

帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店M14飯店 是幾間提供無障礙設施的熱門飯店。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間飯店有禁煙客房?

很多客人都非常重視入住房間的品質,並希望確保房間空氣清新。 帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店阿爾卡松飯店 是幾間提供禁菸房的熱門飯店。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設停車場?

如果您計劃自行駕車前往帕多瓦Girassois Square,何不入住 帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店阿爾卡松飯店 ?這幾間熱門飯店都設有停車場。

Girassois Square附近推薦哪幾間飯店?

如果您舉棋不定、難以選擇飯店,不如考慮入住 卡薩卡米拉早餐旅館,帕多瓦套房C20帕拉佐曼圖厄奔納維德斯套房和公寓 ,這幾間飯店評論極佳,記得提前預訂!

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間飯店適合商務旅客?

商旅時選擇飯店,交通便利必定是很多客人的首選條件。 義大利大飯店 是一間熱門經濟型飯店。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設泳池?

夏天正是全家大小一齊出遊前往 伽利略帕多瓦貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店 是一間設有游泳池的熱門飯店。

Girassois Square附近有哪幾間熱門飯店附設餐廳?

如果您想在旅行中品嘗一下道地美食,您可以考慮入住 帕多瓦B&B飯店,帕多瓦網塔貝斯特韋斯特優質飯店阿爾卡松飯店 。這幾間飯店附近有不少提供當地美食的餐廳。