

4.7/5119 評價
櫃檯人員很親切♡ 一樓有免費飲料可以喝, 另贈送兩張卷可以上樓選擇飲料或酒類! 飯店正對面就是全家, 有缺的直接走去對面購買不用一分鐘! 二樓還有♨️男女分開,推推。 吸菸區🚬在室內有兩間,一樓和頂樓。 頂樓還有露天游泳池,免費使用,推推! 雖然地點比較郊區但晚上還有活動,超推! 房間很大,開兩個行李箱是沒問題的,房內還附上室內室外拖可以供你使用,木質調房型還有沙發去可以讓你晚上兩個人一起吃個宵夜。 備品需自取,但備品真的超級齊全,應有盡有,還有乳液保濕用品。 感謝你們這次的服務,我們很喜歡很滿意,留下了一個美好的回憶♡
4.4/5148 評價
We stayed here for 4 nights and it was superb!!! The hotel staff are courteous and has great service: they have valet parking and helps you with your luggage going into your room and out! Rooms are clean and spacious! The breakfast buffet comes with a wide selection of western and japanese food, hot and cold foods along with fresh fruits, it's so delicious! One point I want to make about the superb staff at the hotel bar: there was one night we were out too late and went to the hotel bar at 9pm to eat dinner. I wasn't feeling well due to the lateness and needed a hot chicken noodle soup. It's a bar, so there wasn't any soup served but we had an instant packet in our hotel room. Initially, I just asked for hot water and figured I'll make it myself while we wait for our dinner, but the bar staff offered to do it for me. They made the soup and served it with thyme and bread in their nice cutlery! All I asked for was hot water and they just went above and beyond!



最高價格COP 2,025,247
最低價格COP 126,685
平均價格 (平日)COP 448,879
平均價格 (週末)COP 500,341