正在查找Yakitoridojo Fukushima附近的飯店嗎?先看看實際住過的旅客怎麼說。


探索我們在Yakitoridojo Fukushima附近的熱門飯店


4.7/5293 評價


梅田 大阪|距離Yakitoridojo Fukushima0.45km
Context & Disclaimer: I'm a very objective travel reviewer as someone who has a fair share of business and leisure stays. I leave reviews to help hotels improve their standards and also to help my fellow travellers make the best travel decisions for themselves. I've stayed at luxury to mid-range properties around the world including recent stays at the Prince Gallery Tokyo, Ritz-Carlton Tokyo, Ritz-Carlton Toronto, JW Marriott Hong Kong. This review also follows a recent stay at the Prince Gallery Tokyo where the standards were exceptionally high. I haven't reviewed them yet but will do so shortly. Japan is known for its warm hospitality and careful attention to detail. At high-end hotels, they go over the top particularly to make your experience a unique one, so when you're paying $700+/night for the Ritz you expect high standards. Especially when every luxury hotelier in Tokyo has said the RC Osaka was just recently awarded its 5* My guest journey starts off rocky and torpedoes downhill. Check-In 1 - it's been raining in Osaka all day and we walked into the hotel from the outside. No one to greet us or take our luggage. Not a single person to be found. 2 - I'm soaking wet and struggling to find the check-in lobby. I must've seen 3 staff members look at me and not offer help or ask if I need any assistance. 3 - I finally find the check-in lobby where it's a giant zoo and RC staff directing traffic like its 5pm at Shibuya crossing. An absolute loud mess. I'm still soaking wet with my glasses and both pieces of luggage, and a staff member asks me if I'm checking in or checking out. What??? 0 attention to detail right there. Anyway, she directs me to wait in line. 4 - At the RC Tokyo & Prince Gallery Tokyo and any luxury hotel that operates like one (e.g., Four Seasons), takes your luggage and ask for your name. By the time you make it to check-in, they greet you by name and help you get settled in. If you book a room on the club floor, they ask if you'd like to check-in there privately. Yes I booked a Club Room, and so I waited about 10 minutes dripping wet before asking someone if I could please check-in via the Club Lounge. 5 - We're making our way to the Club Lounge, with the attendant dragging our luggage along the way which makes lots of noise. 6 - Finally check-in with no problems. The Room 7 - I understand that this is a Victorian-style property and some of the room and structure might be dated. But I can't believe that the bathtub is something from a Residence Inn or Courtyard Marriott. The shower is equally not up to par with the RC brand. 8 - Toiletries. I'm not sure if this is RC making a push for sustainability, but soap, shampoo, and conditioner are given to guests in large bottle format, again like at a Residence Inn or Courtyard Marriott, instead of small individual bottles. Not a big deal, but just not up to par with other luxury hotels or RC standards across Japan. What if someone spit in there? Back to the lounge



大阪新梅田 Moxy 飯店
4.5/593 評價

大阪新梅田 Moxy 飯店

大阪站/梅田/澱屋橋/本町 大阪|距離Yakitoridojo Fukushima0.36km
This is a relatively new hotel in Shin-umeda area, the closest station is JR Fukushima station, while Umeda/Osaka station itself requires 20+ minutes walking. For the room is what you would expected from Moxy with everything you need and nothing you may don't want. The room is quite small but still big for Japanese standard. The good part is they have plenty of public communal area, as usual for Moxy hotels. But my major concern is the quality of service, which I could classified as one of the worst service I ever got from my over a decade travel back and forth to Japan, even when compared with other Moxy in Japan and even cheap Japanese business hotels. Normally what you can expect from Japanese hotel is their precision and informative. While most cheaper hotels may not go above and beyond in service, but they always get everything fundamentals right. They always be clear with you on what you can get and what you can't, at what time and which circumstances. However at Moxy Shin-umeda, non of those applies. During my check-in the font desk staff (where I found out later that he is in the 'supervisor' level) failed to inform me many crucial information like coffee machine service, housekeeping schedule, elite discount benefits or hotel laundry/gym facilities. I have to, by myself, discover each of those by myself during my 5-night stay one-by-one. Therefore missed many opportunities that I could make most of those facilities they may have, and in some case disturbing my work schedule. There're two more services issues in my concern. First is about F&B service where they decided to serve dessert with ice cream before udon, forcing me to eat ice cream before my main is it will melt. Secondly they didn't change my linens on my fourth day of the stay, arguing that I didn't put the change-linen sheet on the bed. While this could be my fault, I still find it very gross that their policy is to not change a linen, even after four nights, unless guest specifically asked to. (In my experiences most hotel will change linen every three nights regardless.) At first I decided not to write this review, however I just had another stay and stumbled upon another issue. So I decided that I should write this.
大阪 S 訓練中心飯店
4.2/5110 評價

大阪 S 訓練中心飯店

梅田 大阪|距離Yakitoridojo Fukushima0.49km



4.6/5361 評價


梅田 大阪|距離Yakitoridojo Fukushima0.51km
地理位置:(機場大巴) 首先他的位置在梅田的ハービス大阪的後面。機場大巴坐5號線的話,會有um1,um2線。所以很多國人説它遠,是因為在新大阪酒店就下車或者坐的是um1。它的好處是你去機場的時候ハービス大阪是首發站很空,新大阪酒店的話排隊都不一定能上車全是人。 地理位置:(地鐵線路) 這酒店不是很適合會買大包大包東西的人。因為地下走到阪急lucua之類的需要十幾分鍾,走一次可以,但是買了很多的話不方便放東西。 地理位置:(吃飯) 梅田主要商圈就是你走十幾分鍾可以到。百貨店你隨便吃。但是這個酒店距離北新地很近。出門右手過馬路第一個弄堂口左轉一直走。大阪各種熱門的酒店夜店ktv食肆。比較好一點的地方。比心齋橋那種遊客區當然要好好好很多。但是語言不好的話,有些店可能work in不行。需要預約。 酒店本身: 🏮衞生完全過關的。屬於比較年輕時尚的酒店。 🏮X某書有很多他們每個時間都有免費的咖啡茶泡飯之類的吃 🏮附近便利店有,酒店還有大浴場,另外你各種保養品不帶都可以晚上有電梯口隨便拿! 🏮床品我個人覺得很舒服。枕頭,床墊,被子都可以睡着好覺 🏮酒店總體噪音沒有什麼,這邊區域高端一些所以比較安靜,沿街偶爾有噪音(警車摩託車),走廊偶爾有客户聲音但是大家都很有素質。 🏮早餐沒吃,但是覺得不好吃。隨便便利店買點都可以。反正起來都中午了。 🏮酒店11點checkout但是可以延遲退房1小時1000日幣(我日語問的,如果以後漲價不關我事),看房態有的會告訴你衹能延遲3小時或者怎麼樣。 🏮酒店服務人員很好,免費借我傘,行李看管都非常好,還會去住的。另外酒店左手50米下樓梯通地下到梅田四通八達不淋雨,樓梯馬路對面升降梯行李也可以。暴走星人友好 我就想到這麼多了。五星好評沒説了!



正在尋找Yakitoridojo Fukushima附近的飯店嗎?比較房價及評論,找到自己的理想住宿。
4.4/5244 評價
房間大小在大阪已經算比較大的了,就在梅田藍天大廈旁邊,酒店有個後門出來就是一個小公園,穿過去就是一個地下美食街。距離梅田站步行大概10分鐘不到,酒店對面就是便利店。 環境很安靜,服務也不錯,值得下次繼續入住。
DEL風格大阪新梅田由Daiwa Roynet飯店
4.6/5304 評價
4.5/5272 評價
老牌酒店,房間比其他地方都大一點。可以看到街景。打掃得也非常乾淨。樓下就是全家。周邊配套有jr、有阪急和阪神電車都在200米距離。 設施確實不新了,但維護得不錯。打掃人員非常認真還留了紙條。牙刷用品在一樓。枕頭又高又硬,還好又要到了一個軟枕頭。 衞生間還有温泉水提供,可以泡湯。 非常棒,唯一不好就是去心齋橋要轉乘一站。因為它不在那條網上。去機場就坐門口的jr大阪環線,不到一個小時就到了。 另外攜程把酒店英文地址搞錯了,按照攜程app頁面的地址就導航到另外一個附近酒店去了,因為名字衹差兩個字。希望攜程儘快更正一下不要誤導大家啊!酒店地址我拍了照片,兩個酒店地址弄混了
4.3/524 評價
交通便利,距離阪神本線的福島站步行2分鐘,距離JR大阪環狀線的福島站步行6分鐘。這家酒店與以美容和健康爲概念的Faiten公司合作,大型公共浴池是最好的!!!大型公共浴池乾淨,水軟,提供治癒時間。此外,洗手間還配備了乳液、乳液、洗面奶、吹風機和熨斗,即使在早上擁擠時也可以順利使用。房間裏有一張單層牀,所以我可以正常地在牀上行走,即使它是膠囊旅館,也沒有擁擠,所以我可以放鬆身心。我認爲如果有一個儲物櫃可以放大行李會更好。 這家酒店位於阪神本線福島站步行2分鐘處,距離JR大阪環狀線的福島站也只需步行6分鐘,交通便利。這家酒店與以美和健康爲理念的肥田公司合作,大浴池非常棒!大浴池整潔,水質柔軟,爲您提供寧靜舒適的時光。此外,洗手間備有化妝水、乳液、洗面奶、吹風機和直髮器,即使在早晨高峯時段,也能順利使用。房間的牀位只有一層,所以在牀上也能夠正常行走,儘管是膠囊旅館,但卻沒有擁擠感,讓人能夠自在地放鬆。如果能有一個可以放置大型行李的儲物櫃會更好。
4.6/5385 評價
房間很小可是設計的精巧,行李箱可以放到床下特別預留的地方,床的兩側也有可以放東西的地方。房間也有空調可以隨時開啟製冷和制熱。特別要説一下酒店的浴室,浴室是全封閉的而且水温很好水流也特別大,雖然不是在温泉酒店但是洗澡的時候感覺特別好,尤其是在USJ玩了一天以後,特別放鬆! 酒店本身的衞生也特別好,而且洗衣服是免費的。每天還會提供兩瓶免費的礦泉水。 酒店的地理位置也特別好,在Osaka Loop線離大阪站衹有一站的福島站。酒店步行到福島站衹要大約2分鐘。而且酒店樓下就是一條小的商業街,有各種飯店,居酒屋和兩個超市,一個便利店。離USJ也衹需大約15分鐘。 總之就是很愉快的一次旅行,特別推薦。
4.3/547 評價
可在trip.com免費退訂 雖然地理位置非一流,但設施齊全,環境清潔,床位是我去過的青旅中最大的。退宿當天還有免費寄存行李到下午的服務。Lobby 有日式塌塌米、咖啡機還有懷舊小玩具。


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